Instructions for washing hands, or how to protect yourself from coronavirus?

Coronavirus is a type of virus in the Coronaviridae family that can originate in mammals (including humans) or birds. The name "coronavirus" comes from the specific structure of the virus, the shells of which are "crowned" with characteristic "thorns". In humans, it manifests itself in the form of respiratory infections. To date, no drug has been developed to prevent the disease. No drugs have been found (although intensive research is underway) that could successfully treat the infection, stopping the epidemic.

The number of people infected with the coronavirus and the death rate from it is constantly increasing. Coronavirus is known to be spread by airborne droplets, through contaminated hands and through contact with a contaminated surface. Therefore, you should strictly follow the instructions on how to properly wash your hands.

Myths about the fight against coronavirus

There are many myths about coronavirus protection .
One of them is disinfection using ultraviolet lamps and ultraviolet rays. As the WHO explains, they are not a good way to fight the coronavirus and should not be used for skin disinfection at all. Some are also wondering if rinsing your nose with salt water or mouthwash can protect against the coronavirus. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that any of these methods protect against infection. Spraying the skin with alcohol-based substances or substances that release chlorine will also not help. This effect can be extremely harmful to the skin, respiratory tract, and mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. However, alcohol-based or chlorine-based disinfectants certainly help keep surfaces that you come into contact with, such as a telephone receiver or doorknob, clean.

How to protect yourself from coronavirus?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has made recommendations to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection. Of course, the wisest thing to do is to avoid contact with people who have flu or cold symptoms that resemble coronavirus infection. Therefore, employers should give workers the opportunity to stay at home and not pressure them to return to work. However, if there are alarming symptoms such as coughing and sneezing, you should cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or wear a protective mask. The WHO also recommends hygiene in the preparation of food and the thorough cooking of meat and eggs. With regard to the presence of the virus on metal, glass or plastic surfaces, it can persist on them for up to nine days. In public areas, it is important to use appropriate disinfection procedures. Coronavirus is affected by products containing 62-71%. ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide, or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite. Within a minute, they can deal with a deadly virus.

Hand washing instructions

The General Sanitary Inspectorate has published instructions on hand washing and coronavirus prevention , as there is currently no better way to limit the spread of coronavirus on your own.
The envelope of the virus is very sensitive to soap and all lipid solvents. Therefore, even washing dishes with a liquid intended for this purpose can remove the virus from the surface of dishes and hands. Washing hands is a seemingly simple task, but many people do it superficially, sometimes without soap.
In the meantime, it's extremely important to use soap and wash the spaces between your fingers thoroughly.

  1. First, wet your hands with warm water and apply liquid soap to your hands.
    Then wet both their inner surfaces, then interlace your fingers and lather them. The next step is to lather the thumb of the left hand with the other hand and alternately.
    Then, from the inside of one hand, lather the top of the other until we move to the wrists.
  2. At the end of this procedure, rinse your hands thoroughly with running water and dry them thoroughly. The action must last at least 30 seconds. GIS reports that it can significantly reduce the spread of not only a dangerous virus, but also many bacteria.
  3. After thoroughly washing your hands, do not dry them with a hand dryer. The reason is that people often dry their hands, although they do not wash them completely, but only wet them with water, without using soap. Studies have shown that there are 27 times more germs around dryers than paper towel dispensers.

On the main page of our website there is an online coronavirus map , which you can consult at any time.

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