How long will quarantine due to coronavirus last in Novosibirsk?

The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak of coronavirus infection a pandemic. The number of people infected in the world has already exceeded 1.5 million, and the death toll has already exceeded 100 thousand people. In Russia, the situation is becoming more acute every day, and quarantine measures have been taken in many cities. Novosibirsk was no exception.

What is known about quarantine in Novosibirsk due to coronavirus

Since March 31, quarantine measures have been taken in Novosibirsk and the region, recently they were extended until April 30. Quarantine measures imply restrictions on the access of people and public transport. A general lockdown regime has been introduced, and the issue of introducing fines for violating the quarantine regime into the legislation is being considered.

Educational institutions

Since March 16, absolutely all Novosibirsk universities have switched to distance learning, and schools have switched to free attendance. Quarantine in the schools of Novosibirsk began on April 30, when the whole country went “for a non-working week”, and then, on April 6, schoolchildren were transferred to distance learning. Quarantine in kindergartens in Novosibirsk also began on April 6

Which enterprises and entrepreneurs are forced to suspend their activities

Together with the schoolchildren, the enterprises of the whole country went on vacation, Novosibirsk enterprises were no exception. Not so long ago, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, extended "non-working days" until April 30, with the possibility of their early termination, if the epidemiological situation allows. All enterprises that are not socially significant and have not switched to remote work have stopped working.

Who keeps working

By order of the President and recommendations of the Ministry of Labor, medical and pharmacy organizations continue to operate, organizations whose activities cannot be suspended, organizations providing the population with essential products (sellers, storekeepers, etc.), organizations ensuring the protection of public health, state funds, organizations providing repair and maintenance of the population.

Will quarantine be extended in Novosibirsk

The authorities of Novosibirsk went to ease the quarantine regime and it was decided to open some enterprises from April 12. Among these enterprises are telecommunications companies, repair companies, organizations related to cleaning, dry cleaning and laundry. The list also includes hairdressers and beauty salons.

The government of Novosibirsk is thinking about easing quarantine, but the situation began to worsen and tension hung in the air.

How is the educational process in Novosibirsk during the quarantine period

Students and schoolchildren are now undergoing distance learning. They must attend online conferences or chat with teachers every working day and complete the assignment. It was decided to postpone the OGE and EGE exams, the students will have a session remotely. Thesis defenses and state exams for graduate groups will also be held remotely. What is Distance Learning? This is an educational process that takes place from home, through online conferences or chat with teachers. Moreover, a person continues to receive education in full. All tasks can be completed on a personal computer or on a laptop (netbook). The schedule is planned in advance, it contains a plan for the entire work of the student for each subject separately. The topics necessary for study and assignments that should be completed and sent by a certain time, the time of online lessons, the timing of tests, control and practical work are determined.

Distance learning takes place online in accordance with the school or higher education program and includes aspects such as online lessons using a webcam and microphone, chats with teachers, online tests and live lectures. Students and schoolchildren work on specially designed sites that are owned by the educational institution, personal sites of teachers and the All-Russian remote testing system. The government has required all schools, colleges and universities to prepare platforms for successful remote learning and to control e-scores. Low-income citizens should be allocated equipment for the period of distance learning for its successful completion

How to find a job in Novosibirsk during the coronavirus period

During the pandemic, remote work became relevant. If you fail to gain a foothold in any company, then you can try your hand at the freelance exchange. In such markets, you will need to perform simple tasks. You can learn to code. You can start rewriting articles or writing your own, and then sell them.

Goals of quarantine due to coronavirus

The main goal is to prevent the further spread of coronavirus infection. After all, the new virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and it is necessary to isolate people from each other. The government is worried that the Italian scenario may repeat itself and the quarantine will have to be extended indefinitely. Therefore, it is better to wait now and observe the regime of self-isolation. Do not think about yourself, think about relatives, especially the elderly.

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