Where to get tested for coronavirus in Yaroslavl

In March 2020, a virus called COVID-19 began to spread around the world. In some cases, it causes the development of bilateral pneumonia, which is difficult to treat. In Europe, there are no countries left that the coronavirus could not penetrate. All states have closed their borders as a security measure, but more and more cases of the virus are being detected every day. In mid-March 2020, the coronavirus began to spread actively in Russia and was able to reach many cities. Residents of Yaroslavl daily monitor the statistics in their grief and around the world. The main question remains on the agenda: “Where to take a test for coronavirus in Yaroslavl?”.

How is coronavirus diagnosed?

Timely diagnosis of coronavirus in Yaroslavl will help to identify the virus at an early stage and not aggravate the situation throughout the city. Diagnostics begins immediately after the arrival of the biomaterial for testing. For reliable results, the correct mode of transport must be observed. After taking a smear, it is placed in a medical refrigerator with a temperature not exceeding +4 degrees and transported to the laboratory within 72 hours.

Only under these conditions can a reliable result be obtained. An analysis for coronavirus in Yaroslavl is carried out by the polymer chain reaction method, which gives the most accurate result in comparison with express tests. Scientists have deciphered the genotype of the disease, so these tests can detect antibodies in the human body to a viral infection.

Scientists have developed express tests that can reveal indirect signs of the virus. Biomaterials for such tests are capillary or venous blood. In the case of diagnostics by the chain reaction method, errors are practically excluded. Immediately after the material is delivered to the laboratory, doctors detect the presence of antibodies to the COVID-19 genotype. This test is carried out from 5 hours to several days.

What biomaterial is needed

For diagnostics by the polymer chain reaction method, biomaterial from the upper respiratory tract is used. The health worker takes a swab from the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, then places it in a sterile container and delivers it to the laboratory. This procedure is not very pleasant, but it allows you to reliably find out about the presence of a virus in the body. To conduct a rapid test, blood is taken from a vein, which allows you to identify indirect signs of the presence of the virus.

How many times are tests repeated?

It all depends on the specific situation. If a person comes from other countries that are unfavorable for coronavirus, they immediately take a test for the presence of antibodies to coronavirus and send them to isolation mode. Tests are taken on days 7 and 10. In the case of three negative results, it can be said with almost 100% guarantee that the person does not have the virus in the body. For patients who were not at risk, one test for COVID-19 is performed. Examinations can take place until the doctors are confident in the complete recovery of the patient. After a positive result, you need to get two negative ones with a weekly interval. When a patient has lost all signs of coronavirus and the test showed a negative result twice, he is considered recovered.

Is there a coronavirus test system in the city.

The test system gives the most accurate result compared to express tests.

At the end of March 2020, two cases of coronavirus infection were officially confirmed in Yaroslavl.

The city is testing with rapid tests that allow indirect signs to be detected. In the case of a positive result, another biomaterial is taken from the patient, then it is sent for verification by the test system.

 On March 28, 2020, scientists have developed a test system that they plan to send to all cities of Russia to receive results. It allows you to detect the presence of antibodies to coronavirus in just 90 minutes.

 Rospotrebnadzor says such tests are highly sensitive and can detect the virus at an early stage. More than 800 coronavirus tests have been conducted in the Yaroslavl region. Only two samples were positive, the rest have a negative result. Yaroslavl medical institutions are actively purchasing tests that will help detect the presence of antibodies to the virus in order to prevent a mass pandemic.

Systems for testing: who can count on a free test

Not all citizens of Yaroslavl will be able to pass free testing for coronavirus. The analysis will be handed over only to citizens who are at high risk:

  • Citizens who have recently returned from other countries.
  • Citizens who have been in contact with infected people or people who have arrived from other countries.
  • People who have high body temperature and difficulty breathing.
  • Medical workers who are at risk.

For these categories of citizens, a primary queue for passing tests is provided. Even if the patient has arrived from other countries and feels healthy, he must undergo a two-week isolation regime and receive two negative tests for coronavirus. In 15% of infected people, asymptomatic development of coronavirus is observed. No need to go and take the test for all citizens of Yaroslavl, if they were not at risk. All over the world, they are actively engaged in the production of test systems that allow the detection of coronavirus infection.

Mass testing of citizens takes place in cities with numerous cases of infection. Only 2 cases were detected in Yaroslavl. Citizens with a confirmed infection are isolated from the rest and are under daily medical supervision. All citizens arriving from other countries are in isolation. If a person does not have symptoms and is not at risk, it is enough to simply follow precautions to prevent coronavirus.

Where to go to get tested for coronavirus

For all questions about the coronavirus, you can contact the Yaroslavl hotline 8 (4852) 40-04-55.

Anyone can call there. Operators will provide reliable information and answer all questions. Citizens who are at risk will be able to call a team of doctors to their homes. She will take the biomaterial and determine the further place of the patient's stay. The biomaterial is delivered to the laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of Yaroslavl. You can not independently visit hospitals and other medical institutions for testing. This can lead to the spread of the virus and aggravate the situation as a whole. Citizens who are at risk can get the right to take the test for free.

Private laboratories: price, addresses, telephones.

As of the end of March 2020, it is possible to take a coronavirus test in Yaroslavl only with a referral from a doctor in public hospitals.

The Invitro laboratory is engaged in the purchase of express tests for testing for coronavirus. In large cities of Russia, it is planned to begin testing citizens at the end of April. The cost of diagnostics is kept secret. According to the latest information, the cost of the procedure will not exceed 10 thousand rubles. For diagnostics, three patients will be sent to the medical center, who must keep a distance of one meter from each other.

Addresses of clinics, phone number and working hours

For all branches of Invitro there is a single telephone number 8 (800) 200-36-30.

  • Leningradsky prospect 54 k.2. Opening hours Mon-Fri from 7.30 to 20.00. Saturday from 7.30-18.00. Sunday 9.00-15.00
  • Etc. Machine builders 5/2. Opening hours Mon-Fri from 7.30 to 20.00. Saturday from 7.30-18.00. Sunday 9.00-15.00
  • Prospekt Lenina 20/53. 1st floor Opening hours Mon-Fri from 7.30 to 20.00. Saturday from 7.30-18.00. Sunday 9.00-15.00
  • Moskovsky prospect 139b. Opening hours Mon-Fri from 7.30 to 20.00. Saturday from 7.30-18.00. Sunday 9.00-15.00

The Invitro laboratory is only planning to conduct tests for coronavirus. At the end of March 2020, private clinics do not conduct tests to detect COVID-19.

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