How Tver lives under quarantine

For several months now, the coronavirus has been rapidly gaining momentum. Thousands of people are in fear. The coronavirus has brought major changes to the lives of many people. This also affected Russia, including Tver. Most clearly, people will be able to feel this already next week, which is declared a day off. The decree on quarantine in Tver was signed on March 25 by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

It is important now to comply with all safety rules.

- Governor Igor Rudenya announced.

The goals of introducing quarantine in Tver

Self-isolation is currently the best protection against coronavirus, because if you do not contact people, there will be no one to get infected from. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, therefore, several people can become infected from one person, just by standing nearby. Therefore, people are obliged to isolate themselves from the external environment, not only to protect themselves, but also their loved ones.

Restrictive measures in Tver on coronavirus

1) Quarantine must be observed by everyone. It is recommended to use individual dishes, hygiene products, towels. Buy food in online stores or with the help of volunteers. Not to see people, whether they are relatives, acquaintances or friends. Communicate by phone or using social networks. Wash hands daily, every few hours and treat with disinfectants.

2) Closing of establishments where mass gathering of people is possible.

3) The transition of all educational institutions to distance learning.

Medical institutions

Medical institutions have decided to put on maximum alert. But visits to clinics and hospitals are recommended only in case of emergency, that is, with serious illnesses. It is also necessary to call the reception to arrange a visit in advance. Planned and preventive visits to medical institutions will be reduced. The work of dentists was also limited, assistance is provided only in case of emergency. Dental care for children will be provided by the Dental Polyclinic, which is located on Chaikovsky Avenue, 24/2 B. From 8:00 to 19:00, on Saturday from 9:00 to 15:00.

Anyone can get help at the City Hospital No. 6, which is located on Ordzhonikidze Street, 34. It works every day from 8:00 to 20:00, and on Saturday from 8:00 to 14:00. Help can also be obtained at the City Hospital No. 1 on Belyakovsky Lane from 20:00 to 8:00, and on Saturday from 15:00 to 8:00, on Sunday and on holidays around the clock. There is also a maxillofacial surgery located on Sofia Perovskaya Street, No. 5.

Sports facilities

All sporting events have been cancelled. Stopped the work of sports schools. Since March 27, the work of all state and municipal sports schools has been stopped. Sports halls and swimming pools are also closed, ice in ice palaces is melted. Only the administration of sports schools works in a limited mode.

Until June 1, ski slopes and other recreational facilities will not work. Only those who are on a business trip can stop there. And those who are already there can only eat in the buildings where they live. It is impossible to extend the time of rest in a sanatorium or boarding house; vacationers must adhere to self-isolation and comply with safety rules in order to avoid coronavirus.


Cultural institutions will be temporarily closed. But all concerts and performances will be held online. The Tver Philharmonic organizes live broadcasts that everyone can watch. Governor Igor Rudenya introduced additional restrictions. Conducting entertainment, exhibition events, where there is a mass gathering of people, will be suspended, this also includes: cinemas, discos, clubs, entertainment centers.

Quarantine in Tver schools has been in effect since March 16, and quarantine in Tver universities has also been in effect since March 16. Students have switched to distance learning. Parents are encouraged to take paid sick leave to be at home with their children during quarantine. Quarantine in the Tver region began on April 2 and continues to this day.

Retail trade has been restricted in Tver, only grocery stores, pharmacies, pet stores, official car dealers and outlets that sell goods remotely and with delivery are open. Operating establishments are required to follow the rules: check the temperature of employees every day before opening and during work, and thoroughly disinfect the premises. Workers must use personal protective equipment. The building must have markings showing the distance that buyers must observe.

In Tver, such establishments as beauty salons, spas, baths, solariums, saunas and other establishments providing such services are closed. In the branches of the MFC, the issuance of documents occurs in electronic form.

How long will the quarantine last?

On April 7, a decree was signed to continue the quarantine in Tver. Until April 30, cafes and restaurants, beauty salons, beauty parlors, fitness clubs and other events where crowds are possible will be closed. Until April 12, branches of the MFC will not accept documents in person. The process of issuing the document will take place electronically. Until June 1, it will be impossible to book rooms in hotels, sanatoriums and boarding houses. Self-isolation will last until the wave of the epidemic subsides.

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