How Armavir lives under quarantine

According to official information, the Chinese coronavirus epidemic, which began at the end of 2019, has penetrated 200 countries. She continues to expand the zone of destruction. Not so long ago, the virus entered the Kuban. As of April 14, 2020, 215 cases of infection were recorded, 40 recovered and 3 deaths. Most cases were recorded in Krasnodar and Sochi. What is the situation with coronavirus in Armavir, we will tell below.

Are there any cases of coronavirus infection in Armavir

At the moment, coronavirus is not developing in Armavir. No cases of infection have been recorded. Every precaution has been taken in the city. On the territory of the infectious diseases hospital, six people are being observed who are suspected of having coronavirus. According to the deputy chief physician of the hospital, the patients were tested, it showed a negative result.

They feel fine. Mostly people over 40 are infected. Among the infected is a 10-year-old child. Patients of the infectious department arrived from abroad. They are isolated from other people. The doctors who treat them are taking all precautions. Patients with pneumonia are in a separate building, in closed boxes from other people.

Doctors of the department, based on the results of this case, recommend people with chronic diseases not to walk, not to travel by transport, to postpone scheduled visits to doctors. Fulfill medical prescriptions to treat chronic diseases. During street walks to the store and pharmacy, it is advised to keep a two-meter distance from other people. If you have a fever, cough and shortness of breath, do not go to clinics on your own, but call doctors at home.

Quarantine and sanitary protection measures in the city

In the city of Armavir, disinfection measures are being taken at the transport hub. Special processing of premises, tableware and inventory is being done in public catering centers. Enhanced control is being carried out at 14 checkpoints across the border area. Check arriving passengers, cargo. Medical institutions, state and municipal authorities, life support enterprises, bodies responsible for law and order in Armavir are operating.

They issue special work passes for those who work in industries with a continuous cycle of work. The city administration is closing:

  • public spaces,
  • central markets,
  • sports, playgrounds of parks to reduce the risk of infection.

At the moment, all places are closed to prevent mass gatherings and not to confirm cases of coronavirus infection in Armavir. The work of kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums, higher educational institutions has been suspended.

On behalf of the head of the city, municipal services are engaged in sanitary treatment of streets. The disinfectant solution is designed to neutralize the effect of the virus. They process not only streets, but also hospitals, industrial premises, housing complexes.

Note! To comply with quarantine, sanitary protection measures, administrative responsibility has been introduced in the city. According to the amendments to Federal Law No. 99, persons who violate the order will have to pay from 15 to 500 thousand rubles. Legal entities run the risk of being ordered to close the enterprise for 3 months if they violate these regulations. It also provides for punishment in the form of prison and a fine of up to 5 million rubles for persons whose actions resulted in mass infection of people.

Is it possible to get tested for coronavirus in Armavir

You can take a coronavirus test in Armavir if you have an acute respiratory infection and the main symptoms of pneumonia from covid-19. The main list of symptoms includes weakness with fatigue, shortness of breath, high fever, dry cough and sore throat.

You can do the test only within the walls of the state infectious diseases medical institution. From Armavir he goes to Moscow, and after studying he goes back to the city. There are currently no paid places where you can be diagnosed for the presence of the virus in Armavir and Krasnodar. It is planned to create paid institutions in case of deterioration of the situation in the city and the region.

As a result, as of April 14, 2020, there are no infections or deaths in Armavir. Since the city is located in the Krasnodar Territory, which is in 6th place in the statistics for Russia, Armavir residents are advised to comply with the established quarantine, sanitary protective measures, stay at home and try not to go outside. To date, you can get tested for coronavirus free of charge if you have symptoms of an acute respiratory disease.  

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