The situation in Sri Lanka with the new coronavirus

The coronavirus is actively spreading around the world. As of March 19, the disease has been reported in residents of 72 countries. Coronavirus is manifested by symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and is transmitted by contact, as well as airborne droplets.

Is there a coronavirus in Sri Lanka?

On January 25, local media reported that a 43-year-old woman was taken to the hospital with a fever and suspected coronavirus. After conducting appropriate tests, the diagnosis was confirmed. The local Ministry of Health reports that the woman was previously in the Hubei province of the People's Republic of China, which became the focus of infection. Due to untimely access to doctors, the woman developed pneumonia.

Coronavirus in Sri Lanka was registered on March 11 from a guide who worked with a group of tourists from Italy. The infected patient was placed in quarantine.

On March 16, Dr. Anil Jashin, Chief Director of the Ministry of Health, announced three new patients in Sri Lanka. Cases of infection were noted in a 13-year-old girl, as well as in a 37-year-old and 50-year-old man. Patients with coronavirus in Sri Lanka were placed in the inpatient department of hospitals for treatment.

Is coronavirus dangerous in Sri Lanka?

Coronavirus is dangerous not only in Sri Lanka, but throughout the world. Therefore, the authorities of the country are taking measures to prevent its spread. All people who arrive from South Korea, Italy, Iran are placed in quarantine. The country has suspended air links with Saudi Arabia and the People's Republic of China.

The situation today forced the government of the country to urge its citizens to temporarily stop traveling abroad. The authorities report that quarantine measures must be followed not only by people who come from other countries, but by all citizens of Sri Lanka.

All citizens of the country who return to Sri Lanka must be in quarantine for two weeks. The issuance of visas for Chinese citizens was suspended in January after the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus was confirmed in the People's Republic of China.

Protective measures in Sri Lanka

To stop the Chinese virus in Sri Lanka, the government has introduced control measures. A temporary stop has been announced for issuing visas on arrival to tourists from other countries. This regulation will remain in effect until a government order is received. In accordance with the government's order, tourists must pre-register an electronic entry permit to enter the country.

From March 13 to April 30, the country canceled school classes. Since March 22, a curfew has been introduced in the country, which is valid from Monday to Friday. It starts at 6:00 am Monday and ends at 6:00 pm Friday. The country's government has decided to postpone the parliamentary elections, which were to be held in April.

Should I go to Sri Lanka now?

Sri Lanka is a very beautiful country with picturesque beaches. But, due to the current situation, it is not recommended to go here. This is due to the fact that interesting places are scattered around the city. Therefore, to visit the beautiful beach, you need to use public transport. Which is extremely dangerous, since the coronavirus is transmitted by contact and airborne droplets. In addition, there are mountains of garbage and soot on the streets of the city, which contribute to the spread of infection.

Resting in one hotel is also not recommended, as it will take several days to contact possibly infected people. When checking into a hotel room, a person does not know how well it is disinfected. One can only guess if infected people lived in this room?

From the above, we can conclude that a trip to Sri Lanka is currently very dangerous. In addition, the country's authorities made it difficult to obtain a visa. But, a preliminary electronic permit will give confidence that the tourist will be allowed into the country. In many countries, the travel of tourists abroad is prohibited. In the current situation with the coronavirus, it is recommended to stay at home during the quarantine period.

How to cancel a tour?

Rostourism called on tour operators to temporarily stop selling tours to the island. Rospotrebnadzor lawyers confirm that a threat to the life of tourists has appeared in the country and travel conditions have worsened. Therefore, clients of travel companies may demand to terminate or change the terms of the contract.

Most travel agencies offer their clients to contact them and resolve a specific situation. Representatives of travel companies claim that in connection with the spread of coronavirus, the number of requests from customers has increased. They ask customers to contact the agency where the tour was purchased so that its employees resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

The tourism industry has a high work intensity, so requests are processed 24 hours a day. At the moment, priority is given to vouchers in which departures are scheduled for the nearest dates. They ask their customers to be understanding if the application processing time is extended.

In order to cancel the tour, the client is advised to contact the agency where the ticket was bought and write an application. He must give the document to the representative of the travel company and make sure that he stamps, signs and dates. Most travel companies do not want to work to the detriment, so they offer their customers to reschedule the tour to a later date or offer an alternative travel option. If the client wishes to cancel the trip, he will be guaranteed to be reimbursed the entire amount of the tour. Otherwise, you need to write a statement to the court.

Coronavirus in Sri Lanka has been spreading for two months. Due to the current situation, it is not recommended to visit the country until the end of quarantine. You can cancel or rebook the tour at the travel agency.

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