Quarantine regime 2020 in Ulan Ude

WHO experts note that compliance with isolation rules is the main way to overcome the coronavirus pandemic. This helps break the chain of infection, reduces the number of new infections, and reduces the burden on doctors.

What is the 2020 coronavirus quarantine in Ulan Ude

For more than a month now, Russia has been in a self-isolation regime, but it has not brought the expected results, since the number of infected people, despite the completion of two periods of incubation, continues to grow rapidly every day. Since the beginning of the epidemic, the coronavirus COVID-19 has already infected more than 68,000 people living in different regions of the country.

In addition to previously adopted restrictions, work on playgrounds in shopping and entertainment centers has been suspended. Theaters and cinemas will be organized in a special way, the seats for spectators will be made in a checkerboard pattern. It is recommended to switch to distance learning, and the disinfection regime will be strengthened in all mass accommodation facilities.

Research is carried out in Ulan-Ude on the basis of the virological laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology 24 hours a day. Test systems are available in sufficient quantity.

The head of Buryatia introduced quarantine in Ulan Ude and issued a series of instructions aimed at securing places of mass residence of people. State and municipal institutions with a large number of visitors must provide personnel with personal protective equipment. Managers should develop a comprehensive SARS prevention plan.

Tamed by the Ministry of Education to introduce quarantine in the schools of Ulan Ude, transfer to a distance form of education

Rospotrebnadzor recommends that all residents of the country need self-isolation, regardless of their well-being, travel abroad or contact with infected people. Compliance with quarantine conditions is a way to take care of your own and the health of others.

A person must be in strict quarantine in such situations:

  • By contact with someone infected with COVID-19. Restrictions are placed on people who have met with a sick person, regardless of the length of contact.
  • Upon returning from a trip abroad. Isolation is prescribed for tourists returning from abroad, regardless of the presence of a coronavirus infection in the country of residence.
  • When living together with people who have returned from abroad. The only way for relatives to avoid quarantine is not to meet with the arrivals. In this case, the tourist from the airport immediately goes to the observatory.

Goals of quarantine due to coronavirus

If restrictions on people's contacts and movement around the world are lifted, it is expected that new outbreaks of this disease may occur in the world, which will lead to a new outbreak of the epidemic. Until a vaccine arrives, people should always keep their distance from each other.

If we continue to live life to the fullest without a vaccine, even if there are 95% effective treatments, that is, drugs, approximately 5% of the world's population, which is approximately 350 to 400 million people, may die. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of Russia and other countries of the world do not expect anything good in the near future, and they will even have to forget about all trips and holidays in other states, because they probably will not open borders until the end of the epidemic, before the appearance of a vaccine.

When will it end and will there be an extension of restrictions

COVID-19 will have a strong impact on the behavior of people and companies for many years to come, as precautions must be constantly taken to ensure that the epidemic does not happen again.

This means that the authorities will have to extend the self-isolation regime until at least mid-May, and the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare has already raised this topic. According to the government, the country needs another incubation period, or 14 days, to get rid of the infection. Such measures, as the authorities hope, will help contain the epidemic and bring the situation under control.

It is not known when, under such a scenario, the quarantine in hospitals will be lifted. With a pessimistic version, the restrictions will be lifted in mid-summer.

As the warm season approaches, the question of duration becomes more relevant. So far, Russia has managed to avoid a sharp increase in the incidence, but do not forget that the lion's share of cases is still in large cities in the European part of the country.

The fact that the virus is spreading and how quickly it will fill small towns and villages, where ventilators are drawings, is very frightening. and the state of hospital wards, like the entire health care system, is just a name. In this case, it is difficult to predict the end of the epidemic or even the start of its recession, respectively, to predict the extension of quarantine in Ulan Ude.

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