The situation in Syktyvkar in connection with the coronavirus

The coronavirus was first detected in China at the end of 2019. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact and spreads rapidly. The situation in Syktyvkar confirms this fact.

 Are there any patients with coronavirus in Syktyvkar?

On March 16, the media reported that there was the first case of coronavirus infection. The ill resident of the city was previously in Iran. The Head of the Republic, S. Gaplikov, introduced a high alert regime. Despite the fact that a circle of contact persons was established, the city failed to protect itself from the spread of infection.

On March 30, 15 new cases were officially confirmed, and on April 1, 2020 - 32. In early April, information appeared that the number of cases had increased to 54. The hospital of the Ezhvinsky district of Syktyvkar became the focus of the infection. Therefore, all patients and medical workers were tested for coronavirus. Most of them gave positive results.

Patients with coronavirus in Syktyvkar are being treated at the infectious diseases hospital. According to unofficial data, a 61-year-old woman who worked as a supply manager at the Ezhvin hospital died from the coronavirus.

Where to get tested for coronavirus in Syktyvkar?

  • The Ministry of Health of the region spoke about how the coronavirus test is carried out in Syktyvkar. It is impossible to independently test for the disease in the Republic. An examination for coronavirus is prescribed to a person by medical professionals if he is at risk:
  • The person had close contact with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus patients for 2 weeks.
  • A citizen of the Russian Federation stayed in countries that have an epidemiological situation unfavorable for coronavirus.
  • The citizen has been in contact for 2 weeks with a person who is under observation.
  • The person has symptoms of an acute respiratory viral illness.

If a person is at risk, then he is forbidden to visit the medical center on his own, as there is a risk of infecting strangers. If you suspect a coronavirus, it is recommended to call a doctor at home. After the examination and history taking, the medical officer will take the biomaterial. The sample is being examined at one of the regional Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology. Private clinics do not test for coronavirus due to the lack of permits.

What is happening in the city now?

Those infected with the coronavirus in Syktyvkar remain in the Evzhinsk hospital, which has become a hotbed of infection. It works in observer mode. It is forbidden to enter and leave the building of the medical facility. The timber processing plant, which is located near the hospital, has reduced the number of shifts and working people.

On March 31, Sergei Gaplikov introduced a self-isolation regime for all residents of the region. A police car drives through the streets of the city, from which they report about the danger of the coronavirus. All shops and catering establishments in the Maxi shopping center are closed. On April 1, a hospital for those infected with coronavirus was opened on the basis of the oncology dispensary.

Before April 1, people in the region did not receive social assistance at all in the form of cash payments and food, medicines. On April 1, S. Gaplikov left the post of head of his own free will. As of April 10, the situation in the region has not changed.

From March 28 to April 5, the city declared a non-working week. During this period, all transport operates on a weekend basis. Medical workers are fully provided with masks, gloves and protective suits in order to limit the possibility of their infection with the coronavirus.

Schools in the region were on spring break until April 3. Upon graduation, distance learning was introduced. Kindergartens are closed for quarantine. Here, duty groups were organized for children whose parents work in organizations to combat coronavirus. Violations of quarantine rules threaten residents of Syktyvkar with administrative responsibility and a fine. The coronavirus in Syktyvkar has spread rapidly in a medical facility, so local authorities have adopted strict quarantine methods to prevent its spread.

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