How is the quarantine in Saratov in connection with the coronavirus

Coronavirus is a disease that affects the human respiratory tract. The COVID-19 virus originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan and spread around the world within a few months. The government of the Russian Federation promptly took the necessary measures and announced a regime of self-isolation. How is Saratov, a picturesque city of 850,000 people in southeast Russia, going through this period?

What is known about quarantine in Saratov due to coronavirus

The official Telegram channel of the operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus reports that as of April 12, 2020, there are 42 infected people in the Saratov region, which is 16% more than yesterday, April 11. There are also two people who have recovered, and no deaths have been reported.

The patients are not in critical condition, they are all undergoing therapy and are under close supervision. The circle of people who have been in contact with patients has been identified and is in self-isolation.

Today, the general requirements for movement around the city are simple - citizens are required to maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 meters and must not leave their place of residence. Exceptions are:

  • seeking emergency medical care;
  • taking out the trash;
  • dog walking at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the house;
  • going to the nearest grocery store, bank or cell phone store;
  • direct threat to life and health;
  • following to the place of work, having with you the documents confirming this.

It should be noted that the coronavirus in the city is spreading relatively slowly – it is worth thanking the residents of Saratov for voluntary compliance with the “home regime”. According to Yandex, Saratov's self-isolation index, that is, the activity of citizens compared to weekdays before the pandemic, is 3.9 points out of 5, although 10 days ago it was estimated at 3.2 points.

Which enterprises and entrepreneurs are forced to suspend their activities

Unfortunately, the pandemic has affected most businesses. Many are afraid of uncertainty - it is always important for business owners to calculate their every step and understand their planning horizon, but now there is no such possibility. However, the main thing in such a situation is not to panic, make informed decisions, relying solely on official information, and take care of the health of yourself and your employees.

Today, all enterprises are forced to suspend work, whose activities cannot be carried out remotely and do not concern medicine, food supply and finance.

Who keeps working

Vice Governor Alexander Strelyukhin published an expanded list of professions that continue to work during the non-working month. It includes lawyers, notaries, workers in the field of agriculture and construction. Large banks, grocery stores and pharmacies will not stop their work. A large part of the population works remotely - online conference platforms help with this.

The operational headquarters has been considering the introduction of special passes for citizens during the quarantine period for several days, but each time such a system is postponed. The main nuance for the authorities is the difficulty of implementing legal regulation - who and how to control compliance with the new regime?

Despite the absence of special passes, the police ask citizens to carry identification documents when leaving their homes.

Until what date is quarantine in Saratov: will it be extended

Now quarantine throughout Russia has been declared until May 1 - neither schools nor most organizations will work. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that this measure would be taken while maintaining salaries, and if the current situation changes for the better, non-working days will be reduced and people will be able to return to work as early as April.

There is no information yet on the extension of quarantine in Saratov, it remains only to monitor the infection statistics and wait if the city government considers it positive.

How is the educational process in Saratov during the quarantine period

In the Saratov region, the work of educational institutions was suspended quite early - on February 3, Rospotrebnadzor announced a week-long quarantine in schools, universities and colleges due to the high prevalence of SARS.

From March 18 to the present day, all educational institutions have been on distance learning. For example, most schoolchildren are now studying through websites and the Russian Electronic School portal. Quarantine in the universities of Saratov follows approximately the same pattern: by decree of the Minister of Science and Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov, all institutions are recommended to organize the training of students outside universities and ensure that they master educational programs and access to free online courses on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science.

How to find a job in Saratov during the coronavirus period

During this difficult period, many were left without work - unfortunately, not all areas of activity can work remotely, and most small businesses had to close altogether.

More than 27 million people in the world are unemployed. Economists predict that, for example, in Ukraine, by the end of quarantine, there will be about 5 million unemployed.

Experts say that if you cannot find free vacancies in your profession, you should put up with it and temporarily change the field. For example, people are needed in all large supermarkets - there are almost 60% more vacancies for cashiers. You can get a job there without work experience, and on a part-time basis.

Security guards are required in various establishments, because with the onset of difficult times, the threat of theft has increased. We need postmen, taxi drivers, assistants in medical institutions, operators in call centers and tutors in online schools. It is recommended to pay special attention to remote work - the whole world is gradually moving to the Internet, and, as a result, people need more interesting content.

The President of the Russian Federation also said that in the coming days, a business support program should appear in the country to maintain employment and salaries, and for families with children whose parents lost their jobs due to the current situation, Vladimir Putin suggested paying 3,000 rubles in the next three months. rubles for each child.

Goals of quarantine due to coronavirus

Everyone wants the lockdown to end as soon as possible. However, it should be understood that this measure is really necessary in the current situation and must be approached with all seriousness - this is not just a month of holidays, but a method to reduce the number of deaths due to a pandemic. The purpose of quarantine is to slow the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, young people in good health can carry COVID-19 but not have symptoms. Going out for a walk, they can infect others, and if among them there are children, the elderly or people with chronic diseases, everything can end badly.

The government of Saratov does not give any information about whether the quarantine will be extended in the city, but calls to temporarily stay at home and faithfully observe the regime until the situation is clarified.

It is hoped that over time the statistics will improve along with the awareness and responsibility of citizens.

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