How the UAE is coping with the coronavirus pandemic

Coronavirus is an infectious disease that affects the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is rapidly spreading across different countries. The International Health Organization has declared a pandemic.

The number of people infected with coronavirus in the UAE

Coronavirus in the UAE was first reported in early 2020. In the United Arab Emirates, 6 cases of infection were registered on March 3. The disease was detected in citizens of Germany, Italy, Russia, Colombia. During the collection of anamnesis, it was found that all cases of infection were due to the contact of people with sick Italians at the Tour of the United Arab Emirates.

On March 11, the UAE Ministry of Health confirmed 15 new cases of infection with the COVID-19 virus. On March 10, the disease was diagnosed in citizens of the following countries: Germany, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Iran, India, Tanzania. All patients have been isolated and placed in quarantine. The country's authorities promised to provide patients with appropriate treatment. Doctors say that the condition of patients is stable, and the disease is mild in them.

A total of 74 cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in the United Arab Emirates. All patients are under observation in hospitals. Doctors say their condition is stable. As of March 20, three patients with coronavirus have been cured.

Which cities have coronavirus?

The first cases of infection were reported in the city of Dubai. It was here that the cycling race was organized, which was attended by infected Italians.

On February 28, 2020, the Organizing Committee canceled the 6th and 7th stages of cycling races in order to protect their participants from coronavirus infection. In order to suppress the spread of the virus, all participants, organizers and administrative staff must undergo periodic checks. The Ministry of Health of the United Arab Emirates guaranteed the implementation of preventive measures. Authorities guaranteed constant monitoring of the condition of people who had contact with those infected with the coronavirus.

Measures against coronavirus in the Emirates

On January 22, 2020, the UAE Ministry of Health reported that no cases of infection were registered in the country. Authorities spoke about the presence of an integrated system and action plan for the spread of coronavirus.

On January 25, the country suspended all air flights with Iran. Since an outbreak of coronavirus was registered in this country, cargo and passenger air transportation is canceled.

On February 29, the United States of the Emirates suspended the work of schools and kindergartens, as the Minister of Education informed the public. The measure was taken as the coronavirus situation in the UAE worsened. At this point, 13 cases of infection with the virus have been reported.

After confirming the infection in 74 people, the country's authorities stepped up measures to prevent coronavirus. Thermal imagers have been installed in shopping centers to measure the body temperature of all customers. Trolleys in stores are disinfected every hour. At the points of entry into the country, an enhanced check of the health of passengers is carried out. School students have been transferred to distance learning. Kindergartens are closed. Employees of some companies have switched to a remote form of work. In accordance with the order of the country's authorities, mass events were canceled or postponed to a later date.

On March 17, a new restriction was introduced in the issuance of visas to foreigners. These are preventive measures, as traveling abroad is unsafe. The quarantine measures will continue until the states where a large number of cases of infection have been registered establish a disease control system using special rapid tests.

For citizens of the Russian Federation, the Emirates is a visa-free country, so this bill raised a lot of questions. The EAEA stopped issuing visas to foreigners. The exception is holders of diplomatic passports. But, these restrictions do not apply to citizens of 46 states.

Can I travel to the UAE?

The United Arab Emirates is a popular country with tourists, as it has luxurious hotels and unique excursions. During this period, the water temperature in the sea is 20-22 degrees. You can also swim in the pool, where the water is constantly heated. Fans of relaxing on the beach can visit the emirate of Sharjah, as food and accommodation here are much cheaper than other regions of the country. Thanks to the availability of transport links during your vacation, you can go to Dubai. Citizens of the Russian Federation can obtain a visa at the airport immediately upon arrival.

The virus from China is rapidly developing around the world. The United Arab Emirates is no exception. That is why the Russian government does not recommend visiting the country.

Safety measures when traveling to the Emirates

If you decide to go to the UAE, it is recommended to follow preventive measures. At the airport, all passengers have their body temperature measured and asked about their well-being. During the trip, it is recommended to wear medical masks at all times, which are changed every two hours. When traveling, wash your hands with soap or use antiseptics.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the most important rule for the prevention of the disease. Contact with people who are sneezing or coughing is not recommended. If you yourself have signs of an acute respiratory disease, then you need to sneeze or cough into a handkerchief. It is best to wear a medical mask. When the first symptoms of an acute respiratory disease appear, you should seek help from medical professionals, regardless of location.

How to cancel a booked trip?

Despite the measures taken in the United Arab Emirates, it is not recommended to travel abroad, as the situation with the coronavirus is quite tense all over the world. If you have already purchased a ticket, you can rebook your travel date. Also, a person can refuse the tour. To do this, he needs to contact a travel agency and write an application. It is recommended that the travel agency employee sign, date and stamp.

In connection with the coronavirus, which is spreading in the world, the travel agency will reimburse the money spent for the ticket.

Coronavirus in the United Arab Emirates was registered for the first time at the end of January. The country's authorities are taking measures to prevent the spread of infection. Despite this, the borders for citizens of many countries are open, which contributes to the spread of the virus.

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