Are there tests in Voronezh for the diagnosis of coronavirus

At the end of 2019, the Government of the People's Republic of China informed the WHO about the discovery of an unknown virus that causes pneumonia. Then it was found that the causative agent of the disease is a new form of coronavirus, which received the official name "COVID-19" - COrona VIrus DIsease 2019.

In a short time, an outbreak of an epidemic associated with COVID-19 was recorded in many countries of the world. Therefore, the World Health Organization declared an emergency, and the spread of the virus was recognized as the pandemic of the century.

How is coronavirus diagnosed in Voronezh

Timely diagnosis for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection in the human body will help overcome the severe symptoms of the disease and cure it without complications. In addition, in this way, you can eliminate the risk of infecting others with the virus. It is possible to pass the analysis for the purpose of prevention.

In the territory of Voronezh there are isolation points intended for moving to quarantine. Here, Voronezh residents who are suspected of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection will undergo a 14-day quarantine regime in stationary conditions.

Isolation in special points is carried out by analyzing the general condition of patients.

Diagnosis of coronavirus in Voronezh is carried out on these isolation boxes. Separate isolation boxes exist in the following medical institutions of the Voronezh region:

  • Regional Children's Hospital No. 2;
  • Novousmansk regional hospital (Department of Infectious Diseases);
  • Center for the Prevention and Treatment of AIDS.

Testing for the COVID-19 coronovirus can only be taken with a doctor's prescription. The sample for analysis should be taken only by an employee of a medical organization. It is not envisaged to independently take an analysis for this type of viral infection.

Tests are checked in the laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Voronezh Region.

What biomaterial is needed

Like other respiratory diseases, COVID-19 is mainly spread by airborne droplets. It is also possible to become infected through objects touched by a patient with a coronavirus. In this case, the virus is transmitted to the mucous membrane of the mouth, eyes or nostrils through unwashed hands.

Given the main route of spread of the new virus, analysis requires taking mucus from the respiratory organ (path) or sputum. Testing the sample for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is carried out strictly under laboratory conditions.

The following methods of analysis are used for diagnostics:

  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction);
  • testing;
  • x-ray examination (+computed tomography).

Biomarker analysis is also carried out. Such a check will help to individually determine the severity (course) of the disease in the patient's body.

How long to wait for the result

A swab taken from a patient for analysis is placed in a sealed package, then the sample will be numbered. Assigning a number to each assay is necessary in order to avoid accidental loss of a sample or sample mix-up.

Then the sample is packed in a zip bag and additionally in a special material. After that, the sample can be placed in a container.

The result can be revealed after 6 hours of testing. If the analysis needs to be transported to another testing center, it may take a little longer (2 days).

How many times the test is repeated

In the test check (developed by FBU Rospotrebnadzor), only 4 test tubes are used. 2 of them contain reagents. The reaction mixture can only be diluted by laboratory specialists. And the other 2 tubes are needed for sequential testing. If there is a suspicion of infection with SARS-CoV-2 infection, but the result is negative, then a re-analysis is performed.

Is there a coronavirus system test in Voronezh

You can get tested for coronavirus in Voronezh only by doctor's prescription. The Regional Department of Health is supplying medical laboratories in Voronezh with everything necessary to conduct a test analysis for COVID-19.    

Symptoms to check: who can count on a free test

The test to check for coronavirus infection is carried out according to the testimony of doctors of medical institutions. Testing for coronavirus COVID-19 is prescribed:

  • citizens who arrived within the last 14 days from states in which there is an outbreak of a pandemic with the SARS-CoV-2 virus;
  • those who arrived from abroad with symptoms of flu, colds and other ARVI diseases;
  • people who have been in contact with patients infected with the COVID-19 virus.          

Where to go to get tested for coronavirus

If you had to travel abroad, especially in regions where the spread of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus is observed, then you need to contact the hotline 212-64-42. By calling the indicated number, you must report information about your arrival from a country in which there is a spread of the COVID-19 viral disease and leave contact details so that specialists can contact. All people arriving from countries where there is a spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 have the opportunity to be tested for the presence of the virus by a test method.

At the same time, you can open a sick leave without leaving your home (via telephone). After the application is accepted by specialists, the delivery of the sick leave by courier is provided within a couple of days.     

The test for coronavirus in Voronezh is also carried out at home. In order to take a coronavirus test in Voronezh, you need to contact by phone and call specialists. After that, the employees of the medical organization will arrive with the necessary devices for the analysis. The results of the analysis can be obtained within 2 days.

Also, information about the arrival of people from other countries in the Voronezh region is notified by the customs service of the state. In this case, the information is received by Rospotrebnadzor, then the information will be sent to the territorial clinic. Therefore, even if you do not report your arrival in Voronezh, the district doctor will visit the person who arrived at the address of residence (registration). If the patient is not found at the registered place of residence, then law enforcement agencies begin the search.

Private laboratories: prices, addresses, phones

It is planned to carry out diagnostics and analysis for COVID-19 in private laboratories and clinics. But, so far, the service is available only in state medical organizations. For example, in the laboratories of Homotest and Helix, preparatory work is underway to conduct an analysis for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

At the same time, the laboratories intend to accept applications for analysis remotely through their official website. The cost of the analysis will be about 1900 rubles, on the frame of the test analysis 1490 rubles, and obtaining the biomaterial about 410 rubles.

And to place an order for analysis, you need to have a civil passport of the Russian Federation.

It is planned to accept 3,000 tests in Homotest laboratories within 1 day.

To detect SARS-CoV-2, a polymerase chain reaction will be used, which is carried out by employees of the Vector Center for Virology and Biotechnology. Additional information about regional points and testing for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus can be found on the official website of the private laboratory Gomotest.

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