Test for the diagnosis of coronavirus in Novosibirsk: where and how to pass

The COVID 19 virus was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan. In two months, the disease managed to capture several countries - South Korea, Germany, France, Italy, Russia. Information about new cases of infection and deaths due to complications regularly appears in the media. Timely diagnosis plays a key role in stopping the spread of a dangerous virus.

How is coronavirus diagnosed?

For accurate diagnosis, test systems are used. They work according to the PCR method. A DNA fragment is extracted from a sample taken under laboratory conditions, subjected to repeated copying using polymerases, and examined.

In Russia, the express system "Vector" is used. The test was developed and registered by the Novosibirsk State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology. The organization has a GMP certificate, which allows it to work on the development of new vaccines against viruses, including COVID 19. The coronavirus test registered in Novosibirsk is successfully used not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries.

What biomaterial is needed

For diagnostics, a swab is taken from the patient's nasal cavity and nasopharynx. This is done with a sterile cotton swab. Immediately before the test, you can not eat, brush your teeth, use mouthwash.

How long to wait for the result

The test system used in Russia has a high sensitivity. The PCR method is considered one of the most accurate methods of laboratory diagnostics. The patient can expect to receive the result within 2-4 hours after the start of the sample study. The term may increase if the laboratory is heavily loaded.

How many times the test is repeated

Even a single test shows a reliable result, however, in order to obtain the most accurate results, doctors carry out:

  • 2 analyzes for patients at risk without symptoms of coronavirus;
  • 3 analyzes for patients at risk with a characteristic clinical picture.

Why coronavirus tests are sent to Novosibirsk

There is no vaccine and effective cure for COVID 19, but the diagnosis of infection is being carried out quite successfully. Novosibirsk is the only city beyond the Urals where accurate test systems are used. This is done on the basis of the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology. It is for this reason that coronavirus tests from nearby regions are sent here. Vector specialists work with biomaterials of residents:

  • Far Eastern Federal District;
  • Ural Federal District;
  • Siberian Federal District.

Diagnosis of coronavirus is also carried out in Moscow on the basis of the Anti-Plague Center. According to the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, biomaterial from residents of the Central, Northwestern, Southern and North Caucasian federal districts is delivered there.

Symptoms to check: who can count on a free test

Diagnosis of coronavirus in Novosibirsk is carried out, but not everyone can take a free analysis. Citizens at risk are obligatory examined:

  • those who arrived from abroad (from countries with an unfavorable situation - China, Italy, Germany, France, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and a number of others);
  • who were in contact with those who came from abroad.

It is extremely necessary to be tested for coronavirus in Novosibirsk if a person at risk develops characteristic symptoms. Infection is indicated by:

  • increased body temperature (38 ℃ and above);
  • fever or chills;
  • dry cough;
  • dyspnea;
  • chest pain.

Up to 5% of patients diagnosed with COVID 19 infection noted the addition of other symptoms. They complained of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

All of these symptoms are characteristic of the early stage of the disease. For the life of the patient, its complications, including atypical pneumonia, are dangerous. It develops due to the addition of a secondary infection against the background of a weakened immune system. Characteristic signs of pneumonia are fever, headache, general weakness, tachycardia, pale skin, confusion. In this case, the patient requires emergency hospitalization with connection to a ventilator. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, a fatal outcome is possible due to respiratory depression.

It is important to distinguish coronavirus from SARS or influenza. In the first case, the patient is concerned about sore throat, nasal congestion, runny nose, and in the second case, a headache develops, pain in the joints, muscles and a wet cough join it.

Where to go to get tested for coronavirus

You can get tested for coronavirus in Novosibirsk only if you have a referral from a general practitioner. If typical symptoms are found, it is recommended:

  • call a doctor at home;
  • visit a local clinic.

During the inspection, it is imperative to report whether there were trips outside the country or contacts with people who returned from countries where outbreaks of the disease were recorded.

Samples for analysis are taken at the patient's home or in a hospital setting. Further, the material is sent for primary diagnostics to a medical institution. If the preliminary result turns out to be positive, then the sample will be sent to the Novosibirsk State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector". The patient himself will be hospitalized, and his loved ones will be quarantined.

Self-isolation for suspected coronavirus lasts at least 2 weeks 14 days - the maximum incubation period for COVID 19, during which an asymptomatic course of the disease is possible. If after quarantine signs of infection do not appear, the urgent need for isolation disappears.

Private laboratories: prices, addresses, phones

The coronavirus pandemic provokes panic among the population. Against the backdrop of recent world events, many want to be tested for COVID 19 in Novosibirsk at their own expense, and not under the CHI policy. Unfortunately, medical institutions do not have sufficient resources to carry out diagnostics for everyone. According to Rospotrebnadzor, an increase in the number of tests will lead to an increase in the load on laboratories equipped with the necessary equipment and materials. As a result, time will be lost for the hospitalization of those who have actually become infected with the new strain.

Roszdravnadzor warns that the situation in the country is under control. Everyone arriving from abroad undergoes an initial inspection at the airports, where special sanitary facilities are equipped. Passengers are measured for body temperature, their contacts are recorded in order to keep a record of persons from a potential risk group, and everyone is given a reminder about the symptoms of the virus.

Private labs don't do rapid tests for coronavirus. Residents of Novosibirsk can apply to paid medical centers for a consultation with a therapist. They will help to establish the diagnosis of SARS or influenza.

List of private clinics in Novosibirsk:

  1. "Europe". Address: st. Frunze, 232.
  2. "Info-Medica". Address: st. Gogol, d. 3.
  3. "Healthy family". Address: st. Communist, d. 77, under. 8, fl. 2.
  4. LuxMedica. Address: st. Vokzalnaya highway, d. 1/1.
  5. "MedSphere". Address: st. Trolleynaya, 22/1.
  6. "A1 Clinic NIIFFM". Address: st. Timakova, 4.
  7. Professional Plus. Address: st. Blucher, 27.
  8. "Cornelian". Address: st. Plakhotny, 27/1.
  9. "Medicopharmservice". Addresses: st. Kirova, d. 27/3, st. Leskova, 29.
  10. "Medpractice". Address: st. Krasina, d. 68.
  11. "Invitro". Addresses: Krasny Ave., 188, st. Sovetskaya, d. 35A.

In the near future, the Invitro clinic network plans to launch a COVID 19 diagnostic program. This means that it will be possible to take a coronavirus test in Novosibirsk and other Russian cities on a paid basis. The laboratory will use systems developed by the Vector Virology Center. A referral is not required for the study, and sampling will be available at home with a specialist visit. The exact cost of the analysis has not yet been announced.

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