The situation in Pyatigorsk in connection with the coronavirus

Now all the inhabitants of Russia are in a difficult situation. And not only the inhabitants of Russia, but the whole world. The new Covid-19 virus has left no one behind. In order to stop this pandemic, you need to follow all the requirements of the safety rules:

  • Observe the self-isolation regime.
  • Wash your hands frequently.
  • Handle personal belongings and so on.

Is there a coronavirus in Pyatigorsk?

The population of Pyatigorsk wants to know if their city is infected with the coronavirus. But, regardless of whether there is this virus in the city, you should adhere to the requirements of safety rules. After all, the number of sick people is growing every day and absolutely any city is not protected from such an attack.

Pyatigorsk is part of the Stavropol Territory. Therefore, the data will be considered both in Pyatigorsk itself and throughout the region! Do not confuse the indicators in Pyatigorsk with the indicators in the Stavropol Territory.

How are things with the coronavirus in Pyatigorsk?

In April, the city of Pyatigorsk was among the leaders of the Stavropol Territory in terms of the number of cases of coronavirus infection. He even overtook the regional capital, where the number of inhabitants is almost 3 times greater. The governor claims that quarantine had to be introduced due to the fact that there were patients with Covid-19 in the city who were infected by no one knows who.

Later it turned out that the cause of the infection was a wedding, which was attended by 130 guests from Pyatigorsk and other parts of the region. All of them were found and tested for the disease. As of April 3, 2020, the total number of people infected with coronavirus in the Stavropol Territory amounted to 731 people. The death toll as of May 3, 2020 was 15 people. The governor of Stavropol, Vladimir Vladimirovich, spoke about the difficult situation in Pyatigorsk. He said that some of the sick people fail to establish the sources of infection. The city authorities also explained the rules for issuing passes for the opportunity to get out of the city or region.

As of May 3, 2020, the number of infected people in Pyatigorsk is 0 people! This, of course, pleases.

How long will quarantine last in schools and universities in Pyatigorsk?

Quarantine in Pyatigorsk was announced on April 17, 2020 in order to protect residents and reduce the spread of coronavirus. This was demanded by the authorities of Stavropol and Rospotrebnadzor.

Now in Pyatigorsk prohibited:

  1. Exits and entrances to the city for all vehicles, in addition to vehicles of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, law enforcement agencies and other important units. Also, entry and exit is allowed for private cars with a special pass.
  2. Carrying out mass enterprises.
  3. Visits to educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities, and so on).
  4. Visits by people to religious organizations.
  5. The work of all medical organizations, except for emergency care.
  6. The activity of all industries, in addition to being critical for the life of the city.
  7. Trade at objects with a large crowd of people (markets, fairs, shopping centers).

Quarantine in Pyatigorsk schools was introduced in order to protect schoolchildren from infection and stop its spread. Universities have not been spared either. Quarantine has been announced in the universities of Pyatigorsk. Now students are forced to study remotely. Previously, as throughout Russia, quarantine is extended until May 11, 2020, but the situation is changing every day and therefore you need to be prepared for anything.

Where to get tested for coronavirus in Pyatigorsk?

At the moment, absolutely everyone can take a coronavirus test in Pyatigorsk! Mandatory testing must pass:

  • Citizens who have recently returned from abroad with symptoms of respiratory diseases.
  • Patients diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia.
  • People who have been in contact with someone infected with the coronavirus.
  • Persons over 65 years of age who complain of signs of the disease.
  • Health workers, in case of symptoms of pneumonia.

Anyone can get tested for coronavirus, but for a fee. This can be done both in private laboratories and in the Center for Molecular Diagnostics of Rospotrebnadzor. The price of the study is from 800 rubles. up to 1400 rub. To determine the RNA of the Covid-19 virus using PCR technology, a swab from the throat or nasal cavity is used.

In this article, you learned how the coronavirus affected Pyatigorsk. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to follow the instructions of the authorities and comply with all safety requirements. If, however, you find yourself with any symptoms of an infection, then immediately call the doctor and call him at home!

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