Coronavirus - myths and reality

All the news on the Internet and television are full of information about the "new" virus that keeps all of China at bay and is approaching Russia. In an attempt to protect themselves and their loved ones, residents run to pharmacies and begin to randomly buy everything. But no one has explained what the coronavirus is and how to deal with it. What dangers is he fraught with and will our medicine be able to defeat him?

Coronavirus lived nearby and watched

For the first time, this virus was isolated by scientists in 1965 in a patient with an acute respiratory disease, so it is not worth calling the virus new, it is well forgotten. This virus was isolated from both humans and animals, but no one could say that it was very dangerous. It is now known that bats are the natural reservoir of this coronavirus. Bats living on our territory, like birds, are prone to seasonal migrations, wintering in endemic areas. Based on this, the virus can be brought to us not only by infected people, but also by bats. Everyone knows about the eating habits of the inhabitants of eastern countries, they eat them. The virus enters the human body with food and begins to adapt to new living conditions. Time does not stand still, we are changing, transforming and the virus has learned to survive next to us. Over time, viral RNA adapted, mutated, and picked up new abilities from a new host to surprise and surprise us. Therefore, the rate of spread of the virus has increased compared to past outbreaks. We know that the virus is a living organism and it develops, we should not underestimate it.

Symptoms of infection

When the virus affects the upper respiratory tract. The incubation period lasts 2-3 days. The disease begins acutely and is accompanied by intoxication. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by weakness, patients note a sore throat and cough. During the examination, there is hyperemia and swelling of the nasal mucosa and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall. The temperature represents a varied range, it depends on the person's immune system and degree. The duration of the disease is 5-7 days.

What to do at the first symptoms of coronavirus

Most people, when the first signs of illness appear, go to work, school or business because they need to and thereby carry the virus. We will break that you need to come to work anyway. Somewhere inside, we hope that we will be praised for dedication and dedication to work, the boss will immediately write out a bonus at work, and the lecturer will set an example for other students. Adults, but we believe in fairy tales. Therefore, if you get sick, consult a doctor and do not be a hero. learn more about the symptoms of coronavirus on our website.

Mandatory Reminders

  • This virus is spread by airborne, fecal-oral and contact routes, so if you feel unwell and have all the signs of SARS on your face, stay at home or take sick leave. Self-medication will not help you, it can only harm yourself. Contact the clinic.
  • Try not to travel to countries where the virus is “raging”, and if a vacation is inevitable, choose a country or place where the danger of viral diseases was not mentioned.
  • If you need to go outside, use a disposable mask, but you need to remember that it is not effective all day, but for 2 hours. After using the mask, do not put it in your pocket, it must be thrown away.
  • Follow all the recommendations of doctors, because your health and the people who surround you depend on this.
  • Don't believe everything they say.
  • It must be remembered that due to the structural features of the viral cell, any virus cannot live outside the body in which it feels good and comfortable, so you should not refuse to buy food and goods from abroad.
  • There is currently no vaccine against coronavirus infections. Therefore, if someone offers you a "magic" vaccination, do not believe and do not waste money and time.
  • The virus doesn't care what race, age or gender you are. Therefore, it infects not only residents of Asian countries.
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