The latest data on the regime of self-isolation in the Tula region

In connection with this situation, mass quarantine was introduced throughout Russia, and its checks were named by the governors of various regions. The coronavirus has affected almost every city and region of Russia, not bypassing Tula.

When introduced and how long will quarantine last in Tula and the region

Quarantine in Tula and the Tula region was introduced in mid-March. First, until April 12, any entertainment events were prohibited, regardless of the number of those present, until April 5, all:

  • shopping centers,
  • cafe,
  • SPA salons,
  • hairdressers,
  • restaurants and so on

stopped their activities. On March 30, the regional governor commented on the quarantine situation in the city. At that time, Alexey Dyumin did not deny the possibility of total self-isolation.

At the very end of March, the city governor signed a law that increased the fine for deviations from self-isolation: for citizens, the fine was up to 5,000 rubles, for officials - up to 20,000 rubles, for legal entities the fine could reach 150,000 rubles.

At the same time, the National Assembly also strengthened the responsibility for non-compliance with the quarantine.

Full readiness mode in the Tula region was extended until April 30 inclusive.

Amendments to the decree of the head of administration came into force. 

Will quarantine measures be extended?

At the moment, quarantine in the Tula region has been extended until April 30 inclusive, as well as throughout Russia, but so far the statistics on the incidence of coronavirus are not at all encouraging, so isolation can be extended both until May and June.

But until now, the governors of the regions and the president have been silent, waiting for the peak of the coronavirus infection. When it will be is also unclear, but, according to mathematical calculations, the peak will be reached on April 18.

The situation in the city in connection with the coronavirus

Updates in the news tell us that today in Tula the situation is going as well as possible. The operational center collects all data on the epidemiological situation in the city and updates the summary for the past day: how many infected and how many recovered patients.

Yesterday, 11 tests for coronavirus infection were confirmed in the Tula Territory. This is better than April 9, as 12 cases were registered per day.

New cases of this virus show us that the disease is spread through contact with a carrier or carrier of the disease. On April 10, six new cases were identified: two girls and three men returned from abroad or from another city with a high incidence.

 There is also positive news. As of April 14, not a single new case of coronavirus infection has been registered in the Tula Territory.

It should be noted that as of April 15, 17 people have recovered in Tula. They were admitted to the Infectious Diseases Hospital and, having undergone the necessary course of treatment, were discharged in full health.  

Quarantine in Tula schools

 All higher educational institutions and schools in the Tula region were quarantined from March 12, and self-isolation was extended until April 30 inclusive.

Tula teachers are learning to work on new platforms and communicate with children through social networks and learning platforms. So, instead of lessons in the classroom at their desks, the guys go to online conferences, and they ask questions they are interested in on the Internet: Viber, WhatsApp, VK.

Such home schooling is practically no different from the harsh everyday life, if you do not take into account that the students are sitting at home. They do their homework and send it to teachers in writing or take pictures of notebooks. Also, a lot of learning platforms are now available, you can prepare for the VPR, OGE and solve tests.

All the main work goes through electronic diaries, like

Real teachers are now being replaced by virtual ones. Students can study new material on the NES platform (Russian Electronic School), where there is a full course of lessons from the best teachers throughout Russia.

But the usual teachers do not get lost and answer topical questions live.

The goals of introducing quarantine in Tula

The purpose of self-isolation is to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the region. Today, the duty of citizens includes complete self-isolation, not going out into the street unnecessarily. Exception: to the pharmacy, grocery store, hospital or walk your beloved pet, but not more than a hundred meters from home.

Coronavirus infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and through contact, through things, objects - you must wear latex gloves and medical masks, this will not protect you completely, but it will reduce the risk of illness significantly.

In the event that you have a fabric mask, then remember that after any use it must be washed with soap and water, dried, then ironed with steam, finally decontaminating.  

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