Zlatoust in quarantine for coronavirus

Every day more and more news about the quarantine situation in Russia due to COVID-19. How are things in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk region, is it possible to go to the store and when will the quarantine end? In this article, the reader will learn everything about the situation in Zlatoust at the moment.

Goals of quarantine due to coronavirus

The authorities of many countries, including Russia, had to resort to quarantine measures, since the peak of the pandemic has not been passed. The most important thing in this situation is to stop the spread of the viral infection, as the number of cases is increasing every day.

The authorities are closing public places, and citizens are being advised to stay at home, not to contact with others and not to go out unnecessarily, thus significantly slowing down the spread of coronavirus infection. The World Health Organization warns and advises working and going people. If quarantine safety measures are not observed, there will be even more patients with coronavirus, there will simply not be enough hospitals for everyone. Generally:

  • reduce the spread of infections, including coronavirus;
  • ensure disinfection in places where there is a large crowd of people;
  • provide hospitals with equipment to treat the infected.

What is known about quarantine in Zlatoust

The Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region Alexei Teksler has established a quarantine regime in connection with COVID-19. The Zlatoust police continue to check compliance with quarantine measures: residents of the city are advised to stay at home, and special measures are put on those who arrive from abroad.

For everyone's safety, they are required to be tested in the laboratory for coronavirus infection, and in case of a positive result, they are quarantined in a hospital. However, the home self-isolation regime is being violated: 781 cases of quarantine violations have already been recorded. Quarantine rules have several restrictions:

  • you can’t go out without urgent need (threat to health and calling the rescue services, the road to work in the absence of vacation);
  • you can go to the nearest grocery stores and pharmacies;
  • you can walk your pet and take out the trash near the house within a hundred meters;
  • in public transport, a distance of 1.5 meters must be observed;
  • organizations and stores that continue to work are required to make markings to maintain distance.

Educational institutions

Most of the country's educational institutions - universities, schools, colleges and technical schools - have switched to distance learning due to the coronavirus pandemic. But the quarantine in the schools of Zlatoust has not yet been announced: the heads of universities, schools and technical schools were only recommended to strengthen the disinfection of the premises. It is not yet known whether the students of Zlatoust will be transferred to distance learning or not, but you should be prepared for this. Distance learning is done through the Internet, which is a change for everyone and causes different reactions.

Which enterprises and entrepreneurs are forced to suspend their activities

As is the case across Russia, the Chelyabinsk region is experiencing a suspension of business activities, non-food stores, catering establishments and other public and cultural places to reduce the spread of COVID-19. It is also prescribed to limit corporate events and control employees who arrived from abroad. Employees are sent on vacation, sometimes unpaid; many are moving to a remote work format, if possible.

Who keeps working

Since April 13, beauty salons and hairdressers that have a medical license and provide safe services have been allowed to operate. Also open:

  • clothing repair companies
  • shoe shops;
  • key cutting offices;
  • tool rental companies;
  • garden centers and seedling shops.

Since March 31, the above enterprises have been closed due to the self-isolation regime. Now they will work according to the decree, and grocery stores, pharmacies and all outlets with essentials will continue to work as before.

Will quarantine be extended in Zlatoust

Since the quarantine regime in Russia has been extended until April 30, the question arises of its further extension. In Zlatoust, they are primarily looking at the spread of the disease, the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Alexei Teksler, said earlier that the quarantine regime could be lifted earlier than April 19, but later the situation became less clear. No decision has yet been made to extend the lockdown. The authorities are looking at the pandemic situation in the region and the number of infected people, which makes it possible to make a decision to lift the quarantine in Zlatoust.

The situation with the coronavirus infection makes almost all residents of Zlatoust panic. However, the future, the quarantine regime and the spread of infection depend on them. Only subject to self-isolation is it possible to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Zlatoust and the Chelyabinsk region. The further situation will depend only on the observance by citizens of the quarantine norms prescribed by the authorities. Residents of the city are only required to observe self-isolation and be aware of events related to the coronavirus infection.

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