The situation in Beijing with the novel coronavirus

Human infection with a new type of virus in the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province, led to a huge number of victims and the declaration of a global pandemic. The virus is spreading at such a speed that it is difficult to control the situation. States are closing borders and taking tough measures. China has taken the brunt of the virus outbreak. How did the events of the epidemic develop and the number of cases of coronavirus in Beijing? And most importantly, what will happen next?

The total number of infected and dead: how the situation developed

According to the results of the count on March 20, 2020, the number of people infected with coronavirus in Beijing is 485 people. 70 "imported" cases of human infection were recorded. 40,001 people are observed by doctors due to close contact with the patient and 44 people are suspected of being infected.

The total number of infected people in China is 81,193. Of these, 3,2 thousand people died. Most of the infection occurs in the Chinese province of Hubei, the city of Wuhan.

And where did it all begin?

The first case of infection with a previously unfamiliar virus occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in December 2019.

On December 31, 2019, the Chinese authorities informed the World Health Organization of an outbreak of disease from an unknown virus. The disease caused a severe form of pneumonia. The causative agent was a new type of coronavirus COVID-2019. The main symptoms of the virus are similar to SARS, however, against the background of weakened immunity and other diseases in the human body, it causes complications that lead to severe pneumonia and bronchitis. The main route of transmission is airborne, which has led to its rapid spread among the population.

On January 23, more than 600 people were already infected in China, 17 of whom died.

On January 24, it was decided to quarantine 13 cities in Hubei province, which was the main focus of the epidemic. And after a certain time, preventive measures were introduced in other parts of the country, including Beijing.

In the first weeks after the outbreak, the situation with coronavirus in Beijing changed very rapidly and spontaneously. The Chinese authorities began to cancel public large-scale events, close public places and attractions. So on January 25, the Forbidden City museum complex was closed.

In early February, the Beijing government published a list of official measures to prevent new outbreaks of the epidemic. The district authorities made a ban on visiting public places, introduced a system for reporting and monitoring the spread of coronavirus, recommended observing hygiene rules and reducing being on the streets.

However, on January 27, the coronavirus in Beijing killed the first person.

From February 15, people returning to Beijing from other cities were required to enter a 14-day quarantine.

All the forces of the country were aimed at saving people's lives, finding effective treatment, preventing and preventing the epidemic.

Since the announcement of the epidemic throughout China, excluding Hubei province, 13,000 cases of infection have been registered, 112 of them have died. Namely, in the province of Hubei, 67,773 cases of the disease were found, 2959 people died.

On March 12, the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China announced that the peak of the epidemic in the country had passed. However, the spread went beyond and on March 11, WHO declared a coronavirus pandemic in the world.

How many people have recovered to date

A total of 70,556 people have recovered in China during the epidemic. Of these, 384 people are in Beijing.

Scientists from all over the world are working on studying a new type of virus, developing new methods of treatment and diagnostics. In Beijing, the method of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is actively used. Its essence is to saturate the patient's blood with oxygen for a limited period of time. A vaccine is being developed and introduced in the near future.

The situation in the city: has life recovered

Recently, the situation with the epidemic in the country began to improve. Thanks to the serious quarantine measures taken, the Chinese government, together with the joint efforts of the health system and citizens, stopped the spread of the virus.

Only 6 new cases of infection from a new type of coronavirus have been detected in Beijing over the past day. And all are citizens who came from other countries. In total, only 24 new cases of infection were detected in the country over the past day, 10 of which were brought from other countries, and 13 more were registered in Hubei province.

Gradually, Beijing is returning to normal. Shops open, factories begin to operate, makeshift hospitals close. People are returning to normal life.

Forecasts for the near future of Beijing

Scientists in China predict that the epidemic in the country is almost over and a new wave is not expected.

The outbreak of COVID-2019 and the subsequent strict quarantine caused damage not only to healthcare, but also to the economy and industry of the country. The catering, retail and tourism sectors were the hardest hit. Therefore, in the future, Beijing faces the task of recovering the country from the consequences.

Measures are being provided for the establishment of agricultural spring sowing, issues of restoring industrial production are being discussed, methods are being developed to restore the employment process and return enterprises to the normal process. Chinese scientists continue to search for an effective cure for coronavirus. And at the moment they announced the creation of a vaccine that will be tested in the near future.

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