Is there a test system for diagnosing coronavirus in Minsk

Currently, coronavirus infection has become the number one disease worldwide. The European states are conducting a thorough struggle against its spread. Various measures are being taken to detect and prevent deaths in a timely manner. Those infected are urgently hospitalized and are quarantined for a certain period of time until full recovery. The misfortune has not spared Belarus, in which the number of infected is becoming more and more. The authorities are doing their best to contain the epidemic.

How is coronavirus diagnosed?

On February 20, 2020, the government of the Republic of Belarus made a decision to test all citizens who arrived from epidemiologically disadvantaged countries for the presence of coronavirus infection in their bodies.

Belarus is a country of increased control over all persons who arrived from abroad. Even if a person does not have any signs of infection, but comes from countries with the presence of the virus, he will definitely be offered to be tested using a rapid test. The result is obtained quickly, from 4 hours to a day. If it is positive, then an additional laboratory test is mandatory, and the patient is placed in quarantine.

You can get tested for coronavirus in Minsk at specially organized smear collection points. They are located in the following locations:

  • Border checkpoints.
  • infectious diseases hospitals.
  • Infectious cabinets of polyclinics (not all).

Citizens who cross the state border fill out a specially designed questionnaire offered to them, in which personal data and location on the territory of the Republic of Belarus must be entered. These data are sent to assigned polyclinics at these addresses. District doctors monitor the condition of these people. In case of deterioration, hospitalization is provided.

What biomaterial is needed

If a person has the first signs of infection, it is not recommended to visit the clinic. The doctor must be called to the house. He must take a smear to determine the type of infection and will keep the patient under observation. Testing for coronavirus in Minsk is absolutely free.

To determine the presence of a virus, it is necessary to determine whether its DNA is in the human body. This action can be performed using various fluids: blood, lung water, sputum. In most cases, a swab is taken from the oral cavity and nasal compartment.

“The most reliable way to determine the presence of infection is a swab from the nasopharynx”

How long to wait for the result

In the case of passing tests for the presence of coronavirus, the waiting time can vary from four hours to several days. It depends on how the diagnosis is made.

You can check for coronavirus in Minsk using special test systems that work by injecting a small amount of blood into a special test strip. In the case of its staining in color, a positive result is observed.

Then the person is hospitalized and he is given a full analysis in the laboratory, the results of which will have to wait for several days.

How many times the test is repeated

Despite the fact that information about the infection has been provided to all media and special reminders have been created about what symptoms will be observed in those infected, people still worry about identifying the virus in time.

If a person has no signs of ARVI, then to accurately determine whether he is a carrier of the virus, the analysis will have to be taken twice. If there are symptoms of infection, then the diagnosis is carried out at least three times.

If the fact of infection is confirmed, then the person will be immediately sent to quarantine, where he will be treated all alone to prevent infection of others.

Is there a coronavirus system test in the city

As part of the interaction of Belarusian doctors with colleagues from other countries, it allows you to receive information about the diagnosis of coronavirus in the early stages.

Delivery of express tests is planned to be carried out from the friendly state of China. In the near future, it is planned to supply 1008 test strips, which, with a high probability, will make it possible to determine the presence of infection in the human body in the shortest possible time.

“Taking into account the experience of foreign colleagues, a system of actions has been developed for the early diagnosis of the presence of infection in the human body”

Symptoms to check: who can count on a free test

A citizen who has returned from a country with an unfavorable situation for the spread of coronavirus can take a free test at specially organized points at border crossings.

If a person does not show the characteristic symptoms of an infection, then they will be denied testing. This can only happen in case of contact with carriers of the disease.

If symptoms occur, then in the direction of the local doctor, tests must be passed without fail. You can take a test for coronavirus in Minsk for good reasons, which are the initial signs of infection or contact with a sick person.

Where to go to get tested for coronavirus

Citizens who become ill with an infection observe almost the same symptoms as with an ordinary ARVI. The body temperature rises, coughing begins, difficult breathing, the head begins to hurt constantly, weakness is observed, and in some cases dizziness.

It is recommended not to stay at home and treat yourself, you need to contact the doctors, who, after conducting appropriate studies, will make an accurate diagnosis. Infected citizens will receive the help of the best doctors in the country. Cases of infection are not as dangerous as a careless attitude to health.

Private laboratories: prices, addresses, phones

Currently, private laboratories do not accept tests for coronavirus. Determination of the presence of infection in the body, even for a fee, cannot be carried out by private clinics and laboratories because they cannot guarantee the reliability of the result.

Diagnosis of coronavirus in Minsk takes place only on the basis of state healthcare institutions, which are under the supervision of the Republican Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.

If it becomes necessary to undergo an examination, you can contact the hot phones 375 (29) 156-85-65 or at the address Minsk ME "City Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital" Minsk, st. Kropotkina, 76 Reception department 334 14-33 Around the clock.

The causative agents of coronavirus infection are spread by airborne droplets. When the patient sneezes or coughs, a cloud of tiny drops forms around him, which hang in the air. Heavier drops land on nearby objects. The virus does not die within a few days.

The main condition for compliance with personal prevention is washing hands after a person has visited a public place. Soaping hands should be at least 20 seconds. After washing, the hands must be made dry.

If a person was on the street, then after coming home, you need to thoroughly wash not only your hands, but also your face. After that, treat everything with isotonic saline solution.

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