Coronavirus situation in Hainan

At the end of 2019, an outbreak of a new type of dangerous double pneumonia virus began in China, which claims the lives of several hundred people every day. A deadly airborne virus has been found in a Wuhan market. The virus quickly spread to all provinces, including Hainan Island.

The number of victims in Hainan

Wealthy tourists visit Hainan Island every year. In December 2019, the rest of tourists was overshadowed by the news of a deadly disease, the focus of which is located nearby. In January 2020, cases of pneumonia appeared, which were officially registered by the state. Several outbreaks of coronavirus infection were recorded at once, so tourists and residents began to panic.

At the end of January 2020, the first death from coronavirus was recorded on the island.

 An 80-year-old woman who has been in a serious condition for the past few days has died. In general, the virus passes in the majority in a mild form, but there are reports of severe forms of the disease on the island. Elderly patients are in an increased risk group, so their condition is monitored daily by doctors. Every day there are more and more cases of infection on the island.

Is it possible to go to Hainan.

The Ministry of Health prohibits flights unless absolutely necessary.

Since March 17, 2020, quarantine has been declared around the world, which was supported by all countries.

Tours to Hainan Island are being cancelled. The situation is complicated, so it is worth staying at home. Due to recent events, Hainan Island is dangerous to visit. Purchased tickets can be returned or postponed for an indefinite date. Staying on a paradise island can result in infection with a coronavirus infection, so all flights have been canceled.

Rospotrebnazdor recommends traveling after the complete elimination of the dangerous virus. Citizens of the countries left the island on charter flights and went through a two-week isolation regime. The whole world is fighting an invisible enemy in the form of the coronavirus, so trips to the islands are out of the question. Foreign nationals are not allowed to enter Hainan Island, even if they have confirmation of a negative result for coronavirus.

An exception may be citizens of the city of Hainan and emergency services. Residents of the city are delivered from different countries on charter flights. A Chinese citizen is required to prove a negative test and no symptoms of coronavirus infection in order to fly. Upon arrival in the country, all visitors are required to observe a two-week quarantine regime and not go out onto the streets of the city.

The current situation in the city

The situation in the city is under close control of local authorities. Coronavirus in Hainan City does not have a big tendency to spread. Doctors help sick patients cope with a terrible form of the virus. Educational institutions have been closed throughout the city, and employees have been transferred to work at home. In the city you can go out only when necessary.

At the entrance to public places there are police officers who measure body temperature with thermal imagers. If the mark of 36.6 is exceeded, a person cannot enter a public place. All the streets of the city were blocked. Local parks and public recreation areas are closed. All residents were required to wear medical masks and wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. The epidemic in China is gaining momentum every day, so the quarantine regime is observed all over the world.

As of the end of March 2020, there are no massive outbreaks of the pandemic in the city, and the situation in the city remains calm.

The city still has problems with the purchase of medical masks and antiseptic solutions. Several patients are in serious condition and connected to ventilators. All infected citizens are in strict isolation from the rest of the population. The virus in China in the city of Hainan began to decline. At the end of March 2020, no cases of coronavirus infection were officially registered. The government and the Ministry of Health stops the development of a massive pandemic in Hainan. Residents are taking all precautions and are being treated at local hospitals.

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