Statement of Rospotrebnadzor on the new coronavirus

At the beginning of 2020, information about the beginning of a large-scale epidemic of a new virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan began to actively spread in all the world's media. Just a month later, the virus penetrated almost all countries and provoked an epidemiological outbreak in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and also in the United States.

Unfortunately, most of the information published on popular social networks, where this new Chinese virus appears, is untrue . Therefore, in order to avoid panic, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with what Rospotrebnadzor says about the coronavirus from China and what the Russian authorities are doing to prevent the likelihood of a 2019 Ncov epidemic in the Russian Federation.

Rospotrebnadzor on the sources of viral microorganisms

According to experts from Rospotrebnadzor, pneumonia in China, which has spread throughout the world , was caused by viruses that provoke intestinal and respiratory pathologies.

The carriers of this infection can be both wild and domestic animals, as well as birds. Some studies also indicate that the virus can be found in seafood and live on the surface of vegetables for a long time.

To date, six coronaviruses are known to exist in the human body. Four of these viruses are not dangerous in the way that they can only cause mild symptoms of SARS. A couple of other coronaviruses cause SARS in humans, which is often fatal for those who become infected.

The main version of the outbreak in the world of this disease is the sale of bat meat infected with coronavirus in the markets of Wuhan. This version is confirmed by the results of a genetic study of the virus. Scientists have determined that it is the result of a mutation of the bat coronavirus. True, conspiracy theories are still very popular on the net, according to which this infection is of artificial origin and microbiologists worked on its creation in secret American or Chinese laboratories where weapons of mass destruction are being developed.

“The very name “coronavirus” is explained by the specific appearance of the virus itself, which has an external “crown.”

Epidemiological situation in Russia

Despite the active spread of the virus in the world and in European countries, the epidemiological situation in Russia is still under the full control of the authorities. According to the latest official information, laboratory tests confirmed the infection of 438 people who are currently on the territory of the Russian Federation. Over the past day, 71 cases of infection have been identified. At the same time, all new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Moscow.

Given the increase in the number of citizens infected with the coronavirus, the Moscow authorities have decided on mandatory home quarantine for all persons over 65 years of age. This quarantine regime will be in effect from March 26 to April 14. This quarantine will also apply to people who have serious chronic diseases that increase the likelihood of death in case of infection with COID-19. The Moscow Operational Headquarters is already completing work on the formation of a complete list of chronic diseases, in the presence of which a person will be required to be in home quarantine.

Also, the self-isolation regime has been maintained for all persons who have recently arrived from countries where there is an epidemic of COID-19. According to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin, the rest of the Russian regions should take measures similar to those in Moscow, which should help to avoid infection of a significant part of the population of the Russian Federation with the coronavirus.

“It is important to note that the existing risks of the start of the epidemic in Russia may lead to the postponement of the nationwide vote scheduled for April 22 to amend the Russian constitution.”

World Travel Application

Representatives of Rospotrebnadzor, a few days after the first information appeared in the media about the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic in one of the regions of China, began to advise Russian citizens to refrain from traveling to tourists in China.

Now that the epidemic has grown into a global pandemic, airports in most countries of the world do not allow foreign citizens to pass in order to prevent the possibility of importing a viral infection from outside. In addition, the official print and electronic media recently published a statement from the state leadership about the partial blocking of Russian borders, which is also dictated by the authorities' desire to prevent the possible outbreak of an epidemic.

Thus, for now, travel lovers, as well as people who want to go abroad on vacation, will have to be patient until the epidemiological situation in the world normalizes.

Symptoms and test systems

To increase control over the spread of the disease, doctors have provided the public with information about the most common symptoms of coronavirus infection. These symptoms include:

  • fever
  • increased fatigue;
  • hacking cough.

Some people also report severe sore throats and diarrhea. Symptoms begin to appear only after the end of the incubation period, which can last up to two weeks. In addition, sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic.

Rospotrebnadzor instructed to prepare for a possible outbreak of coronavirus. At the same time, there are no reliable facts indicating the possibility of the start of the COID-19 epidemic on the territory of the Russian Federation. But all government departments have already begun active preparations to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Russia.

Measures developed to combat coronavirus in Russia

Despite the small number of people infected with COID-19 in Russia, Rospotrebnadzor has prepared measures against the spread of coronavirus. In order to prevent the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, the following measures will be implemented:

  • work will soon be completed on the development of a universal system for alerting the population about the current epidemiological situation in the Russian Federation;
  • a unified free hotline will be launched, where citizens can get comprehensive information about where they can get tested for coronavirus infection, as well as about measures to prevent infection;
  • development of a special algorithm for paying sick leave to people with coronavirus;
  • accelerating the process of adopting a legislative project to start selling certain medicines without a prescription;
  • a special fund will be formed from which cash bonuses will be paid to doctors involved in the fight against coronavirus;
  • a process of continuous monitoring of the current state of the economic and social situation within the country will begin to prevent the possibility of an increase in panic and a drop in the standard of living of citizens in the event of quarantine measures being introduced;
  • airline companies will be able to receive deferrals on tax payments;
  • a green corridor will be launched at customs to allow essential goods to enter the country, which will provide the population with everything they need, even despite the massive buying of certain groups of goods against the backdrop of emerging panic;
  • the government will introduce special programs for preferential lending to representatives of medium and small businesses to stimulate the economy and minimize the possibility of a fall in key economic indicators;
  • Almost all borders for the entry of foreign citizens into the territory of the Russian Federation will be blocked.

Rospotrebnadzor has also developed other measures to combat coronavirus that can minimize the possibility of an outbreak within the country.  

Rospotrebnadzor recommendations for the prevention of a new virus

Rospotrebnadzor also provided comprehensive information on the prevention of infection with COID-19.

Prevention of coronavirus in humans involves following the following recommendations:

  • crowded places, as well as various public events should be avoided;
  • avoid public transport and try to use medical masks when going to the store;
  • keep your distance when communicating with people and try to wash your hands more often, as well as use special antiseptics to disinfect the skin of your hands;
  • try to get enough sleep, eat well and take vitamin and mineral complexes, which will help improve immunity;
  • meat and seafood should be consumed only after careful heat treatment.

Follow these simple guidelines to help you avoid getting infected with COID-19.

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