Analysis for coronavirus in Omsk: where and how to pass

An outbreak of the coronavirus COVID 19 was first recorded in China (the city of Wuhan in Hubei province). Further, cases of the disease were gradually detected in South Korea, Iran, Italy, France, and Bulgaria. The virus is also spreading throughout Russia. It is important to diagnose the pathology in a timely manner and isolate the infected in order to prevent the further development of the pandemic.

How is coronavirus diagnosed?

Medical institutions offer patients to be tested for the COVID 19 strain. The detection of the virus is based on the PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). During the analysis, the DNA of the material taken is examined. Sections of the nucleotide sequence are repeatedly copied under the influence of special enzymes - polymerases, which makes it possible to confirm or refute the presence of a particular gene.

What biomaterial is needed

To diagnose the disease, you need to take a test for coronavirus. For this, a biomaterial is taken from the patient - a swab from the nasal mucosa and throat. You do not need to donate blood to detect the disease.

How long to wait for the result

Adequate diagnosis is the key to stopping the declared pandemic. Coronavirus tests are being done quickly. Initially, the patient was announced the result after 4 hours, but the method for detecting virus DNA has been improved. The latest tests put into practice show the result in 30 minutes.

How many times the test is repeated

A single test for COVID 19 is not enough. Specialists carry out:

  • double examination for asymptomatic course, if the person is at risk;
  • triple examination - in the presence of symptoms of SARS, influenza, other viral diseases.

Infection with the COVID 19 strain can go unnoticed. This is due to two reasons. Firstly, young people with strong immunity tolerate the disease easily. It is easy to confuse it with SARS. Secondly, severe symptoms appear only after an incubation period that lasts from two days to two weeks.

Are there coronavirus test systems in the city

Not every medical organization has the necessary reagents and equipment. You can take a coronavirus test in Omsk, but you should not count on a quick result. City polyclinics and private clinics do not carry out diagnostics. Samples taken there are sent to the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. If the laboratory is not loaded, then the answer will be known in 5-7 hours. In some cases, samples of patients with suspected COVID 19 are sent to Novosibirsk.

Doctors say there is no reason to panic. Omsk is a non-tourist city, there are few visitors from abroad, which generally reduces the likelihood of a dangerous virus entering. Those patients who really need to be tested for coronavirus in Omsk will be helped. The analysis will be carried out in order of priority.

How Chinese are tested for coronavirus in Omsk

At the request of Rospotrebnadzor, citizens arriving from countries with an unfavorable situation are subject to mandatory checks. All flights are accepted by Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. There is a sanitary control point. If a passenger arriving from China or a number of other countries shows signs of illness, he is hospitalized. All the rest return to their regions. Already there they are placed in a 14-day quarantine. The patient is issued a certificate of incapacity for work.

Additional control methods have also been introduced at Omsk Airport. Passengers from China, as well as a number of other countries, are carefully examined:

  • South Korea;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • India;
  • UAE;
  • Vietnam;
  • Thailand.

At the checkpoint, each patient's temperature is measured using a non-contact thermal imager. Everyone is given a memo about the symptoms of the disease and the algorithm of actions when they are detected.

The Chinese often travel to Omsk for work and study. It is assumed that they will begin to monitor their health even before leaving China. The authorities give information that in the near future the situation with the arrival of an infected patient will be simulated at the airport. Training is necessary to make sure that all services work clearly and smoothly.

Symptoms to check: who can count on a free test

The following categories of citizens are required to pass an analysis for coronavirus in Omsk:

  • arrivals from countries where the disease has been recorded - China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Germany, France;
  • contact with coronavirus patients.

We need to monitor the current situation in the world. COVID 19 captures new countries every day, so the list of disadvantaged states is expanding.

First of all, those who are concerned about the symptoms of infection with a strain of the Chinese virus should be examined.

  1. Temperature increase. Fever occurs when infected with COVID 19. The temperature rises to 38℃ and above. This is often accompanied by fever, muscle and joint pain.
  2. Cough. Coronavirus is characterized by a dry, unproductive type. A small amount of viscous sputum may be separated.
  3. Labored breathing. Patients with COVID 19 complained of shortness of breath, squeezing in the sternum, pain in this area.

These are the main symptoms of an infection. In some cases, the disease has a different clinical picture. In 5% of patients, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the abdominal region were observed.

Where to go to get tested for coronavirus

All citizens arriving from abroad are checked upon arrival in the country. In this case, the analysis will be made without fail. Another scenario is also possible if a person who has not left Omsk discovers symptoms characteristic of COVID 19. In this case, it is enough to call a doctor at home or visit the clinic on your own. The first option is preferable, since the risk of infecting other people will be minimized.

As practice shows, in most cases, malaise is associated with SARS or influenza. Additional symptoms are possible - a wet cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing. But even in this case, it will not be superfluous to issue a sick leave and stay at home.

If doctors have reason to believe that the patient really has a coronavirus, they will take samples of the mucosa. The biomaterial is examined for a dangerous strain on a first-come, first-served basis by the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, or it will be sent to Novosibirsk for express diagnostics.

Private laboratories: prices, addresses, phones

The only organization in Omsk that conducts analysis for COVID 19 is the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology (Omsk, 27th Severnaya Street, 42A, reception phone 7 (3812) 68-09-77). However, it is pointless to directly contact the organization with suspicions of infection to citizens. Initially, you will need a visit to the clinic at the place of residence (under the CHI policy).

An alternative option for those who are afraid to visit large and crowded medical facilities during a pandemic is to visit a therapist in one of the private medical centers in Omsk.

  1. Clinic class. Address: st. 70 years of October, 13, bldg. 3. Phone 7 (3812) 21-46-04.
  2.  Network of clinics Euromed. Address: ave. Karl Marx, 15, st. Starozagorodnaya Grove, 8. Phone 7 (3812) 99-19-30.
  3. West Siberian Medical Center. Address: Krasny Put street, 127. Phone 7 (3812) 79-00-05.
  4. Ultramed. Address: st. Chkalova, 12. Phone 7 (3812) 21-85-00.
  5. Biomedservice. Address: st. Decembrists, 45, of. 101. Phone: 7 (3812) 35-26-00.

Private clinics offer their clients an examination by a therapist, but do not independently test for COVID 19. For an accurate diagnosis, you should contact the polyclinic at the place of residence, the infectious diseases hospital, the hotline of Rospotrebnadzor or Roszdravnadzor. The Ministry of Health controls the situation with the spread of the virus throughout the country. Perhaps in the near future there will be new centers for the diagnosis of COVID 19.

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