The opinion of tour operators about the coronavirus from China

At the beginning of March 2020, a wave of panic arose in Russia in connection with a new Chinese virus. The government introduced a quarantine regime and banned entry to countries that are unfavorable for a new infection. Cancellation of tours in connection with the coronavirus is made by all tour operators. Visiting other countries can lead to a massive pandemic, and endanger the health of travelers. All over Russia, passengers return their tickets.

Rostourism recommendations

The spread of the pandemic forced tour operators to cancel tours due to the coronavirus. In February 2020, the Russian government closed the borders with China. From the epicenter of the outbreak of the pandemic, the city of Wuhan, Russian citizens who were in the country during the epidemic were delivered. All of these people underwent a 14-day quarantine and confirmed the presence of negative results for coronavirus. Today, tour operators have canceled the sale of tickets to almost all countries that are in quarantine.

An emergency regime has been introduced around the world and entry is restricted due to the rapid spread of the coronovirus. Rostourism recommends postponing trips until better times and not risking your life and health. Exceptions can be made by people for whom it is vital to visit another country. Each individual case is considered by Rostourism. Until the situation around the world is calm, all travel is under a strict ban.

How tour operators have reacted to the coronavirus

Travel agencies are having a hard time due to the new coronavirus infection. The Association of Tour Operators filed an official statement with the Ministry of Economic Development and asked to support the tourism business due to the quarantine.

  At the end of 2019, a new coronavirus infection also became known, so all tour operators advised to refrain from traveling to Wuhan.

 Tour operators suffer big losses, which increase every day. Thousands of people were left without work due to the difficult situation in the world. All travel companies today closed the sale of air tickets and tours to other countries. The only exceptions are emergency services and foreign citizens who want to return to their homeland. Travel agencies refund money for tours or extend the period from the date of departure. All tour operators are asked to remain calm and promise to consider every case. Tour operators about the virus in China say one thing: “Until the presidential decree leaves, all flights of Russian citizens are banned.”

Tez Tour

Tez Tour is one of the largest international tour operators.

 On March 17, 2020, a quarantine regime was introduced in Russia, which prohibits visiting countries that are disadvantaged by the coronavirus.

 Until March 17, 2020, flights were operated as scheduled, with the exception of entry into China. Today, the double pneumonia virus has spread throughout Europe. Tez Tour about the virus in China says the following: "While the quarantine regime is in place, the sale of all tours is temporarily suspended." Tours scheduled after 03/17/2020 will be rescheduled. While the exact dates are not known. The tour operator recommends not to return tickets, but to wait for the normalization of the situation around the world.

Anex Tour

From March 17, 2020, the Anex Tour travel company has suspended flights for almost all Russian citizens for an indefinite period. Departure can be carried out to some countries under the visa regime. New visas are temporarily suspended. To enter the country, you must provide a medical certificate of negative results for coronavirus infection.

Entry is prohibited to citizens who have recently visited countries disadvantaged by the Chinese virus. Among the list of these countries are: Italy, China, South Korea and many others. From the moment of their stay from these countries, passengers are required to undergo a two-week quarantine and confirm their health status with a medical certificate. Also, passengers should not show signs of the Chinese virus. In many countries, entry is prohibited. The tour operator asks all passengers to treat with understanding.

Tartus Tour

Borders of entry for foreign citizens are closed around the world. The coronavirus epidemic has spread to all European countries. Tartus Tour was forced to temporarily suspend ticket sales from March 17, 2020. In most countries, the entry of foreign citizens is strictly prohibited.

Only citizens of the country and a valid visa can receive permission. To do this, it is necessary to provide a medical certificate on the state of the coronavirus, and undergo a two-week quarantine in case of arrival from countries affected by the virus from China. Pneumonia affects more and more people every day, so the quarantine regime is a necessary measure.

All tours are postponed indefinitely. The travel company asks for understanding of the situation and will consider each application. Coronavirus and tourism are not compatible things.

How do I get a refund for a canceled tour?

Many passengers face the difficult question “How to return money for a canceled tour?”.

Rostourism issued an official statement: “If a tourist has purchased a ticket to a country that is unfavorable for coronavirus, he has the right to terminate the contract and get his money back.”

A Chinese medical worker checks the temperatures of travelers on a long distance coach at a checkpoint on an expressway going into Wuhan, capital city of Hubei province, May 10, 2003. China has started a mass mobilization of people from all walks of life to combat the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in the vast country. REUTERS/China Photo

 The Ministry of Health introduced on March 11, 2020 an outbreak of a pandemic. Money for a canceled tour can be obtained if you apply with an official application to the tour operator and demand full payment of funds due to new circumstances. Each application is reviewed on an individual basis. The company may offer an alternative option with the postponement of the date until the lifting of the global quarantine. To return the money, you need an application, a passport, a purchased ticket and other documents at the request of the travel agency.

Where can you still go?

A number of countries have quarantine conditions that you cannot enter. Today, foreign citizens cannot enter more than one country. The whole world is under quarantine and all travel is prohibited. Arrival in the country is allowed only to citizens of the state or the presence of minor children in the country. To enter countries, you must provide a medical certificate and undergo a two-week quarantine if you have recently visited another country.

Visa Application Centers around the world have temporarily suspended the receipt of new visas indefinitely. The World Health Fund recommends to stay at home during the quarantine and not to visit other countries. Each emergency travel situation is handled on a case-by-case basis.

All citizens of the states will be taken to the territory of Russia and will be forced to undergo a two-week quarantine. These precautions will help reduce the risk of infection and deal with the coronavirus.

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