The situation in Petrozavodsk in connection with the coronavirus

The coronavirus is taking a heavy toll on the lives of people all over the world. The epidemic has not bypassed the Russian Federation. The disease is spreading throughout the country. Karelia is no exception.

How many patients with coronavirus are in Petrozavodsk?

On February 1, a Chinese student who studied at the Petrozavodsk laboratory was hospitalized with suspected coronavirus. After that, it was announced that hostel 2 was closed for quarantine. As a result of the tests, the disease was not confirmed in him.

Three residents of the Republic were suspected of coronavirus in Petrozavodsk on March 4. All of them were under medical supervision. It was found that all patients arrived from epidemiologically disadvantaged countries. The Ministry of Health of the Republic decided to place all tourists in the region on self-isolation.

On March 11, the Prime Minister of the Republic A. Chepik officially confirmed that no cases of coronavirus infection were registered in Petrozavodsk. On March 14, the republican hospital reported that 8 residents of the region who are suspected of having coronavirus are under medical supervision. On this day, quarantine was introduced in Petrozavodsk in a medical institution, so it was forbidden to visit patients.

On March 20, 31 people are in the infectious diseases hospital with suspected illness. They took a test from a resident of the region, which showed a conditionally positive result. On March 21, a girl from the Republic had the same test result.

On March 25, the regional authorities decided that swimming pools, fitness centers, children's playrooms, theaters, cinemas, discos, water parks and other leisure centers should suspend their work. On March 29, another girl tested positive conditionally.

On April 1, two more conditionally positive test results were recorded. During this period, a general quarantine began to operate in the region. People over 60 are not allowed to go outside. Starting from the 3rd, public transport stops are treated with disinfectants. On April 5, two cases of the disease were confirmed in Petrozavodsk. As of April 10, the number of cases has not increased.

Which schools in Petrozavodsk are quarantined?

To prevent the spread of coronavirus in Petrozavodsk, the school administration on March 13 asked parents and students not to leave the territory of Karelia during the spring break. If a person leaves the region, then upon his return he must be quarantined for 2 weeks.

On March 16, free attendance at schools and kindergartens was introduced in Petrozavodsk, so the decision to visit these institutions was made only by parents. Quarantine in the schools of Petrozavodsk began on March 18. The authorities said it was spring break, which would last until April 6th. Students of secondary vocational institutions were transferred to distance learning.

At the end of the spring break, all school students were transferred to distance learning.

When will quarantine end in Petrozavodsk?

Local authorities cannot give an exact answer to the question of when quarantine will end in Petrozavodsk. As of April 10, it is known that it will last until April 30. The Republic strictly adheres to the rules of quarantine, and also observe the decrees of the President. Therefore, local authorities are waiting from Moscow.

 Where to take a test for COVID-19 in Petrozavodsk?

On March 29, local authorities announced that three additional laboratories in Petrozavodsk would test for coronavirus. You do not need to visit them on your own, as the laboratories do not accept patients. Not everyone can pass the test. It is only available to people who are suspected of having coronavirus.

If a patient has symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection, then he is eligible for a test. Also, tests are shown to people who have been in contact with a person with coronavirus for 2 weeks. If a citizen of the Republic stayed in countries that have an unfavorable epidemiological situation, then an analysis is shown to him.

For the test, it is necessary to take a swab from the oral or nasal cavity of the patient. Material sampling is carried out only by a medical worker. If symptoms of coronavirus appear on your own, it is not recommended to visit the medical center, as there is a risk of infecting other people. In this case, you need to call a doctor at home at number 112.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Natalya Kotovich, reports that private laboratories will conduct a coronavirus test in the region due to their lack of a license. In these institutions, you can only take tests for a fee. Experts say that testing should be done only if there are risks of infection - contacts with the patient or preliminary trips abroad. After returning from other states, a person must be in self-isolation for 2 weeks. The biomaterial for analysis is taken to isolation 10. With symptoms, testing is carried out when contacting a doctor.

Coronavirus hotline in Petrozavodsk

On March 9, a coronavirus hotline was opened in Petrozavodsk. If you have questions about the symptoms and prevention of the disease, it is recommended to call 8 800 201 06 57. It is recommended to call the hotline for people who have arrived from abroad. They must provide their details, phone number, address, and also name the country in which they were staying. Such residents of the republic must comply with the self-isolation regime for 2 weeks without fail.

On March 17, the Ministry of Health of the Republic tripled the number of hotline numbers. Assistance in receiving calls to specialists will be provided by medical students. Calls are answered by highly qualified specialists who have previously undergone special training.

Despite the fact that the coronavirus is not actively spreading in Petrozavodsk, strict preventive measures are being applied here.

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