How is quarantine in China: closed provinces and cut off cities

The spread of a new type of coronavirus began precisely with China. The authorities quickly established a quarantine, prohibiting the population from moving. Quarantine in China has slowed down the life of many provinces, where people are sometimes not even allowed to leave their homes.

Levels of quarantines in China

Since January 25, the country's authorities have introduced the highest level I response mode in 25 provinces. This level of quarantine is introduced only in emergency situations that require a prompt solution. The local government makes decisions based on the plan of the State Council and the centralized headquarters. In other regions, levels II and III are in place, implying preparedness and combating the spread of the virus.

In Hubei province, the first case of 2020 coronavirus infection was seen at the end of last year: the patient had a fever and a severe cough. The city of Wuhan has become the epicenter of the spread of the virus. The patients were related to the seafood market, where, according to doctors, they picked up the infection. Virologists call a snake or a bat a possible source.

After the discovery of infection in China, the coronavirus began to spread far beyond the borders of the country. Now the virus has been detected in at least half of the countries of the globe, so the World Health Organization has declared the epidemic a pandemic.

How to protect yourself from infection? Follow the list of preventive measures:

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and use hand sanitizer or alcohol wipes in public places. Hand washing time should be more than 20 seconds per hand.
  2. It is recommended to wear protective masks in crowded places. It is important to change the mask at least once every 2-3 hours. Public places should be avoided during the spread of the infection.
  3. Touching your face with dirty hands is prohibited. Once on the mucous membrane, the infection instantly spreads throughout the body.

Provincial quarantines

In China, 25 provinces have been quarantined. In the regions, the authorities have introduced strict restrictions and rules, according to which movement within the provinces and cities is prohibited. Local transport has been temporarily stopped, airports and other starting points are closed. Cultural institutions are contraindicated for visiting both tourists and locals.

All events involving large gatherings of people have been cancelled. The authorities oblige the population to wear masks and change them according to the rule: once every two hours. Temperature detectors have been installed at all points of entry and exit, which make it possible to identify a sick person on the spot and place him in isolation.

In connection with the virus, the country's authorities interrupted transport links with several cities at once. Roads to settlements were blocked, other options to leave the territory were cut off.

Which cities remain closed due to the coronavirus

The most stringent quarantine imposed by the authorities in the city of Wuhan. Despite the gradual decline in the incidence, the government is in no hurry to resume communication. Following, some cities in China are quarantined like Wuhan: Beijing, Chongqing, Tianjin and Shanghai. People have locked themselves in their homes, all entertainment events have been canceled, cultural institutions are closed for the duration of the isolation. After some time, entire provinces of China are quarantined:

  • Hunan;
  • Henan;
  • Guangdong;
  • Yun'an;
  • Anhui;
  • Jiangsu;
  • Guizhou;
  • Fujian and other smaller territories.

The Xinjiang Uighur and Guangxi Zhuang, which are considered autonomous, also turned out to be cut off. In these cities, the authorities completely closed the borders without the possibility of entry or exit. Even those people who have a residence permit in a closed area cannot get home.

In just 10 days, a hospital for those infected with coronavirus infection was erected in China. Builders worked around the clock to create a place for 1000 beds, where military doctors should meet the sick.

What works and what doesn't in the country

Summing up the statistics, Chinese scientists found that the prompt introduction of quarantine in Hubei allowed the country to avoid infection in 700 people. The province has been cut off from the world since 23 January. So far, the movement of intercity and local transport has been limited in the country. Shopping and entertainment centers, cultural institutions do not work everywhere, the closed school has been partially transferred to distance learning.

Grocery stores, pharmacies, and some banks operate in a limited mode in the country. Hospitals and other medical institutions operate in an enhanced mode. Tourism during the quarantine ceased to exist in China. The reasons for this were closed borders and the lack of tourist attractions in the country.

During a pandemic, it is recommended to stay at home and refuse to travel, even if the borders of the intended state are open. By avoiding travel, people will be able to cope with the pandemic faster and greatly reduce the rate of spread of the coronavirus.

At present, Italy has already crossed the threshold of the Chinese epidemic. Coronavirus in China is on the decline: temporary hospitals are closing, more and more people are leaving hospitals healthy and continuing their old lives, long-distance communications are being established.

Thanks to a rigid state system, China managed to cope with an outbreak of coronavirus infection. The country is starting to recover from the blow, but it is not yet aimed at accepting tourists. Only humanity itself can cope with the pandemic, becoming more responsible for its own health and the health of others. Experts recommend paying great attention to prevention and less likely to leave the house.

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