Unofficial data on coronavirus: is it worth believing?

The most dangerous coronavirus in the history of mankind, in a matter of months, managed not only to paralyze the vital activity of America, China and Europe, but also managed to reach such remote corners of the planet as Kenya, Guadeloupe and the Cayman Islands. The infection forced borders to close, stopped many businesses, canceled the European Football Championship Euro 2020 and Eurovision 2020. That is, the world is forced to switch to a regime of complete self-isolation.

What informal information exists

According to unofficial data, more than 261,886 people have already been infected with coronavirus. Of these, almost 9,000 people died from the disease. In just one day, the number of cases of new diseases increases by 35,000 people. Every day, 1,327 thousand people die from it. At the same time, if unofficial data on the virus in China, which is the focus of infection, already indicate the absence of cases of new diseases, then other countries, especially Europe, daily add new figures to the sad statistics.

Data on the millions infected

This is not the first time that various mutations of pneumonia viruses have hit the planet. Previously, modifications of MERS-Cov SARS-CoV have already gone through countries. They also caused a lot of grief. However, nevertheless, they were not as dangerous and rapidly spreading as the last atypical pneumonia mutation. No one knows exactly how and where exactly the infamous Covid-19 got out, but there is already information that more than 11,167,000 people became its victims, of which only 88,000 managed to recover. In fact, all of the above data can be easily double, or even multiply by 3. Official medicine is not eager to reveal to the world the truth about the actual number of victims of the pandemic, fearing that the population will start a mass panic.

Unofficial mortality statistics

It took just a few weeks for COVID-19, having overcome the quarantine zone already closed at that time, to “settle” not only in America, but also in Europe, while not forgetting to “look” into Africa, Australia and island states. A viral infection not only affects the health of citizens, leaving behind millions of infected people, but also destroys their usual way of life, which may well lead to serious and very critical consequences of a global nature.

Unofficial data about the coronavirus will help to assess the extent of the terrible disease. So, in second place after China is Italy. Further, the sick citizens of the following countries continue the sad list:

  • Iran;
  • South Korea;
  • France;
  • Spain;
  • Germany;
  • USA;
  • Japan.

Closes the sad ten countries affected by a terrible disease, the state of the Netherlands. Unofficial coronavirus statistics, of course, are not confirmed, but, nevertheless, are more reliable than the information provided to the population by WHO.

In Russia, the number of infected exceeded tens of thousands

Unfortunately, the terrible infection did not bypass the Russian Federation either. To date, 306 cases of coronavirus infection have been registered in Russia. And this, despite the fact that at the beginning of 2020, the government began to take measures to prevent the penetration of infection into the territory of the state. The main ones were:

  • Ban on the entry of tourist groups from China;
  • Stopping charter flights "Russia - China";
  • Suspension of the issuance of electronic visas to citizens of the Republic of China;
  • Closing of the Russian-Chinese border (January 31).

It was on the day of the closure of the border between the states that two Chinese citizens who were in Russia registered the first cases of the disease caused by the Covid-19 virus in the country. Today they are healthy (they were discharged from the hospital on February 12). But, a timely response could not protect against the spread of infection, and already on March 2, the coronavirus was detected in Moscow.

The patient turned out to be a Russian citizen who returned from a tourist trip to Italy. Despite the fact that the disease was mild, the city was immediately quarantined. But, after that, cases of infection were recorded in 18 regions of the state:

  • In Moscow and the region - 6 and 17 new diseases;
  • In Tatarstan - 5;
  • In the Nizhny Novgorod region - 4;
  • In Sverdlovsk - 3;
  • In Tula, Kaliningrad, Kabardino-Balkaria and Krasnodar Territory - 2 each.

Two infected were in St. Petersburg. One case of infection was detected in Chelyabinsk, Ryazan, Kurgan, Crimea, Khanty-Mansiysk, Khabarovsk and Krasnodar regions. It is worth remembering that this information is provided by official sources and in fact the situation may look different.

There is this information is a lie - why are they spreading

Many of our compatriots do not believe unofficial sources of information, calling them provoking the population to panic. However, if you look, what is the meaning of such a deception? After all, all the same, reliable information will get into the media, and the Russians will hear the truth both about the situation in their native state and about the numbers infected and dead in the world.

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