Description of death from novel coronavirus

The coronavirus is rapidly developing not only in China, but also in other countries - South Korea, Italy, Iran, France, the USA, etc. People are dying from coronavirus due to the rapid development of the respiratory syndrome.

Do people always die from coronavirus?

The 2019-nCoV strain infects the lower respiratory tract. Mortality does not always occur. It is possible to exclude a lethal outcome only if you contact a medical institution after the first signs of the disease appear.

What causes death with coronavirus

Description of death from novel coronavirus

An outbreak of pneumonia was recorded in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. The causative agent of the disease is still unknown. Doctors spoke about the causes of death that occur after infection with coronavirus. Initially, the virus enters the upper respiratory tract and quickly descends into the lower ones, which causes severe pneumonia. The complication leads to a decrease in the respiratory surface of the lungs and the development of respiratory failure. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation will ensure saturation of red blood cells bypassing the lungs. Doctors say that it is impossible to prevent the development of the virus by using garlic, antiviral drugs, and using oxolin ointment.

How many days pass from infection to death depends on the timeliness and quality of medical care. Coronavirus has serious complications that cause death of a person. One of them is acute respiratory syndrome. Mortality is observed in 6-10 percent of cases. 5-14 percent of deaths are observed with intoxication of the body, which appears with the disease.

How does this happen?

Most of the videos on the Internet show how the Chinese in Wuhan are dying on the streets. But this is not true. Death does not come spontaneously. You need to understand that the citizens of China are very fond of pretending. Some villagers are ready to fall down and pretend to be dead so as not to wait in line for the doctor. It is not excluded the possibility of participation of actors during the filming of commercials.

Description of death from novel coronavirus

Most of the deaths were in medical facilities. People don't die on the streets. The leader in deaths due to coronavirus is China. The second place is occupied by South Korea, and the third - by Italy. Virologists have confirmed that the disease is transmitted by contact or airborne droplets. The situation is complicated by the fact that the virus can mutate, so it is impossible to clearly determine how and when a person can die after infection.

How long does it take for death to occur?

Patients do not die immediately after being infected with the virus. From pneumonia, death from it occurs within 2-7 days. From intoxication, the infected die within 3 hours - 2 weeks.

With infectious-toxic shock in sick people, death occurs within a few hours. It is observed in patients of the middle age group who have low immunity. Patients with chronic diseases are at risk.

The People's Republic of China has recorded two deaths of healthcare workers. Dr. Liang Wudong has been retired for several years. In connection with the development of the coronavirus, the hospital management asked a specialist to help in the fight against the epidemic. The doctor undertook to treat the coronavirus with the most complex complications, so he became infected himself. The doctor was diagnosed with pneumonia due to which he died 9 days later. The second doctor, Jiang Jijun, died at his workplace due to a heart attack caused by overwork and stress.

Description of death from novel coronavirus

In Russia, one patient died, whose age was 75 years. After death, it was found that the patient was in a country that has an unfavorable epidemiological situation. He died 40 minutes after going to a medical facility. The patient had previously been diagnosed with cancer and hepatitis. Doctors determined that these diseases, and not the coronavirus, were the cause of death. An autopsy showed no pathological changes in the lungs.

During intoxication, the performance of internal organs is disrupted. Patients are diagnosed with disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. If a person applied to a medical center in a timely manner, then he is prescribed infusion therapy and medications.

The consequences of a severe form of pneumonia are difficult to cure. With the rapid development of pulmonary edema, the level of oxygen in the blood decreases, heart failure and suffocation are observed. In patients, lung tissues are transformed and signs of "frosted glass" appear on tomography. Complications are manifested in the form of alveolar bleeding.

At risk of infection and death are children under the age of 5 years, and people over 40 years of age. Death occurs in people with chronic diseases of such organs and systems:

  • Heart;
  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • Respiratory system;
  • Kidneys.
Description of death from novel coronavirus

At risk are people who take strong medications. Smoking and alcoholism increase the risk of death. Death occurs if an infected person has diabetes mellitus. The likelihood of severe complications increases with HIV infection and cancer. When the immune system is disturbed, people develop severe consequences of the coronavirus. With prolonged lack of sleep and chronic fatigue, death occurs after infection with 2019-nCoV.

Coronavirus can affect an absolutely healthy person who has lived in stress for a long time, did not follow the sleep and activity regimen. That is why during a pandemic it is recommended to pay special attention to your health. A person should give up bad habits and take vitamins, which will reduce the likelihood of contracting the virus. Experts recommend washing your hands often with soap and water. If possible, it is not recommended to go outside, especially in crowded places.

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