Overview of the facts about the new coronavirus from China

There is now a worldwide pandemic of the new Chinese coronavirus. Panic is associated with a lack of knowledge about the virus and its effects. Many are now making money, building a business on it and causing people to panic. Consider only the facts about the coronovirus and whether it is really worth being so afraid of.

Coronavirus in facts and figures

Coronavirus affects the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. It can develop in birds, animals, and humans and is the cause of the 2020 pandemic around the world. The first symptoms that distinguish from the flu and other diseases of the respiratory system are dry cough, fever and indigestion.

Interesting facts about coronovirus:

  1. The group of coronaviruses was studied back in the 60s of the last century. It was found that the virus infects animals and birds, deformable and disrupts the respiratory system. It became known that at the end of 2019, the coronavirus began to multiply in the city of Wuhan. There are many sea markets and bazaars there. It is believed that the coronavirus passed to humans from infected seafood, which was previously poorly disinfected and processed.
  2. The virus does not survive in an inanimate environment. In order for it to develop, it needs to get from a living organism to a living one. If people order goods from China, then the probability of infection, even if the Chinese seller is sick, is equal to zero, because the virus cannot live on this package of goods for so long.
  3. There are about 40 types of coronavirus that animals suffer from. In 2019, the first coronavirus was recorded that is transmitted from person to person.

How many infected in the world by country

  • total number of infections worldwide: 182,405 (+13,020 new cases per day);
  • number of deaths: 7,154 (+641 new cases per day);
  • number of recoveries: 79,433 (+2,176 per day).

If we talk about countries, then China, Italy, Iran remain the record holders. In Germany, 4.5 thousand people are fighting infection, 9 people have died. In Russia, 93 cases of infection were registered, of which 26 people were hospitalized in the last 24 hours. More than 70 cases and 1 death have been recorded in Ukraine.

The percentage of deaths from the new coronavirus

More than 7,000 people have already died from the coronavirus worldwide. In percentage terms, this is no more than 5%, which is considered not a high indicator. The highest percentage of deaths from the virus in Italy, where it reaches 14%.

Information provided as of March 17, 2020.

How many people have recovered

Over the entire period of the pandemic, almost 80,000 people have recovered from the coronavirus in the world. The figure is not small, and suggests that immunity and antiviral therapy can overcome covid-19.

Which cities and regions are quarantined

Now, due to the outbreak of the virus, many countries around the world have declared full or partial quarantine.

Italy, which is second only to China in terms of the rate of development of the disease, has been in full quarantine since March 10. This means that neither educational institutions are working, shopping centers, shops, and catering facilities have been closed. Italians are only allowed to commute to work and leave home in case of an emergency. Concerts, rallies, sporting events have been canceled in the country. Some grocery stores, pharmacies, hospitals are open. All people who returned to the country after the cruise for 2 weeks are quarantined, and if the virus does not appear, they are allowed to go home.

In Poland, only infected citizens who refused to be hospitalized were placed under house arrest. Service is constantly patrolling the streets and monitoring so that residents do not disturb the order. Also, kindergarten schools, many institutions are quarantined until tentatively until April 2, but this date may be adjusted depending on the further development of the coronavirus in the world.

In the United States, President Donald Trump has suspended shipping and air travel for 30 days to protect citizens. In some states, a state of emergency has been declared, in others - quarantine with the prohibition of various events, which would be attended by more than 1,000 people. All holidays and festivals are canceled tentatively until March 31st.

On the territory of Russia, quarantine was not declared, but it was decided that the local authorities would determine the situation in the cities. The Mayor of Moscow signed a permit for free access to schools, kindergartens, universities and work. That is, if a person considers it necessary not to go to school or not to let his child go, then he has every right to stay at home.

In Ukraine, the president announced a national quarantine without visiting universities, schools, kindergartens. Since March 17, shopping malls, cafes, beauty salons have stopped working. Catering establishments work only for home delivery of food and do not accept visitors. Hospitals, pharmacies, veterinary clinics, grocery stores and supermarkets also operate as usual.

Hidden facts: hard methods with the spread of the virus

In different countries of Europe they fight in different ways. WHO proposes a 4 step response to the virus. The strategy is to seek immediate medical attention. This is necessary in order to immediately begin to treat the pathology and not spread it to other people. It is also important to limit the transmission of the virus. To implement this, all people who are suspected of being infected must be in isolation. This may be your own apartment from which it is strictly forbidden to leave. People now need to be socially responsible in order not to spread the virus.


The head of China revealed the frightening facts of the coronavirus. More than 60,000 people were put under lockdown in Hubei province because so many people died in China at the beginning of the epidemic. Yes, this method is very cruel, but the Chinese government believes that in this way it is possible to protect healthy citizens from a pandemic.

People should be socially responsible and voluntarily stay at home if they are suspected of being infected.


Hidden facts about coronavirus in China:

  • in three months of the Chinese disease in the territory of the PRC, about 100 thousand people were infected;
  • more than 3 thousand dead;
  • almost 50 thousand people recovered and returned home;
  • over the past 24 hours, 21 cases of infection have been registered, including 20 people who returned from other countries;
  • over 30 people have died over the past weekend. 

In general, a record low number of new cases of coronavirus was recorded over the past week, which indicates that the disease is receding from the country. However, the virus broke out in some countries and covered more than 140 countries of the world.

Another interesting fact about the coronavirus. It has not yet been confirmed, but scientists believe that people have immunity to this disease. these people who are sick now, they are sick again. It should also be understood that the virus has an incubation period. This is the time from the moment pathogens enter a person until the first symptoms appear. Everyone goes through it differently. For some, it manifests itself after 3 days, for others after 2 weeks. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of contact with a sick person, this may indicate a possible infection. These people need to be isolated for two weeks in order to find out if there is an expression or not. Now scientists are intensively developing rapid tests that can show the presence of coronavirus in the blood as early as 4-5 days after the alleged infection.


To date, the killer virus has taken the lives of more than 2,000 Italians. Almost 25,000 residents are infected and are undergoing isolation treatment. There is a general quarantine in the country, patients are in isolation - some in the hospital, some on home treatment with a ban on leaving the house.


There are new facts about the coronovirus in Iran. The data has been updated and now the number of deaths has risen to 853, and infected - almost 15 thousand. This is not a small figure, and in terms of the number of infections, Iran is next to China and Italy.

Vaccine development

The new Chinese coronavirus came to us from animals. Even before the end, scientists have not figured out how viruses behave in the human body, and have studied them only by 50%. In this regard, there are none and no one is developing them yet. To make a vaccine one must fully know the behavior of viruses in a different environment. Data on coronavirus has not yet been fully investigated.

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