Official statistics on coronavirus

For the first time, the COVID-19 virus appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan only at the end of last year. In just three months, a new atypical coronavirus spread at a rapid pace around the world, and already in March, the World Health Organization was forced to declare an outbreak of the disease that this was not an epidemic, but a real pandemic, the center and focus of which was not only China, but also Europe .

The dynamics of the spread of coronavirus around the world

Coronavirus in China has caused the disease in other countries. The spread of coronavirus began in the Chinese city of Wuhan, after a new disease was recorded in Thailand, Japan, South Korea and the United States. The virus also got here because of the Chinese people who traveled. As of today, 297,455 cases of infection with atypical coronavirus COVID-19 have been recorded in the world, of which 12,775 have been fatal.

The dynamics of distribution in the world at the moment is faster than in China itself. According to forecasts, by the end of March there will not be a single state where cases of infection have been detected. Just the other day, countries such as Nepal, Chad, East Timor, Eswatini, Somalia, Djibouti, the Gambia and even the Vatican joined the number of countries with cases of infection. The most rapid spread of the virus is observed in Europe in countries such as Italy, Spain and Germany. Also among the leaders in terms of distribution dynamics are South Korea and Iran.

How many infected in the world by country

The official mark of diseases in the world is rapidly approaching 300 thousand. Today alone, more than 6.5 thousand new cases of infection were recorded in Italy, about 4 thousand in Spain, while in China there were only about 40 new cases in the last 24 hours. Iran also ranks among the leaders, with 1,000 new cases per day.

Now in Italy, the statistics of people infected with coronavirus recorded about 54 thousand people, in Spain - 25 thousand, in the USA - 22 thousand, Germany - 22 thousand. Here are the top 20 countries by the number of detected cases of infection.

A country Total number of patients sick for today
1 China 81008 41
2 Italy 53578 6557
3 Spain 25374 3803
4 USA 22132 2749
5 Germany 21854 2006
6 Iran 20610 966
7 France 12612 112
8 South Korea 8799 147
9 Switzerland 6371 756
10 Great Britain 4094 111
11 Netherlands 3631 637
12 Austria 2847 198
13 Belgium 2815 558
14 Norway 2118 159
15 Sweden 1764 125
16 Denmark 1326 71
17 Portugal 1280 260
18 Malaysia 1183 153
19 Canada 1087 98
20 Australia 1072 144

How many died from coronavirus in the world

  The total number of deaths in the world today is 12775, the mark has almost reached 13 thousand. At the moment, the number of deaths in Italy exceeds that of China. To date, 4,825 deaths have been officially recorded in Italy, 3,255 in China, 1,556 in Iran, Spain in fourth place with 1,378, and France in fifth place with 450 deaths. It is worth noting the lightning-fast rates of infection and mortality in Italy, because on March 17-18, 2020, the number of deaths was 2.5 thousand, when in just 4-5 days the death rate doubled!

 How many have recovered from coronavirus in the world

 The total number of people who have recovered from the 2019 ncov coronavirus, according to the latest data, is about 95 thousand. The largest number of recovered people is in China, because it was here that cases of infection were first recorded. In second place is Iran, here 7635 people have coped with the disease. Although Italy is in third place in terms of the number of recoveries, their ratio to cases and deaths remains disappointing, as the pace of the spread of the pandemic far exceeds the rate and recovery rate. On the Diamond Princess liner, 567 cases out of 712 cases have already ended in recovery.

Demographic portrait of the deceased from the new coronavirus

 The first signs of the disease begin with symptoms such as muscle weakness, cough, fever, shortness of breath. An atypical virus provokes such changes in the lungs, from which death occurs. There is currently no specific treatment. In severe cases, mechanical ventilation is performed simultaneously with symptomatic and supportive therapy. About 70% of all cases, according to doctors, proceed in a mild or moderate form, while the rest of the patients require immediate hospitalization.

  The most common demographic portrait of the deceased is a patient aged 40-60 years with comorbidities.

Forecast of the spread of the virus on the planet

 The statistics on the spread of the coronavirus are disappointing. According to forecasts, an atypical coronavirus will cover absolutely all states by the end of March - the beginning of April 2020. According to forecasts, more than 60% of the world's population will be ill with COVID-19, which will be two-thirds of all inhabitants of the planet. The quarantine measures taken in many countries can somewhat slow down the spread of a viral disease, but, unfortunately, it will not be possible to completely avoid infection in certain areas.

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