When will quarantine end in Syktyvkar

The new Chinese virus has already touched every region of the country, almost all of them are on high alert. There is a quarantine in Syktyvkar, certain measures have been taken here to improve the epidemiological situation.

What is known about quarantine in Syktyvkar due to coronavirus

The coronavirus epidemic has affected everyone. In connection with it, changes have been made to the work of some local organizations.

Educational institutions

In early March, schools and kindergartens were quarantined in Syktyvkar, schoolchildren were released unscheduled for vacations, and preschoolers were transferred to free education. Almost all specialized and higher educational institutions have switched to distance learning.

After the end of the school holidays, due to the epidemiological situation, the children also did not go to school, the educational program was adjusted for distance learning. It is currently known that educational institutions will continue to work in this way until May 11.

On a note!

The first case of infection in Syktyvkar was detected on April 11, 2020. The patient was a local resident who recently returned from abroad.

Which enterprises and entrepreneurs are forced to suspend their activities

Currently, Syktyvkar is on high alert, so the head of the region suspended the activities of a number of enterprises until the end of the May holidays:

  • carrying out joinery and carpentry work;
  • repair of vehicles and motorcycles;
  • retail trade, except for points of issue of orders;
  • activities related to real estate transactions;
  • in design and photography;
  • administrative and related services;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • clothing and building materials stores.

For employees of the above organizations, the period is declared non-working with the preservation of wages. Where possible, many companies operate remotely.


To accommodate patients, medical beds have been installed in one of the local sports schools. Patients will be accommodated here in case of shortage of places in hospitals.

Who continues to work

In connection with the coronavirus, many enterprises in the city of Syktyvkar are closed, but there are a number of those that will continue their activities without fail:

  • all continuously operating organizations;
  • medical institutions;
  • pharmacy points;
  • shops and other organizations that provide the population with food and essentials;
  • enterprises operating in emergency situations.

For children whose parents are forced to work under quarantine, duty groups have been formed in preschool institutions, the rest of kindergartens continue to be closed.

It is worth noting that during the quarantine period in many hospitals in Syktyvkar, patients without coupons are admitted only with acute pain, while entering the premises is allowed only in medical masks. Stores that continue to operate are treated with a disinfectant solution daily, and markings have been created for visitors to queue. At other operating enterprises, security measures have been introduced for employees, they are controlled by Rospotrebnadzor.


On March 11, 2020, the new virus was declared a pandemic. This suggests that it has become international, affecting most of the countries of the world.

Goals of quarantine due to coronavirus

The main purpose of the introduction of quarantine is to prevent the further spread of the new Chinese virus, reduce the growth in the number of cases. The minimum number will not create a large load in hospitals, so all patients will be able to receive qualified medical care.

Another important goal of quarantine in the city is to save those at risk. These include people over 65 years of age and suffering from chronic diseases. The city authorities strongly recommend that pensioners stay at home and avoid contact with other people, and an organization of volunteers has also been created in the city, which delivers essential groceries to homes.

Will quarantine be extended in Syktyvkar

Currently, quarantine in Syktyvkar, as well as throughout the country, has been extended until the end of the holidays - until May 11. Until then, the non-working week and the self-isolation regime will continue to operate. Whether quarantine will be extended after this time is now unknown to anyone, since the peak of the epidemic has not yet passed. Virologists say that it is possible to talk about the termination of the self-isolation regime only 10-12 weeks after the peak has been passed. According to their assumptions, it will happen at best in the middle of summer, at worst in early autumn.


The main symptoms of coronavirus are dry cough and fever. When they are detected, it is required to call a doctor at home and take an analysis for the presence of an infection in the body.

How is the educational process in Syktyvkar during the quarantine period

At the moment, the entire educational process in the city of Syktyvkar takes place remotely. Schoolchildren and students study using remote programs, through which they receive and send homework every day.

The city authorities promised to come to the aid of those families whose homes do not have the appropriate equipment for study, it will be issued. Children who received subsidized meals are given dry rations.

How to find a job in Syktyvkar during the coronavirus period

Due to the coronavirus, many employees were laid off and left without work. For them, the question of where to find the means of subsistence has become relevant. Two professions currently remain relevant for the city:

  • seamstresses - many enterprises are now retraining for sewing masks;
  • health care workers – local hospitals are currently understaffed.

Many seek to find remote work, among them the most popular were tutors working remotely and bloggers.

Currently, quarantine continues to operate in the city of Syktyvkar. It is not known how long it will last, the city authorities are taking all necessary measures to reduce the number of people infected with the new Chinese virus.

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