Volzhsk and quarantine due to coronavirus

Coronavirus belongs to the category of serious diseases that humanity first met in 2019. At the beginning of the next year, the disease began to actively spread around the world. The most effective method of preventing coronavirus disease is quarantine.

What restrictive measures have been introduced in Volzhsky?

Since April 1, quarantine has been carried out in Volzhsky, which consists in the mandatory self-isolation of all citizens of the region. It is allowed to leave the house for people who work in organizations that ensure the life of the city under quarantine. These are medical workers, volunteers, authorities and employees of other organizations whose activities have not been suspended for objective reasons.

Volzhsk and quarantine due to coronavirus

Citizens are allowed to leave their homes if they need emergency medical care. People can walk their dogs within 100 meters of their home. It is allowed to take out municipal waste to the nearest place of their accumulation. People can walk to the nearest grocery store or pharmacy. Volunteers and citizens who care for pensioners over the age of 45 are allowed to move around the streets.

In Volzhsky, schools were closed for quarantine. Children have distance learning. Teachers send homework and topics for study on social networks or post on the school website. If you have any difficulties in learning a new topic, you can contact the teacher by phone for advice.

It is recommended that citizens of the city receive public services online. Personal, family and corporate events are prohibited. When organizing a funeral, you need to ensure that no more than 10 people participate in them.

When leaving the house, a person must wear a mask or respirator. The distance in public places between people should be at least 2 meters. When moving on the streets, people must have an identity document with them.

There are no retail outlets in the city that do not sell essential goods. The work of theaters, cinemas, museums, entertainment centers was temporarily suspended. It is forbidden to operate catering establishments until further notice.

Grocery stores and pharmacies are fully operational in the city. The work of gas stations and other organizations whose activities ensure the protection of human health and life is also organized. Public transport is not working at the moment. For people who are forced to visit the workplace, organized special public transport routes.

Volzhsk and quarantine due to coronavirus

If a person arrived from abroad, then he must be in isolation for 14 days. On day 10, a swab is taken from the nasal or oral cavity for analysis. If signs of an acute respiratory disease appear, it is strictly forbidden to go to the medical center on your own, which is explained by the risk of infecting strangers. If there are signs of coronavirus, then you need to call a doctor at home. The specialist after examining the patient, if necessary, prescribe an analysis.

In case of violation of the self-isolation regime in the city, administrative liability and penalties from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles threaten. If a person deliberately infects strangers or people die through his fault, then he is threatened with criminal liability and imprisonment from 1 to 7 years.

Volzhsk and quarantine due to coronavirus

The goals of introducing quarantine in the city

As of the morning of April 12, there were 9 reported cases of infection in Volzhsky. Coronavirus is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact, so the disease spreads quickly in public places. That is why they introduced quarantine in order to avoid mass disease of people.

The problem of treating coronavirus is the lack of effective medications. No vaccine has been developed to prevent the viral disease. Therefore, the most effective preventive technique is the complete self-isolation of people.

When will the quarantine end: will it be extended?

Volzhsk and quarantine due to coronavirus

After a non-working week, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree extending the quarantine until April 24. The decision to extend the quarantine in the future will be made based on the situation. If the coronavirus continues to spread, the lockdown will be extended. Otherwise, the city will gradually return to its usual way of life.

In Volzhsky, quarantine was introduced to prevent the spread of coronavirus and strictly adhere to all the rules. Otherwise, citizens face administrative or criminal liability.

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