The Ministry of Health in the Russian Federation controls the spread of the virus and introduces new restrictions for
In March 2020, a new type of Chinese virus began to actively spread throughout Russia.
Coronavirus reached Russia, the number of cases is growing significantly The number of people infected with coronavirus in Russia
In view of the noise surrounding the possible start of the corona virus epidemic in Lipetsk and the Lipetsk region,
At the beginning of 2020, information about the beginning of
At the beginning of March 2020, a wave of panic arose in Russia in connection with the new
While the opinion of experts about coronavirus, the origin of the new strain of 2019-nCoV remains ambiguous. Presumably the infection is
Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a new type of coronavirus infection that has not previously been observed in humans. Flash
Breaking news from the coronavirus front - WHO announced that the situation is out of control, moving
Today, the number one topic in all the world's media is the spread of coronavirus. People
Coronavirus is a new infectious agent, the first case of which was reported in a Wuhan resident
Coronavirus in China was first diagnosed in residents of the city of Wuhan at the end of 2019.
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