Covid-19 has come to Lipetsk. Quarantine and working conditions during the virus

We know that coronavirus refers to a disease of the respiratory tract and intestinal tract. This is an infectious disease, which means that the infection spreads quickly and is transmitted by airborne droplets. An infected person is a potential carrier of viral bacteria for two weeks.

How will educational institutions work and how long will the quarantine last? Let's consider in order.

What is known about quarantine in Lipetsk due to coronavirus

The region has been brought to full readiness. Special control on social protection organizations for the elderly. Increased control over the sanitary and hygienic state of various subordinate institutions, control over disinfection. Citizens, in connection with the current viral situation, are required to stay at home in self-isolation / quarantine mode. If symptoms of infection appear, you should call your doctor immediately.

As of May 1, 2020, there are 300 active cases of coronavirus in Lipetsk. The patients are being treated. A total of 415 cases have been registered.

Earlier, 31 cases of infection were simultaneously confirmed in the city. At the same time, 5 people recovered. The total number of recoveries is 89 and two deaths.

Most of the infections were found in the city itself. There are fewer cases in other parts of the region. However, a focus of infection was discovered in the Khmelynets hospital. Doctors and other staff began to fall ill in the hospital. The hospital was closed.

Educational institutions

In connection with the rapidly developing epidemic in Lipetsk, it was decided to close all educational institutions. Schools and colleges and even boarding houses were closed. Visits to orphanages were banned. But as for the kindergarten, they have not been closed at the moment. Every day, upon the arrival of children, a medical examination of educators and children is carried out. Employees are also required to wear medical masks. Politicians say the lockdown will continue for some time.

Which enterprises and entrepreneurs are forced to suspend their activities

After the quarantine was introduced by the decision of the authorities of Lipetsk, various areas of mass leisure had to stop their work. Restaurants and cafes have temporarily suspended work due to the danger of the spread of the virus. Also, gyms, cinemas, clubs and other enterprises with a large crowd of people stopped working for the same reason.

Swimming pools, sports sections, museums and large shopping centers had to close. Since in these places there is a greater risk of infection. Many people still do not have the means to protect themselves from the virus.

Who keeps working

At this stage, the region is undergoing serious checks on compliance with the disinfection regime, especially in crowded places. If organizations fail to comply with recommendations, they face fines up to and including closure.

In order to prevent the spread of the virus, sanitation of public transport is being introduced, and regular disinfection is being introduced in trade enterprises, catering, shopping centers and other public institutions.”

However, not all business began to suspend its movement. Small business in the city is booming. Such areas of business as: dental offices and clinic, optics, lawyer and notary, and others have actively started to work.

Will quarantine be extended in Lipetsk

The President of the Russian Federation noted that each region of the country is undergoing a step-by-step relaxation of quarantine measures individually. Since in this case it depends on the epidemiological situation in the region.

However, we can say that quarantine will soon be completed in the city's schools. Due to the fact that infection among schoolchildren is not increasing. The authorities do not intend to extend the quarantine.

How is the educational process in Lipetsk during the quarantine period

At the moment, residents of Lipetsk are already switching to distance learning and work. Fifty educational institutions are already studying and working online. The department reports that the regional information system "Electronic School" makes it possible to organize the educational process remotely. The system also provides for homework, which the teacher sends to students in file format. Inside these files are hyperlinks to educational Internet resources.

How to find a job in Lipetsk during the coronavirus period

Making money online is becoming a good job option during quarantine. If you are ready to learn new things, working on the Internet is the only best option. If you're willing to improve and aren't afraid of change, you should give it a try.

Finding a job during quarantine is not easy. And working online or remotely is the only best option.

Goals of quarantine due to coronavirus

The main goal of quarantine is to prevent the spread of the virus in the country and to minimize the percentage of infection of the population. And also to prevent infection of other viral diseases.

Quarantine is introduced only if necessary, as this is a set of prohibitions imposed in connection with mass infectious infection. Its main goal is to protect the population.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Do not forget about personal hygiene and personal protective equipment.

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