Operational information – coronavirus in Mogilev

A family of viruses, in which at least 4 subspecies dotted the whole world with panic and fear. Coming from the Middle East, a dangerous enemy strikes at innocent people and children. It is noteworthy that for the first time they talked about him back in 1965.

Why is the regional hospital closed for quarantine?

The closure of institutions - medical, educational - occurs in order to minimize the surge in diseases and the transmission of viruses in a more severe form. It is known that the Mogilev regional hospital is closed for quarantine until further notice, in order to reduce the influx and spread of patients. This does not mean that it does not function. There are simply no scheduled inspections and manipulations.

Minimizing the risk of disease growth is due to the fact that when a virus is detected in a person, the respiratory system suffers. The development of the disease is rapid. In parallel with the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system are affected. For those who suffer from chronic diseases, "meeting" with such a virus is completely dangerous.

And due to the fact that the manifestation of the virus is similar to the symptoms of SARS, it is difficult to determine it. Checking for the disease occurs only with the help of special testing. Express systems are being developed around the world, with the help of which, within 10-15 minutes, it will be possible to deliver a result - covid-19 is positive.  

Today, the assessment of the presence of the virus in the body is carried out in the laboratory.

There is no vaccine yet for the coronavirus, although leading pharmaceutical companies are working hard to have such vaccines available by the end of 2020.

Also, there is no medicine that would accurately cure the sick. Conduct experimental treatment with drugs for AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, depending on the infection. It is known that coronavirus has a combination of 37 strains, of which 4 are more common. It is four subspecies that are dangerous, two of which cause intestinal upset and a viral infection, and two more provoke very serious complications.

Which hospitals in Mogilev are quarantined

From February 28 until further notice, the regional hospital in Mogilev has been closed. This was done to prevent the spread of viral infections. When the ban was established, a list was put into effect according to which the hospital can be visited.

Closure of public institutions, a practice taken from world experience. Limiting the crowd, including patients in the hospital, will allow you not to “spread” the virus from one person to another, as is possible when waiting for your turn to see a doctor. A bridgehead is also needed, on the basis of which, the sick will be able to receive qualified assistance.

How many patients with coronavirus in Mogilev

The epidemic of the disease is large-scale and officially confirmed by WHO. Today, the pandemic has the status of an international emergency. At all borders, increased control over visitors is carried out, in most countries where the mass nature of the defeat has gripped, they check for the presence of temperature, etc.

According to operational data, 200 people were suspected of coronavirus in Mogilev, 30 received confirmation.

According to official data, patients with coronavirus are first-level patients who were admitted to a medical facility with symptoms of pneumonia or SARS. Out of 30, two people are on a ventilator. The sick suffer a mild form of the disease.

 According to statistics, there were about 53,000 suspicions in the country, of which 1,800 patients were identified. Today, 72 people are on artificial ventilation, 19 have died. 170 people have recovered.

Patients who were tested were identified by symptoms:

  1. Increased body temperature 37-38C.
  2. Dry cough.
  3. Breathlessness.

In severe cases or during the course of the disease for more than five days, observe:

  1. Fever.
  2. Unproductive rack cough.
  3. Paleness of the skin.
  4. Intoxication.
  5. Breathlessness.
  6. Tachycardia.
  7. Reduced blood pressure.
  8. Wheezing in the lungs.

The spread of the disease is associated with the transmission of the virus from the sick to the healthy. The mechanism of damage is airborne. The contact-household transmission mechanism is rarely noted, since it is not stable in the environment.

An interesting fact is that the coronavirus is easily transmitted from animals - a raccoon, a badger, etc.

Where to get tested for coronavirus in Mogilev

When the first symptoms appear, you should contact your doctor or call a hotline. Operational headquarters are deployed in all countries, where they provide and provide assistance to patients around the clock.

But the best treatment, of course, is prevention. WHO recommends:

  1. Minimize or eliminate visits to public places. Many countries have introduced quarantine, which provides for the restriction of being in parks, shopping centers, sports fields, theaters, cinemas. Canceled concerts and festivals, public performances, local elections and so on.
  2. It is important not to touch your face, especially if you need to be outside or in a public place.
  3. It is important to keep a distance, to minimize close contact. Distance is especially important if there is a sick person in the room or with severe symptoms.
  4. Timely treat hands with disinfectant solutions, soap. You also need to handle gadgets.
  5. In the house, at work, it is necessary to do airing, cleaning, as well as processing the most touching places.
  6. Avoid handshakes and tight hugs.
  7. Personal hygiene items should become disposable (masks) and individual.

You can get tested for coronavirus in Mogilev at any public or private hospital. The website of the regional executive committee of Mogilev contains information on where residents can take a coronavirus test in Mogilev. There are special points where the analysis is carried out for free.

In particular, you can get tested for coronavirus in Mogilev at the infectious diseases hospital, the Republic of Belarus, the Bobruisk Central Bank. Research is also being carried out at the National Airport "Minsk", at checkpoints across the border.

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