Quarantine in Wuhan: is it possible to enter the territory?

On January 23, the Chinese city of Wuhan was declared closed to entry. The quarantine in Wuhan is a precautionary measure against the spread of a deadly new virus. It was here that the first case of infection was detected. Bats were thought to be the culprit. Find out what is happening in the metropolis now.

Quarantine in Wuhan: is it now

Wuhan has been closed since January. This is a forced measure caused by the spread of a deadly infection that causes the development of a disease called Covid-19.

On March 5, information appeared on the network about a decrease in the threshold of incidence among residents of China. Perhaps soon some cities will be open.

So far, Suifenhe and Heihe have received the third threshold of epidemiological danger. They border on the territory of the Russian Federation. Here residents were allowed to go to work and attend classes.

Harbin and Wuhan are still quarantined. The sick residents were isolated, disinfection measures were taken in the city.

Footnote! Scientists are working on a vaccine. On March 16, the first tests were carried out. Two days later, information appeared that the vaccine was approved and allowed to be used.

What is closed and what is open

When Wuhan was quarantined, people were isolated. Frightened residents were afraid to go out even for groceries. Were closed:

  • markets and shopping centers;
  • educational establishments;
  • enterprises;
  • stations.

The airport was also closed. Foreign citizens were unable to return home.

Bus service was limited, leaving the city became impossible.

Hospitals and scientific laboratories are still operating. Here they provide medical care to the sick, carry out diagnostics, work on the creation of effective drugs and a vaccine against coronavirus.

Pharmacies are also open, people come here for antiviral drugs and medical masks. Eyewitnesses claim that there is no shortage of medicines or food products today.

Footnote! Information that regularly appears on the network about the inability to purchase food is not confirmed.

Residents travel by taxi. Service prices have gone up. But the townspeople do not want to take to the streets. People stay at home and avoid visiting public places.

An interview with a Russian woman who works at a modeling agency in Wuhan confirms this information. The girl says that she takes walks on the territory of the residential complex. She dreams of leaving the city, but does not yet do so.

Is it possible to leave the city now

The city of Wuhan, which became the birthplace of the new coronavirus, turned out to be the place where the guests of the metropolis “stuck”. Foreign citizens were unable to leave the country due to the introduction of quarantine. So, students who came to study, workers, tourists were far from their home.

Residents of the authorities are urged not to leave the city. It is practically impossible to do this. Roads are closed.

The Russians who find themselves locked up are supported by consultants from the consulate. Those wishing to travel outside the metropolis should apply to the embassy and find out about the possibility of leaving the country.

Russia also restricts foreign citizens from entering the country (since March 18). The measure was taken again because of the spread of the coronavirus. Tourists, even if they return home, will not be able to cross the border until the end of quarantine.

There is no exact information about whether it is possible to leave Wuhan now. But since the quarantine has not been terminated, it is better to stay in the metropolis.

How is the disinfection of the city

Disinfection is essential to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

In order to "kill" a dangerous virus, steam guns and sprinklers are used. Organized daily:

  • disinfection of yards;
  • buses;
  • building surfaces.

Also, special solutions are used to irrigate areas around shops, hospitals, pharmacies, and isolation wards.

 Treating roads and sidewalks. They are watered with a special solution.

Garbage collection stations, public toilets are thoroughly processed.

Local authorities report that more than 5 million square meters in the city are regularly processed.

Disinfection is carried out 2 times a day: at 10 am and 4 pm. Such measures were taken in February.

Selective processing of public places is also carried out. This is done when any site in Wuhan turned out to be an unplanned crowded place.

Preventive actions have been organized to preserve the health of residents and guests of Wuhan. Volunteers hand out medical masks, posters are posted everywhere. They talk about the need for personal hygiene.

Footnote! So, it has already been proven that the coronavirus is afraid of soap. Detergent molecules destroy the shell in which the virus is located, it dies.

The Chinese themselves are sympathetic to the precautions. Many residents wear raincoats to avoid infection.

To date, it has been established that disinfection and preventive measures are considered the most effective methods in the fight against coronavirus. It is the observance of the regime that will stop the epidemic that has broken out in the world. The authorities urge all the inhabitants of the planet to treat the introduced quarantine with due responsibility. Anyone can get infected, since no one in the world has immunity to a new disease.

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