When will there be a cure for the new coronavirus?

The Chinese virus has already infected tens of thousands of people. And every day the number of infected increases. The only way to treat the epidemic is to take drugs, but have scientists created a cure for coronavirus? Read on for answers to this question.

Have they found a cure for coronavirus?

Information has repeatedly appeared in the media that a drug has been found in China or Russia to combat the new coronavirus. However, often these drugs were understood as drugs released a few years ago.

In early March, information appeared about the invention of a vaccine in Israel. Jewish scientists propose to inoculate through an aerosol. But whether this method is safe is still unknown.

In Europe, 90 million euros have been allocated for the development of a vaccine. However, there is no news about how far scientists have advanced in their research.

In the United States, they claim to start testing on infected people in April 2020. Infected volunteers will be paid good money. But, like Russia, the United States claims to pass all stages of testing and certification only in 2021.

In China, the drug was created in February. But now the drug is being tested. Therefore, it is too early to talk about possible success.

Important! Several countries have already announced the invention of a vaccine. But until the drug is tested, it is impossible to say with certainty that it has already been created.

What the Ural scientists proposed

At the end of January 2020, Ural scientists proposed a cure for a new coronavirus from China. This antiviral drug was successfully used against the Zika virus in 2016. According to doctors from Yekaterinburg, the drug fights a group of RNA viruses, which include the new virus in China. The uniqueness of the drug lies in the fact that it contains a molecule obtained as a result of numerous tests in the laboratory.

This was also noted by V. Ursinov, Head of the Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, Ural Federal University, saying that Triazavirin, over several years of sales in pharmacies, has proven its effectiveness against viruses containing RNA and is significantly superior to similar drugs.

It is not yet clear whether Triazavirin will be useful in treating people with Chinese coronavirus. Ural scientists themselves note that the drug needs to be tested for a new infection.

Why can't they find a cure for coronavirus

The main reason why a cure for coronavirus has not yet been found is due to a mutation. The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 disease has been divided into 2 pathogens: the original type and a more aggressive type, which differs from the first by 0.007%. The mutation is minimal, but it could prevent virologists from developing a vaccine.

This has already happened with the SARS virus. At that time, scientists were afraid of a possible mutation of the infection and acceleration of penetration into the human body, so they developed a medicine for a long time.

What drugs are currently used in the treatment of a new coronavirus

There are several drugs used to treat the new virus from China:

  • Ribavirin is a virus medicine used in the treatment of skin diseases and hepatitis C. The manufacturer does not deny that the drug has side effects in the video of possible hair loss or anemia. It is recommended by WHO and the Ministry of Health. The cost of this medicine in Russia is up to 500 rubles;
  • Arbidol is the most common drug used in the treatment of pneumonia and influenza. This Soviet drug is officially banned in the United States. WHO also does not recommend its use for the treatment of coronavirus. Arbidol side effects (indicated on the pack). The price per pack does not exceed 500 rubles;
  • Interferon beta-1b is a drug against viruses recommended by the Ministry of Health and WHO. Interferon is often taken to treat sclerosis. Possible side effects in the form of increased cough. The price in Russia is up to 7000 rubles;
  • Delagil is a medicine to fight malaria, worms and intestinal infections. There is a risk of side effects in the form of loss of vision or myocardium. The cost is about 200 rubles;
  • Lopinavir + Ritonavir is a combination medicine used to treat HIV in adults and children. There is a risk of side effects in the form of convulsions or myocardial infarction. Recommended by WHO and the Ministry of Health. Prices range from 3,000 to 40,000 rubles.

All of these drugs have a dubious effect against the Chinese virus. And those medicines that both the WHO and the Ministry of Health recommend at the same time are very expensive. Therefore, arbidol (prohibited by WHO) is being tested in China. the same interferon beta-1b costs many times more.

Important! Due to the coronavirus epidemic, there is a shortage of a number of drugs in pharmacies. Therefore, it is highly likely that arbidol and delagil can be used to treat the virus in Russia.

When will a cure or vaccine for a virus from China be created?

It is impossible to answer unequivocally when an effective drug for the Chinese virus will be invented. Now the best scientists from China, the USA, Australia and other developed countries are working on its creation.

Experts predict that the release of a cure for coronavirus will appear no earlier than the summer of 2020. Scientists need time to test and refine the drug.

Important! Scientists fear that due to the variability of coronaviruses, the invented drug can accelerate the penetration of the infection into the body of the infected, and this greatly complicates the release of the drug.

In principle, there are already drugs that can fight the Chinese epidemic. However, they require pre-testing, and this will take several weeks. We are talking about the same triazavirin, which has proven effective in the fight against viruses containing RNA. There are other medicines that can fight the Chinese infection, but they also need testing.


Currently, there is no cure for coronavirus that has passed the relevant tests and certification. The leading scientists of the world are working on the development of the drug, and the Americans are already announcing the start of tests of a new drug in April 2020. In the meantime, a drug for Chinese infection has not been invented, people are left to be treated with existing drugs, including arbidol and lopinavir + ritonavir.

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