The epidemic has reached Russia: is there a coronavirus in Primorye?

Not so long ago, the coronavirus broke out only in China, and few suspected that the epidemic could reach Russia in such a short time. However, to date, cases of infection have been registered in most of the subjects, as a result of which additional security measures have been introduced. In Primorsky Krai, coronavirus was recorded relatively recently. Further in the article it is considered how critical the situation in this region is.

How many people are infected with coronavirus in Primorsky Krai

So far, 8 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Primorye. This statement was made by Governor Oleg Kozhemyako at the last meeting on April 6. One of the women who was diagnosed with the infection was already being examined at the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2. According to official figures, she returned from a vacation she spent abroad with flu-like symptoms. For this reason, the sick woman was promptly placed under the control of doctors in a medical observatory.

A woman arrived from Mexico, where at that time there was a surge in the disease associated with the spread of COVID-19. At the moment, doctors assess her health as moderate.

In general, according to Anastasia Khudchenko, Deputy Chairman of the Primorsky Territory, 41 people with suspected coronavirus in Primorye are under medical supervision. Data provided as of April 6th. At the same time, 5 of them received confirmation of the disease, and three are still under suspicion. The status of the latter is due to the fact that the infection test turned out to be positive, but to confirm the information, the analysis was sent to the Novosibirsk Virological Center. If it turns out that the tests are negative, then they will be removed from further examination and other causes of the disease will be looked for.

Protective Measures and Testing Items

Even before the spread of coronavirus infection in the region, the government identified a number of measures to help prevent the spread of the disease. Additional disinfection of public places was organized, testing points were created, and transport for medical teams was organized. However, after March 24, due to the spread of the virus to other regions, preventive measures were strengthened.

Now, according to information from the curator of health care, residents, as well as volunteers from the Pacific Medical University, have started work. They work at the Center for Medical Disasters, and also answer calls on the "hot line". All other volunteers were sent to regional hospitals, where, together with experienced doctors, they examine and receive patients.

Another preventive measure was the organization of the movement of mobile medical teams. It is predicted that additional cars may be required - already at the moment there are not enough 25 cars in Vladivostok. To fill this need, the governor ordered to allocate transport from the reserves of the Government and administrations. In addition, additional support measures have been introduced for drivers of such cars. They are given an allowance, and after work they will be sent to quarantine. Cars will be additionally disinfected.

The search group is another measure that will allow timely identification of the sick, as well as those who have been in contact with them. These groups include employees of the police, the MFC and Rospotrebnadzor.

Quarantine in Primorye due to coronavirus was introduced in the same way as in other regions of the country, including Akhtarsk. On flights, some measures have also been strengthened. Upon arrival in the city, a questionnaire was organized for all arrivals, which was previously reported by the aircraft crew. One of the main points of the questionnaire will be the question of whether the citizen has visited foreign countries in the last 14 days. Also, in addition to the self-isolation regime, disinfection is carried out at public facilities and attractions using special means, as well as air disinfection with quartz and bactericidal installations.

What are the symptoms of sick people from Primorye

According to the analysis of patients who have confirmed coronavirus infection, the symptoms they experienced are similar to SARS and influenza. Doctors strongly advise immediately contacting the clinic if citizens have found this symptom:

  • Heat;
  • The appearance of shortness of breath and difficulty breathing;
  • Coughing, sneezing, or nasal congestion as if you had a cold;
  • Pain in the chest or muscles;
  • General weakness of the body and headache;
  • Nausea or diarrhea.

However, the disease in some patients can pass without any symptoms, however, they may be carriers of this virus. That is why doctors advise you to go to a medical center for an examination if a person has been in contact with a coronavirus patient, and also if he has returned from abroad where the epidemic is going on, and also if he feels the first mild symptoms of the disease (cough, shortness of breath, sneezing).

The spread of coronavirus infection in Primorye cannot be called critical, but the first confirmed cases are a dangerous “bell”. In the future, measures for the prevention and treatment of patients will be strengthened, if necessary, at the request of the Governor and the Minister of Health.

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