How to protect yourself on the plane from coronavirus and flu?

Airplane passengers fear they could get sick while traveling during flu season and the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. In addition, a recent study conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology does not inspire optimism either.

Scientists have found that only about 20% of people at airports have clean hands. It is understood that they washed them with soap and water for at least 15 seconds within an hour. The researchers also found that if about 60% of airport visitors had really clean hands, it helped slow the spread of the disease by as much as 69%.

Of course, you cannot control the actions of other passengers. But it is in your power to take precautions before the departure of the airliner that will significantly reduce the risk of getting sick with coronavirus and flu.

Use antibacterial wipes

Before your flight, buy a bag of alcohol-based antibacterial wipes to wipe down any items in your personal space. Disinfect the tray table, armrest, seat belt buckle, air vents and air conditioning control, flight attendant call button.

Ohio State University infectious disease specialist Debra A. Goff argues that decontaminating areas where germs are most likely to be present is a sure way to minimize the risk of infection. Expert advises: If you feel the urge to be generous, hand out napkins to your neighbors. After all, the cleaner the surrounding things, the better for all passengers.

Take your seat cover on the flight

Whether you're flying in business or economy class, antibacterial wipes won't help when it comes to soft seats. For travel, it is better to stock up on your own reusable covers.

In addition, a 2018 aircraft cleanliness study found that seat headrests can be the dirtiest surfaces on an aircraft. Moreover, some tests gave a positive result for the bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli). Agree, now there are good reasons to travel on your own terms and under your own protection.

Be careful what you touch

Do not rush to immediately create comfort for yourself on the plane, for example, pull out the table, use the pocket on the back of the seat opposite for your things and products. Keep personal items with you if possible. Because seatback pockets are touched by dozens of passengers, they are likely to contain the highest concentration of germs on an aircraft.

According to new research from Emory University (USA), the safest seats on an airliner are near the window. The fact is that respiratory diseases, such as coronavirus, usually spread to a person who has come into contact with the saliva or mucus of infected people (mucus is the secret of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.).

Droplets from sneezing or coughing land on front-seat-back tables or armrests and can potentially infect a nearby passenger. Travelers who sit in chairs near a window interact less with fellow passengers on the plane, in addition to those who are seated two rows away. This minimizes the chance of communicating with an infected person, the experts who conducted the research conclude.

But do not forget about the prevention of coronavirus !

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