Life expectancy of coronavirus in the external environment

Russian scientists have determined that the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and through household items. If a sick person visited the room a few hours ago, then the risk of infection persists for several more days. Least of all, the infection retains its viability outside a person in the air on the street. To maintain health, it is important to know how long the coronavirus lives in the external environment.

Infection resistance rate without carrier

Important. The exact lifespan of a new type of coronovirus has not been established. The strain has not been fully studied. It is not known how he reacts to various medications, so self-medication can be fatal.

Life expectancy of coronavirus in the external environment

Scientists find clear similarities between COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) with SARS and MERS viruses. Based on laboratory studies, a scientific assumption was made that the infection is transmitted through direct contact with other people, through a handshake and household items.

Virologists, based on data obtained from the study of the most dangerous types of pathogens in animals and humans, including SARS and MERS, believed that the maximum lifespan of coronavirus is 9 days.

According to the latest published data, COVID-19 has shown a surprisingly high survival rate. It can exist on surfaces for up to 17 days. Information entered the network after publication on the CDC website. American scientists found that the pathogen remained viable for the entire specified period on plastic coatings and metal products inside the Diamond Princess ship.

Its stability directly depends on the materials from which the surfaces of objects are made. For example, on metals and glass, the infection persists longer than on paper. The average survivability of different types of coronoviruses without a nutrient medium outside the human body is 4-5 days. At room temperature, the parasitic microorganism remains viable for:

  1. plastic - 5 days;
  2. aluminum - from 2 to 8 hours;
  3. rubber gloves-8 hours;
  4. steel - 48 hours;
  5. copper - up to 4 hours;
  6. tree - 4 days;
  7. glass - 4 days;
  8. paper products - 4 days.

Outside the body of the carrier in the air, the virus continues to exist for only 3 hours. The mask does not save from infection, since the infection can get on the hair, hands, skin of the face.

Life expectancy of coronavirus in the external environment

Important. The life expectancy of the pathogen is affected by temperature and humidity.

Why does life last longer on objects?

Condensation settles on the surface of window glass, furniture, metal products. High humidity increases the lifespan of coronavirus microorganisms without a carrier. For this reason, pathogens live on objects longer than in the air. Infection is possible after contact with infected household items:

  1. telephone;
  2. crockery;
  3. handrails;
  4. door handles.

Important. In a frozen state, the virus can exist for several years.

The air currents on the street are raised by the wind, constantly mixed. The amount of infection compared to the total mass of clean air is negligible. Another situation develops inside public buildings, due to the large number of people, the risk of infection increases dramatically. Viruses settle on surfaces where they continue to live on their own outside the human body.

Life expectancy of coronavirus in the external environment

Why does it live in the body for the longest time?

The stability in the external environment of microorganisms is lower, since they require a nutrient medium for reproduction. Coronoviruses enter the human body, parasitize, using it as a natural reservoir for population growth. Waste products are released into the human blood, which cause inflammatory processes.

The disease gets complications when the immune system, weakened by the virus, ceases to cope with pathogenic bacteria. They are in every body, especially in people with chronic diseases.

You can not drink in advance before the onset of antibiotics. Self-treatment leads to the elimination of a population of microorganisms resistant to medicines. The only correct way is to strengthen the immune system.  

Important. The virus itself is not dangerous for a person, intoxication caused by secretions of a microorganism is fatal.

Life expectancy of coronavirus in the external environment

How to protect yourself from the coronavirus from the environment

The survival rate of coronaviruses is greatly reduced in direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on parasitic microorganisms.

Substances that are always on sale will help rid your home and office of parasites:

  1. bleach;
  2. soap solutions;
  3. ethanol.

These products should be applied to the surface and left for 5-15 minutes. Only then can it be expected that most of the microorganisms are destroyed.

To kill the virus in the environment, they spray alcohol and other antiseptics.

Microorganisms are collected on the covers of smartphones, bank cards. The owners constantly touch these items with unwashed hands. Mobile phones and plastic are disinfected with alcohol wipes.

Virologists recommend cleaning the smartphone case after each outing. Paper and metal money are very dangerous. During the spread of the infection, it is safer to pay in stores with a contactless card. It is impossible to transfer plastic into the hands of the cashier, other third parties.

According to the new rules, which were created taking into account the persistence of the COVID-19 virus in the external environment, paper banknotes and coins accepted from the population are sent to banking institutions. Money must be in the vaults for at least three days, only after that they can be sent back into circulation.

To avoid infection, shop assistants and cashiers are advised to wear disposable gloves and masks. 

Infection - 2019 ncov spreads and lives for a long time on the rails of the subway, inside the interiors of buses and minibuses. If there are several stops to the workplace, it is better to walk this distance. When traveling on public transport cannot be avoided, you need to wear disposable gloves on your hands or constantly wipe your hands with alcohol wipes.

The health of the inhabitants of the country depends on their discipline. To prevent infection will help compliance with the rules of hygiene, which are instilled in every person from childhood.

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