How Kharkiv lives in quarantine for coronavirus

Quarantine in Kharkiv is a measure introduced despite the initial resistance of the city authorities. Now the city portal "All about coronavirus" cheerfully reports on several stages of the introduction of restrictive measures in the city and region.

How many people are infected with coronavirus in Kharkiv

In general, the situation in Ukraine has somewhat stabilized. Despite the regularly increasing numbers of coronavirus infections (as of April 16, 3,674 people with an officially confirmed diagnosis were registered here, mortality decreased slightly (2.87, instead of the previously published 2.89%), the number of recovered finally began to prevail over the number of deaths from coronavirus infection (143:108)

The Public Health Center, based on data provided by the regional authorities of the Kharkiv region, reported that:

  • in this region, the number of cases has increased dramatically;
  • to date, there are 25 officially confirmed coronavirus diagnoses;
  • there are slightly more women among them than male patients;
  • one patient is also reported to have recovered from the coronavirus;
  • there are 79 cases of suspicion, for which diagnostics are carried out in the regional center and in Kyiv;
  • 10 patients are aged 41 to 60;
  • 26 cases were not confirmed during diagnostic measures;
  • Among the patients there is one soldier.

Official statistics report the first death in the Kharkiv region (a 71-year-old resident died, taken to the district hospital with bilateral pneumonia). The diagnosis was not confirmed by express methods, however, PCR analysis made it possible to verify the presence of a dangerous disease. The medical report states that the woman suffered from diabetes mellitus, cardiosclerosis and hypertension.

The Kharkiv governor A. Kucher informed the public about the fatal outcome. He also said that isolated cases were detected among residents of the Balakleysky, Valkovsky, Dergachevsky and Kharkov districts of the region. Precautions will be stepped up in the area as the woman was selling candles at the church and could come into contact with more people.

List of restrictions due to quarantine in Kharkiv

The introduction of an all-Ukrainian quarantine provides for general restrictions, but there are also individual ones. Checkpoints have been set up on the border of the region, through which foreigners are not allowed to pass. An exception is made for several categories of foreign citizens:

  • employees of diplomatic and consular missions with their families;
  • employees of international missions accredited in the country and members of their families;
  • employees of organizations officially registered in Ukraine;
  • drivers and staff of vehicles with goods delivered to the city.

Some of the checkpoints that used to work were closed. Intercity buses do not run. Pedestrians are not allowed through certain checkpoints, but there are also those through which it is impossible to pass by private transport.

Quarantine has been announced in Kharkov schools, nurseries and preschool institutions are closed, public catering and shopping malls are closed. Only pharmacies and grocery stores are open. All universities were quarantined in Kharkiv, but they continue to study remotely. The Kharkov Aviation Institute also works.

Bans after introduction of strict lockdown

After the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution on the introduction of stricter quarantine measures, the situation with coronavirus in Kharkiv did not become less tense, and the cases of detection of cases did not become either more or less. And this despite:

  • limiting access to the street of the elderly;
  • prohibition of walks for more than 2 people or conversations on the street;
  • a ban on holding any mass events, visiting children's and sports grounds, the appearance on the street of children unaccompanied by adults;
  • inability to visit hospices and social institutions.

For everyone who appears on the streets of the city, it is mandatory to have an identity document with you. People over 60 can go to pharmacies or shops only if there is no one to help and there is an emergency.

Punishments for quarantine violators

For those who do not comply with the provisions of the Ukrainian government's decree on the introduction of stricter measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection, administrative and criminal penalties are provided:

Administrative measures - a fine from 17 to 51 thousand hryvnias;

  • violation of sanitary standards is punishable by a fine from 200 to 460 hryvnia;
  • appearing on the street without a protective mask can lead to a fine of 17 thousand hryvnia or even imprisonment;
  • for intentional infection with coronavirus, or unintentionally, but causing serious consequences, criminal liability and imprisonment for a period of 3 to 8 years threaten.

Control over compliance with the instructions of the government of Ukraine is entrusted to the National Guard, police officers, and epidemiologists. Recently, a case of coronavirus infection was discovered in the National Guard. The city authorities intend to block the interregional communication if the epidemiological situation worsens.

Where you can walk in Kharkov during the quarantine period

Visiting parks and squares during the period of strict quarantine is prohibited for everyone who does not walk the dog and does not go there on official business. The last condition is caused by the need for decorative plantings. Kharkiv authorities purchased over 100,000 tulip bulbs. Some of them have not yet been planted, but the earlier ones have already bloomed. An appeal appeared on social networks to Kharkiv residents with a request not to pick flowers on lawns and flower beds.

One adult can accompany an unlimited number of children on the street, but he cannot lead them either to the park, or to the square, or to the playground. Two people can walk a dog near the house, but only one of them can go to the park with it.

When will quarantine end in Kharkov

Preliminary dates have already been announced several times. But it's hard to predict anything. The quarantine was introduced from March 12 to April 3, and was extended from March 25 to April 24. On the 6th day of the second spring month, the government of Ukraine adopted a resolution to tighten previously planned measures.

They also affected a large industrial and educational center. The coronavirus is spreading across the planet and the authorities of Ukrainian cities may, at their discretion, tighten quarantine measures. In Kharkov, the city metro is closed, they plan to close bus stops. So far, there are no signs of improvement in the situation in Ukraine and passing the peak of the coronavirus. Therefore, it is difficult to predict any timing. Most likely, the Ukrainian government will be guided by the recommendations of the World Health Organization.

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