Can a tourist travel to China now?

The State Committee for Supervision of the People's Republic of China reported on March 19 that no cases of infection within the country had been recorded over the past day. This indicates the stabilization of the situation in the country.

Is it possible to go to China now?

Chinese officials report that there have been recent cases of infection in people who have traveled to the country. Over the past two months, Rospotrebnadzor has checked 4.5 million people at the border. During this time, 400 patients with coronavirus were detected. From the resorts of China continue to export tourists who are citizens of the Russian Federation. Aeroflot may operate additional flights to take people out of the country. The situation in China today with the virus for tourists is very difficult, since the border is closed.

 What other countries are closed to tourists?

The tourist portal Tourist has identified countries closed to tourists due to the coronavirus. It is forbidden to visit:

  • Libya;
  • Israel;
  • Morocco;
  • Australia;
  • Egypt;
  • New Zealand;
  • Canada.

Kazakhstan, Moldova, Ecuador are closed for Russian tourists. At the moment, they will not be able to rest in Uzbekistan, Chile, the United Arab Emirates. Russian tourists will not enter the territory of Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan, Argentina, Mongolia.

Colombia, the United States of America, South Africa, Venezuela have partially closed entry. These countries include Oman, Uruguay, Russia, China, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, etc.

Where to go on vacation: safe places

Many travel companies offer people who have vouchers to closed countries to relax in Georgia, Iraq, Switzerland, Iran, Syria, Bosnia. Betan, Herzegovina, Bangladesh, Albania remain open to tourists. There is an opportunity to visit Great Britain, Paraguay, Greenland, Belarus, Brazil, Iceland. African countries remain open to tourists.

Despite the fact that in all of the above countries there were isolated cases of coronavirus or none at all, Rospotrebnadzor recommends that its citizens stay at home.

How to protect yourself from coronavirus as a tourist?

In order to avoid infection, it is recommended that tourists from the Russian Federation follow certain rules. When planning trips abroad, you need to find out about the epidemiological situation in the country. To do this, use information from the websites of the Ministry of Health or Rospotrebnavdzor. During the trip, visiting seafood and animal markets should be avoided.

If a person has symptoms of an acute respiratory disease, then it is better not to contact him. It is recommended to use only thermally processed food and bottled water. Medical masks will help tourists protect themselves from coronavirus. Visiting zoos and cultural events where animals are present is prohibited.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating and after attending public events. If the first signs of an acute respiratory viral infection appear, then you need to seek help from a medical institution. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. When coughing and sneezing, it is recommended to cover your mouth with your elbow. After arriving in the Russian Federation, you need to inform the medical institution about this. Authorities recommend self-isolating for 14 days.

 Reviews of Russians who are in China now

The People's Republic of China today has a large number of citizens who live and work there. They say that life in the country is slowly getting better, and new cases of infection in the country are not recorded for several days. Most Russian citizens who work in large firms and industries speak in their reviews about their opening.

Our compatriots say that China is ready for the second wave of the epidemic. They say that with the first outbreak of coronavirus, it is difficult to find medical masks in a pharmacy, soap. At the moment, the situation has improved and they are available for sale in sufficient quantities. The Russians claim that the People's Republic of China is constantly monitoring the incidence. Upon arrival at work, the medical worker of the enterprise measures the body temperature of everyone. Employees of the company must wear medical masks and adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

Residents and guests of China wear masks on the streets. Some tensions have remained since the outbreak of the pandemic. People are afraid to gather in groups. Public transport has been launched in most regions of the country.

The coronavirus outbreak in China is slowly subsiding. But, the country has not opened its borders to tourists and air traffic between China and Russia has not been resumed.

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