Is there a coronavirus pandemic now

No one excludes the risk of a pandemic, but the panic that is happening in European countries only contributes to escalating the situation. Chinese journalists from Sohu recently wrote that Russia is better able to cope with the virus than many states in the world. This is facilitated by the security measures taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

What is a pandemic in simple words

They speak of a pandemic if a new infectious disease appears that affects the population not only within one state, but throughout the planet. Humans are not immune to the disease. The rapid spread of the virus covers all countries of the world. Humanity knows many pandemics in history. The latter is HIV, which continues to infect disadvantaged categories of the population, but in general, with the necessary measures, the virus is coped with.

Is there a coronavirus pandemic now

The world-famous agency Moody's called the new virus a "black swan". In some media, he is compared with the "Spaniard", who carried away in 1918-1919. many lives. This does not contribute to a good mood and a charge of optimism. Is it really all that scary?      

Will there be a pandemic of the new coronavirus

The new virus is COVID-19. A group of coronoviruses was discovered in the 1980s. They infect animals and people. China in 2020 gave a new, unknown strain.

SARS is characterized by symptoms of SARS and influenza. Occurs with fever, nasal congestion, sore throat and joints, weakness, increased sweating. It can take place, both in mild and in severe form. Senior citizens are at risk. Oddly enough, the percentage of sick children is negligible compared to the adult population. The risk of complications of the disease lies in acute distress syndrome and respiratory failure, leading a person to death.

Microbiologist M. Supotnitsky says that the cause of the mass infection of the planet should be sought not in the genome of the virus, but in its carriers - the Chinese, from whom the disease began. According to the scientist, certain ethnic groups have different susceptibility to the pathogen. Of course, this fact cannot guarantee the absence of the disease in other people, which is currently confirmed. But this does not reduce the likelihood of the disease. Another fact is also important: the virus affects people whose immunity is weakened, as well as the elderly.  

Is there a coronavirus pandemic now

Despite the fact that the virus mostly “beats” the adult population, it is necessary to protect children.

Carelessness in this matter is unacceptable. This is what virologist Marina Apletaeva says in an interview with Nevsky News. You do not need to take your child to various events, and at the slightest suspicion of SARS, leave him at home and call a doctor to make an appropriate diagnosis. According to her, now is not the best time to walk around shopping centers, where there is a congestion of people. The child must be provided with a complete diet.

WHO announced the onset of a pandemic in March 2020: what does it mean

On March 11, 2020, WHO made an official statement in which it called the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID - 19 a pandemic. Director General T.A. Gebreyesus does not give optimistic forecasts, arguing that the number of infected people will increase in the coming month. WHO's wording is extremely vague. The coronovirus pandemic has been recognized, and each of the states has even more responsibility for its non-proliferation.

Gennady Onishchenko, who has been chief physician for many years, explains the WHO's decision. The fact is that the infection was noted in many countries of the world, including highly developed ones. The virus is present in America (despite Trump's statements that they have the best doctors in the world), in Asia, Europe, Africa. This coverage is called a pandemic. In the world, in some states, there is a panic.

Is there a coronavirus pandemic now

Prospects in the world and Russia

The Russians are concerned about the emergence of a new infection 2019 ncov. Therefore, many are concerned about the prognosis of what to expect next from the infection. So far, the situation in Russia is favorable in the sense that it is controlled. The patients are undergoing treatment, most of them are in a satisfactory condition. As scientists have already said, the risk group includes people of mature age: it is they who account for the largest number of deaths. In Russia, it is necessary to continue to build a medical policy in the fight against the virus. The status of a pandemic has been officially confirmed, it is useless to argue with that. But you can't create panic.

Countries differently keep the defense against the disease. For example, even before the Chinese New Year, Russia closed the border and limited air traffic. But each country, proceeding from the peculiarities of its national, economic, geographical character, knows how to act in this situation. No one can blame Italy for the fact that in this country the incidence has increased several times in a day. The results should be summed up later, when it becomes clear that humanity has managed to withstand another pandemic. But this must be done together, by the whole world. Wuhan is a city that has managed to stop the spread of the infection. And his example should be followed.

Is there a coronavirus pandemic now

In conclusion, it must be said that the hype associated with the new virus is artificially created. Not everything is as bad as the media in Europe and Russia write. The Chinese tend to believe that the US started the virus. And in Europe, they are inclined to think that the epidemic plays into the hands of the Chinese elite, which will thus strengthen its position in the world. But this version does not hold water, how the presence of the virus weakens the country's economy.

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