What is known about quarantine in Astrakhan due to coronavirus

The pandemic that has swept the whole world has spread panic among people, since it is not clear how to protect yourself from being infected by the virus and at the same time maintain common sense. Many countries have declared a state of emergency, some have an emergency regime. All of this is done to keep residents safe.

The Russian Federation is no exception, where local councils are taking quarantine measures throughout the territory. In particular, quarantine was introduced in Astrakhan, this is confirmed by the order of the regional governor.

Educational institutions

The introduction of restrictions on the educational process is due to the fact that children are the most vulnerable element, and the place of accumulation and spread of the virus between schoolchildren, destadists and students is almost lightning fast. Quarantine was introduced from 03/30/2020 for an indefinite period.

Quarantine in Astrakhan schools, educational institutions and kindergartens began on March 30, 2020 by order of the governor. Restrictive measures include the absence of classes in institutions.

Which enterprises and entrepreneurs are forced to suspend their activities

After March 30, 2020, quarantine was introduced, which provides for the restriction of the work of a number of enterprises and institutions. The restrictions do not apply to the work of those who provide human life support. There is a list of enterprises and employees for which quarantine measures do not apply. In particular, we are talking about the production and transportation of food products, providing them to the population, as well as medicines, medical goods, personal hygiene products, goods for children, fuel, etc.

It is important to note that at all enterprises that will remain in operation, strict control measures have been introduced to limit contacts between people, disinfection and processing measures have been tightened.

Suspended work in ports, airports, international communication and intercity. According to operational information, the ship is under quarantine in Astrakhan.

Also closed the border in the Astrakhan region with Kazakhstan

Who keeps working

According to the resolution, the following enterprises continue to operate:

  1. Energy industry
  2. Heat supply.
  3. Water supply, water purification, sewerage, etc.
  4. Hazardous production enterprises under state control.
  5. Industrial security.
  6. Construction organizations that ensure safety for the life and health of people.
  7. Enterprises providing assistance in emergency situations.
  8. Firms that produce personal protective equipment, medical devices, thermal imagers, etc.
  9. Waste removal companies.
  10. Housing and communal services.
  11. Enterprises in the financial sector that provide solutions to urgent problems.
  12. Transport services.
  13. Oil refining and oil supply enterprises.

Will quarantine be extended in Astrakhan

The decision to impose restrictions on the operation of certain types of institutions and enterprises is envisaged at a meeting of the operational headquarters. The regional authorities are taking all urgent measures to prevent an increase in the number of cases of the virus.

Today, the number of people affected by the coronavirus is growing rapidly, and, fearing the impossibility of providing timely assistance to the sick, quarantine was introduced.

All the measures taken today are reducing the surge in morbidity, and the most dangerous foci of inflammation are being identified and are under the supervision of specialists. Unfortunately, those who do not adhere to the regime of self-isolation complicate the task of preventing the spread of the virus, since healthy people are affected by personal contact.

It is important to know that leaving the house unnecessarily can get medical attention if necessary, and also because of the danger of being there. Otherwise, without documents and a special pass, you cannot leave the house. Transportation is carried out only for those workers who are involved in providing the population with the most necessary, and are also involved in protecting the lives of the population. Movement for other citizens is possible only if there is a car.

How is the educational process in Astrakhan during the quarantine period

In countries, the educational process has switched to distance learning. What does it provide? Most schools have cooperated into a single whole, and are mastering communication via the Internet. Someone organizes online conferences through irradiated programs, someone conducts testing on the appropriate portals. Parents receive homework by phone or by mail, and then report on the work done to the teacher through a photo or video report.

For many parents, especially for those who continue to work, such a learning process is difficult, since it is necessary not only to organize the child, but also to independently adapt to the process.

How to find a job in Astrakhan during the coronavirus period

Due to work restrictions, businesses have closed. As a result, many jobs have been vacated. Many went on vacation at their own expense, and so on. Quarantine restriction has led to the fact that people do not have a livelihood. But when possible, they try to find a job opportunity.

Job search statistics show that the demand for freelancing has increased around the world. All work that can be done through the Internet can be done.

 Groups are created in Telegram, WhatsApp or Viber, there are links to perform various types of work, from housework to urgent tasks (by type, bring or pick up, etc.).

It is also worth paying attention to retraining during the quarantine period, spend some time studying through online services and try your luck in another area.

Goals of quarantine due to coronavirus

The main purpose of the introduction of quarantine is to comply with the emergency situation introduced worldwide by the WHO due to the coronavirus. The introduction of an emergency situation is due to a sharp increase in cases of coronavirus, as well as the inability to resist standard drugs for SARS. Today, a cure and vaccine for covid-19 is being developed, but in fact there is nothing.

According to preliminary data, quarantine in Astrakhan schools from 21.03., in the region from 30.03. until the cancellation order . However, there is a possibility that there will be an extension

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