What Onishchenko said about drugs against coronavirus

In March 2020, a new type of Chinese virus began to actively spread throughout Russia. Scientists around the world are developing a vaccine that could cope with COVID-19 and stop the development of a massive pandemic. Every day there are more and more cases of coronavirus infection. It has reached almost all the countries of Europe and is a threat. Russian politician responsible for the healthcare system Gennady Grigoryevich Onishchenko named drugs that can defeat the coronavirus.

Onishchenko about the sources of the new coronavirus

The MP spoke about the origin of the new virus. The carrier of the disease is an infected person. The virus is spread by airborne droplets, so United Russia MP Gennady Onishchenko urged all residents to wear medical masks, wash their hands and not panic. The Wuhan market was the original source of infection, where wild animals were sold for cooking.

According to scientists, the spread of coronavirus began in December 2019.

The shrimp saleswoman was the first patient to be diagnosed with COVID-19. On December 11, the woman developed a fever and went to a local hospital for help. The doctor's appointments did not give a positive result, then the patient went to the hospital at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. It has not yet been established whether the virus was brought to the local market or whether it is the original source. The police determined that all of the infected were linked to a market in Wuhan. On December 31, 2019, it was decided to stop the work of the market and carry out its complete sanitization.  

 The People's Republic of China acted promptly and was able to save the lives of many citizens. Scientists have deciphered a new genotype of the virus, it is similar to the genotype of bats. It was the eating of this animal that turned into a worldwide tragedy. The bat is a null vector. This means that the animal itself does not show signs of the disease, but it can become a source for infecting other people. The main thing is to limit contacts in order to avoid mass infection, according to Onishchenko.

About the danger of coronavirus from China

Onishchenko told about the virus from China all the information about its danger and consequences for the human body.

 The COVID-19 virus in some cases affects the lungs, and contributes to the development of bilateral pneumonia. Patients over 65 years of age are at risk.

Among elderly citizens, there is an increased percentage of mortality due to reduced immunity and the presence of other chronic diseases. In most patients, the coronavirus is mild with a low mortality rate. There are different mortality rates around the world. In China, no more than 4.5% of deaths were registered. The bulk of the population is cured of the disease without consequences for the body. The anti-leader in the number of deaths from coronavirus is Italy. In this country, every 10 patients with a detected infection die.

The first symptoms of coronavirus:

  • High body temperature.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Runny nose.
  • A sore throat.
  • Cough.

The list shows that the symptoms are similar to colds and flu. With the help of rapid tests, patients with coronavirus infection can be detected in a matter of hours.

The virus has a rapid spread from person to person, so all precautions must be observed. Another danger among the population is panic, which can aggravate the situation. Gennady Onishchenko says that the coronavirus pandemic is not so dangerous. According to the politician, the coronavirus poses a greater danger not to the life and health of the population, but to the country's economy.

What did Onishchenko propose?

The former chief epidemiologist of Russia expressed his opinion. According to him, the coronavirus does not require special protective measures. It is enough to observe the rules of hygiene and not attend mass events. These preventive measures must be observed by citizens every year to prevent influenza and SARS viruses.


  • Wear a medical mask and renew them regularly.
  • Remember to wash your hands thoroughly with soap when you get home.  
  • At the first sign of illness, stay at home and inform your doctor.

Not recommended:

  • Engage in self-medication.
  • Visit other countries, especially those with a large number of people infected with coronavirus infection.
  • Do not visit public places.

According to doctors, such preventive measures will help reduce the risk of influenza and coronavirus.

Onishchenko announced the existence of 30 drugs for the treatment of coronavirus.

According to United Russia deputy and former chief physician of Russia Gennady Onishchenko, there are about 30 drugs that can cope with the coronavirus. This list includes not only drugs against the virus, but also drugs against HIV infection, Indinavir and Saquinavir. The COVID 19 virus has a number of similar features with the human immunodeficiency virus genotype.

Anti-HIV drugs in this situation are expected to be effective. The drug Lopinavir is used, it has an antiviral effect against HIV. Anti-respiratory syncytial viral drugs and some drug groups against schizophrenia are used in the treatment. At the end of March, there is no vaccine against coronavirus in the world, but this list of drugs can help stop the disease.

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – NOVEMBER 19, 2019: Lawmaker Gennady Onishchenko at a plenary session of the State Duma, a lower house of the Russian parliament. Sergei Fadeichev/TASS Russia. Moscow. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Gennady Onishchenko at the plenary session of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Sergei Fadeichev/TASS

On January 26, 2020, Beijing began treatment with drugs for the human immunodeficiency virus for infected citizens with a coronavirus infection.

 Combinations of drugs are now being actively selected to prevent fatal cases. Pharmacies are not allowed to sell these medicines without a doctor's prescription. They are issued under the supervision of health care for the category of citizens in serious condition. For most people, a strong immune system allows them to resist the coronavirus and heal on their own.

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