Are there tests for coronavirus in Rostov-on-Don

Recently, the main topic in all the world's media is the coronavirus, which is rapidly spreading across the planet. The epidemic of this disease has already covered not only individual provinces of China, but also many European countries. It is quite possible that in the near future we should expect a worsening of the epidemiological situation with COVID-19 in Russia and the Rostov region, in particular.

True, while in Russia the situation with the coronavirus epidemic does not look intimidating and the authorities say that they have everything under complete control. Let's hope that this is true and that the Russian leadership will be able to prevent the development of the Chinese or Italian version of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Be that as it may, residents of Rostov and other cities of the Russian Federation who have recently returned from a trip abroad could potentially be infected with a dangerous Chinese virus. Given this fact, the right decision would be to figure out in detail where you can now take a coronavirus test in Rostov and in what cases it is worth contacting medical institutions to submit biomaterial for laboratory testing.

How is coronavirus diagnosed?

Before taking a coronavirus test in Rostov, it will be useful to find out what kind of biomaterial is taken from a person for laboratory research. It is also worth remembering that it is worth contacting a medical facility only if you have symptoms of SARS and in case of a recent return to Russia from a trip abroad. This is explained by the fact that this approach will help reduce the burden on domestic medicine so that it can focus on treating people in whom the coronavirus has caused serious complications.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 include:

  • elevated body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • general weakness and body aches;
  • dry cough and complication of respiratory function.

“The Russian Ministry of Health recommends that at the first manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections and in the case of a mild course of the disease, refuse to go to medical institutions, preferring temporary self-isolation until the moment of cure. But in case of a sharp deterioration in the state of health associated with a strong fever or breathing complications, you should immediately call 112.”

What biomaterial is needed

People who want to be tested for coronavirus will be required to take swabs from the nose and nasopharynx, as well as the oral cavity. This biomaterial will be handed over to the laboratory for its subsequent study in order to determine whether a person is infected with a coronavirus or not.

In some cases, to improve the accuracy of the analysis, the health worker can take bronchus, urine, blood, or even lung tissue from the subject by performing a lung biopsy.

Diagnosis of coronavirus in Rostov, as well as in other cities and regions of the Russian Federation, is carried out using the method of molecular genetic polymerase chain reaction, which allows you to quickly obtain the most accurate results. 

“For the time being, it is not possible to self-test for COVID-19 without a special referral from a doctor, which can only be obtained if there are obvious symptomatic manifestations and in case of a recent arrival from abroad or communication with a person who has arrived from countries where there is a difficult epidemiological situation.”

How long to wait for the result

The study of biomaterials taken from the patient is carried out within four hours. True, here it must be borne in mind that it will take a whole day to transport the biomaterial to the laboratory.

To detect coronavirus in humans, special test systems are used in Russia. Initially, a biomaterial is taken from the person being examined, after which it is sent to the Novosibirsk region to the city of Koltsov, where the scientific center of virology called "Vector" is located, where all the necessary laboratory tests are carried out.

Therefore, the results of the biomaterial study will need to wait about two days.

How many times is the test repeated?

On average, people who do not have obvious manifestations of ARVI are tested for coronavirus twice with an interval of five to seven days. In patients with obvious signs of coronavirus infection, the biomaterial for analysis is taken three times.

Is there a coronavirus system test in the city

Today, a person cannot independently take a test for coronavirus in Rostov. This type of diagnosis is carried out only by specialists from regional centers of epidemiology and hygiene. All these regional centers are fully equipped with special domestic test systems that allow you to quickly determine the fact of human infection with coronavirus. Thus, it is not yet possible to test for COVID-19 in private clinics and laboratories.  

Symptoms to check: who can count on a free test

Only people who have obvious symptomatic manifestations, as well as people who have recently arrived from regions where there is an epidemic of this disease and people who have been in contact with such citizens can receive a referral for free testing for the fact of infection with COVID-19.

Coronavirus symptoms often show up as:

  • increase in body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • fatigue and body aches;
  • dry cough;
  • respiratory complication.

Some patients may also experience: diarrhea, headaches, nasal congestion and other symptoms characteristic of the flu and other acute respiratory viral infections.

As a rule, in most people, these symptoms appear slowly and do not have a pronounced character. There is also a separate category of people who have a virus and do not cause any symptoms and deterioration of health at all. As practice shows, in 80 percent of cases, people recover on their own within one to two weeks without seeking specific medical assistance.

Persons over 60 years of age, as well as people with serious chronic pathologies (heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes, tuberculosis) are at risk, as their incidence of complications as a result of coronavirus infection increases greatly.

“if the body temperature rises above 38 degrees and if symptoms of respiratory complications appear, you should immediately seek medical help and call an ambulance.“

Where to go to get tested for coronavirus

If you experience symptoms of influenza or SARS after arriving from abroad or after contacting a person who has recently returned from a trip abroad, you just need to call the local doctor to your home or call 112. You can also contact the hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: 8 (800)200-0366.

“It is important to remember that people who have been diagnosed with coronavirus must adhere to the principle of self-isolation until they fully recover, which will help to exclude the possibility of infecting other people with this dangerous virus.”

Private laboratories: prices, addresses, phones

To date, not a single private laboratory or clinic operating in the Russian Federation offers its clients the opportunity to be tested for COVID-19. However, the situation may change in the near future.

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