Quarantine in Odessa is not new, but rather, rather, a periodic resumption of the previous alarming situation.
Every day more and more news about the quarantine situation in Russia due to
The global epidemic of the coronavirus has forced the world to look at everything differently. Started at the end of 2019
In many countries, quarantine continues. But in Mordovia, some people have already taken to
Currently, news about the quarantine situation in Russia due to COVID-19 is heard everywhere, however
The Mayor called on all employers to strictly comply with the Decree of the President in order to prevent an increase in patients with coronavirus
A new type of virus has affected many municipalities in the country, and Balakovo is no exception. At the meeting
the danger posed by the covid-19 virus cannot be assessed. This insidious and vile virus has mutated
Due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus, the governments of many countries have decided to introduce quarantine
Quarantine is a necessary measure to prevent a new type of coronovirus infection. Presidential Decree in the Territory
Coronavirus is a viral disease that is rapidly developing around the world. In Pomorie
Coronavirus is a serious viral disease that is taking people's lives. As of April 12
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