Coronavirus is a serious disease that affects the respiratory system. It is rapidly spreading throughout
Coronavirus is a serious disease that is transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. Due to the rapid spread
Coronavirus is a disease that is rapidly spreading around the world. That is why March 11
The World Health Organization declared a worldwide pandemic on March 11 due to the spread of the new Chinese
The penetration of the Chinese infection into the territory of the Russian Federation caused a commotion among the citizens of the state. When the hype is a little
The Chinese COVID-19 virus has become a worldwide pandemic, which has been declared by the WHO. Due to the wide
At the end of 2019, the whole world was flooded with terrible news about a new type of virus that
The novel coronavirus epidemic that emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of 2019 continues its
At the end of 2019, the whole world was flooded with terrible news about the outbreak of a new type of coronavirus.
The coronavirus infection has spread all over the world at lightning speed. It is impossible to diagnose the disease only by the clinical picture,
Coronavirus is a serious disease that is rapidly spreading around the world. The disease presents with symptoms
An outbreak of the coronavirus COVID 19 was first recorded in China (the city of Wuhan in Hubei province).
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