How was disinfection carried out in Wuhan

Disinfection is one of the methods to counteract the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Disinfection in Wuhan was carried out using special equipment.

Shocking footage of street treatment in China

Disinfection in China due to the deadly virus was carried out in order to prevent the spread of infection. For example, in Wuhan, such operations were carried out daily at the peak of the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. Steam guns and sprinklers were transported throughout the city using trucks.

In the closed city, special attention was paid to the locations of hospitals, markets, garbage collection stations, and public toilets. About 5 million square meters of territory were processed every day.

On this area there are about 240 hospitals and other medical institutions, 30 isolation wards, 260 shopping centers and sites.

In parallel, residents of the city received masks. Specialists also worked in protective suits.

According to local authorities, the streets were to be treated twice a day - at 10 and 16 hours. From January 22, 2020, citizens are prohibited from leaving their homes, except for the need: to a medical facility or to a store to buy food. Before leaving the home, a person should wash their hands and put on a bandage.

After returning to the house, clothes are removed, hung out on the street for airing. In sunny weather, clothes are kept outdoors as much as possible so that ultraviolet rays act on them.

Street cleaning in China is also associated with such measures:

  • after being on the street, shoes are folded into a separate bag;
  • the key to the front door is wiped with an alcohol solution;
  • hands are washed with soap and disinfectant;
  • the floors in the premises are treated with the same solution once every 3 days.

Shocking footage of Chinese street disinfection is shown in the video:

The processing of streets in Wuhan was combined with tough restrictive measures. So, the Chinese authorities banned entry and exit from the city, closed schools, markets and temples. The authorities warned that people should not leave their homes without special need until the epidemic situation normalizes.

Disinfection took place not only in Wuhan. It is known that similar anti-epidemic measures were taken in another large Chinese city - Shanghai. Here, special equipment was also involved in the streets.

What was processed and whether it is processed further

Streets are treated with solutions containing alcohol and chlorine compounds. Despite the fact that recently no new cases of coronavirus have been registered in the city and life is gradually returning to normal, the streets continue to be disinfected. Apparently, the processing of the streets will continue.

Disinfection of handrails, benches, door handles was carried out with ethyl alcohol. 

Did it result

Cleaning the streets with disinfectants gave the result. So, since February 24, quarantine measures in Wuhan have been somewhat weakened. People without symptoms of COVID-19 were allowed to travel outside the multi-million city. There must be good reasons for leaving. Some Chinese provinces have announced a reduction in the level of the epidemic threat.

A decrease in the number of cases and deaths from coronavirus infection was also recorded in countries where all quarantine measures were implemented from the very beginning of the spread of the epidemic, including the restriction of population mobility. The experience of European countries shows that the belated start of disinfection measures leads to the rapid spread of coronavirus.

The use of disinfectant solutions in other countries has not yet reduced the frequency of the spread of the virus. As of March 20, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection in the world exceeded 250 thousand and continues to increase. Obviously, not only the processing of streets and public places will help to contain the spread of the pandemic, but also strict quarantine measures that restrict the movement of citizens.

Are such methods used in the world

It is known that intensive processing of streets is carried out in Ukraine in the city of Chernivtsi. It was in this city that an unfavorable epidemic situation developed. Streets, vehicles, and public transport stops are treated with disinfectants, which include chlorine.

Similar measures are being taken in all countries where outbreaks of coronavirus infection have been reported. At the same time, deliberately false information is being spread on social networks that cities are allegedly sprayed with disinfectants at night, and in connection with this, citizens cannot go out.

In fact, streets and public transport stops are processed in cities in order to prevent the spread of a dangerous virus. Disinfectants do not pose a danger to humans, but you should not stay in a freshly treated place in order to prevent possible poisoning and unwanted reactions of the body.

Coronavirus infection is extremely dangerous for humans. The symptoms of the disease that the virus causes are similar to the flu. However, the virus can infect the lungs and cause severe pneumonia. Therefore, street disinfection, strict restrictive measures are being taken in order to limit the spread of infection. Strict measures help limit the spread of the pandemic.

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