The main signs of infection with a new coronavirus

The new virus in China has gone beyond the borders of the country and continues to spread around the world, which makes even optimistic people worry. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, and remains on the surface of objects for up to 10 hours, increasing the likelihood of infection. Knowing the symptoms of coronavirus will allow you to identify it at an early stage, distinguish it from influenza, and save your life.

The first symptoms of coronavirus in humans COVID-19

The main danger of COVID-19 is the blurring of symptoms in an infected person and insufficient knowledge about the pathogen. The peculiarity of the virus in the defeat of the organs of the respiratory system, nerve fibers and the digestive tract.

Symptoms of coronavirus in humans are similar to the flu or a cold. After its contact with the mucous membranes, the incubation period begins, the average duration of which is 7-14 days. In most infected people, the first symptoms appear after 10 days, and with direct transmission from patient to patient, after 5 days.

During this period, the blood spreads the pathogen through tissues and organs, but the disease does not manifest itself in any way. For this reason, the epidemic has spread beyond the city of Wuhan, where the first infection was recorded. Moving across the border of China, the patient did not even suspect that he was a carrier of a deadly virus.

The first symptoms of coronavirus appear after the end of the incubation period. These include:

  • an increase in body temperature to 37.1 - 38 degrees;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dry cough that does not cause discomfort;
  • headache;
  • sore or sore throat;
  • diarrhea, nausea.

“When the first symptoms of COVID-19 appear, it is recommended to go to the hospital, take all the necessary laboratory tests and undergo a chest x-ray, although the latter may not show any changes at an early stage. An accurate diagnosis is made based on the results of the examination.

Further development of COVID-19 disease

After 2 to 3 days, the symptoms worsen, the Chinese virus passes into the lungs, causing a severe form of pneumonia. The following processes occur in the body of an infected person.

  • The cough gets worse, manifests itself in the form of attacks and, in most cases, becomes wet. The lungs are affected and accumulate fluid. This prevents full gas exchange, so breathing is difficult. There is a lack of oxygen in the tissues. Pain in the chest and throat becomes pronounced. There are squeezing feelings in the sternum and asthma attacks.
  • The temperature is kept within the same limits, while with the flu it rises to 39 degrees.
  • The patient feels severe headache and muscle pain, and dizziness often leads to loss of consciousness.

The virus suppresses the immune system, so chronic diseases are exacerbated.

Forecast of the course of the disease COVID-19

Symptoms of the Chinese virus in those infected may have varying intensity. The disease is most easily tolerated by young people under the age of 40 years. Once in the body of an elderly person, COVID-19 affects the internal organs and exacerbates chronic diseases, so the risk of death in this age group is especially high. The prognosis of the course of the disease is affected by age, general condition of the person and timely medical care.


The severity of the disease depends not only on the general condition of the body, but also on its individual characteristics. According to various estimates, about 10% of patients died from coronavirus. The most common cause of death in people infected with it is pneumonia. Its development occurs against the background of weak immunity, severe forms of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

The new epidemic is particularly dangerous for the elderly and diabetics. Scientists have noticed that people taking medications for high blood pressure are susceptible to infection with COVID-19. People over the age of forty who have the described diseases should be extremely careful. The virus also poses a threat to children. Several cases of their infection have been registered.


The sooner the signs of the new Chinese virus are recognized and the infected person goes to the hospital, the higher their chances of being cured. According to the results of tests for viruses and infections, doctors make a diagnosis and prescribe a specific treatment.

Medicines for flu and other viral infections will not defeat COVID-19. Despite the fact that the drug necessary for its treatment has not yet been developed, symptomatic therapy in combination with broad-spectrum antiviral drugs gives a great chance for recovery. The focus is on maintaining lung function.

According to the latest data, about 73,000 people have recovered from the coronavirus. According to doctors, fever, pain in the muscles and head disappear after 10-12 days from the onset of the disease. Cough can persist for a longer time, while the patient is no longer considered a spreader of the infection.

Doctors say that children under 15 are least susceptible to infection. There are very few cases of infection and death. Among the total number of people infected with coronavirus, there are cases of a mild form of the disease. In this case, pneumonia is poorly expressed, or absent altogether. In this case, it is very problematic to distinguish the COVID-19 virus from the common cold.

Where to get tested for the new Chinese coronavirus

If you experience ailments similar to the first signs of the 2019 ncov virus, you need to remember if your contacts with people who visited China recently were possible, or maybe you visited this country yourself? Timely diagnosis will reduce the risks of the disease and protect your environment from infection.

Means for diagnosing COVID-19 were developed by scientists of the Vector Center for Virology. For examination, a swab is performed from the nasopharynx, for the presence of infection in it. Diagnostics includes two analyzes:

  • for coronavirus;
  • for atypical pneumonia.

Sensitive agents give a positive or negative result for an unknown virus within 2 to 4 days. The laboratories of the Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor have enough staff and all the necessary equipment to diagnose if an infection is suspected. Using this method, infection can be detected even at an early stage.

Each polyclinic received detailed instructions from the Ministry of Health and Rospotrebnadzor on how to deal with complaints about the symptoms of coronavirus patients. The patient is sent to an infectious disease specialist, and after passing all the necessary tests, he turns to the center of hygiene and epidemiology. If a person has recently arrived from infected areas, he is hospitalized in a separate room until the result is confirmed or refuted.

If you returned home from a country with recorded foci of coronavirus, you need to spend the next 2 weeks in home quarantine. You can take all the necessary tests right at the airport. Further, you stay at home without going outside and limiting contacts.

“Data about yourself can be reported on the hotline of Rospotrebnadzor. Countries requiring home quarantine after visiting include Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Great Britain, Norway, USA, China, Iran, South Korea.

Indications for examination

Self-diagnosis of COVID-19 is not possible. Seeing a doctor is the only way to detect the disease at an early stage. The most common first signs of a dangerous virus are fever and a dry cough. A little later, it becomes harder for the infected person to breathe, a feeling of tightness in the chest appears. All these signs are a direct signal to see a doctor.

Indications for examination are even minor ailments. It is worth remembering that carriers of mild forms of the disease are also its carriers, which is especially dangerous for the elderly.

Especially sensitive to monitor changes in their condition is necessary for people who:

  • have recently visited China or the European countries listed above;
  • have relatives, friends, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues who have recently visited these countries;
  • work in international organizations, and by the nature of their activities they often have to contact with foreigners;
  • work at airports, seaports, railway stations;
  • work in places with large crowds of people.

In a global epidemic, no one is immune from contracting COVID-19. Now, relying on the fact that every ailment is a mild cold is deadly. It is better to play it safe and, at the slightest manifestation of coronavirus, immediately contact an infectious disease specialist.

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