The situation with coronavirus in Astrakhan today: what to do and where to go?

A few days ago, Astrakhan officially confirmed the first case of infection with an infection that reached us from China. Let's find out how things are in the city now, and what the local authorities are doing in connection with the current situation.

How many people are infected with the coronavirus in Astrakhan

In mid-March, an Iranian ship arrived in the Astrakhan region. One person on the ship showed signs of SARS. He was taken by boat and hospitalized. The ship was not allowed to moor. The rising panic among the residents was dispelled by A. Vasiliev, who introduced the Ministry of Health of the region. He stated that no infection was detected, and preventive measures were taken.

Coronavirus in Astrakhan was discovered only recently. Residents until the last moment hoped that the infection would not reach the region.

The diagnosis of COVID-19 was found in a man who returned from a trip abroad (Turkey). He was immediately ordered to observe the regime of self-isolation. The health of the traveler was also monitored by doctors.

On March 26, the results came from the Novosibirsk center confirming the dangerous diagnosis.

Thus, in Astrakhan there are patients with coronavirus. Moreover, their number may increase. More than five thousand residents of the region are under the supervision of doctors. More than a thousand people have already been examined.

Relatives and friends with whom the infected person came into contact are isolated. They also took samples of biomaterials for research.

Important! New cases of coronavirus infection in Astrakhan have not yet been identified. But all residents of the village, where the hospitalized patient with COVID-19 lived, are under suspicion and are being examined.

The situation in the city

On March 27, the governor of the region addressed the residents. The situation with coronavirus in Astrakhan required urgent preventive measures. Moreover, the week off declared by the President could become a new threat of the spread of infection.

To avoid this, I. Babushkin called on all Astrakhan residents and residents of the region to self-isolate. He repeated Putin's words and said that these days it is better to stay at home.

To avoid the temptation to have fun, the measures taken will help. So, in the city will be closed:

  • night clubs and discos;
  • saunas and fitness rooms;
  • shopping centers;
  • hairdressers and beauty salons.

Recall that even earlier, the local synagogue switched to quarantine mode, and the registry office announced marriages without the presence of guests.

The heads of medical institutions made an announcement about the observance of the quarantine regime: preventive examinations, medical examinations are suspended, visits to patients are prohibited.

Schoolchildren and students are sent on vacation. According to the presidential decree, the holidays are extended until April 12th.

Residents are trying not to panic, but fake news is penetrating social media.

Important! Recently, a law has been passed in the Russian Federation, according to which those who spread false information about the epidemic and coronavirus will be held accountable. The same applies to those citizens who deliberately infect others.

The threat of the spread of the coronavirus obliged residents to take the situation responsibly. Elderly people were advised not to leave the house. An organized volunteer service distributes necessary food and medicines to the residences of those who need help.

All vehicles are regularly treated with special solutions, and drivers and conductors go to work only in protective masks.

By the way, there was a problem with their acquisition in the city. But there is a shortage of protective equipment across the country. The administration stated that these are temporary difficulties, the situation will be corrected soon. In the meantime, residents are solving the problem on their own and sewing masks at home.

 Where to get tested for coronavirus in Astrakhan

The epidemic that broke out in the world served as a pretext for heated discussions. In particular, the population of the Astrakhan region is concerned about where to get tested for coronavirus.

Express tests have been delivered to all Russian regions. It will be possible to be examined in the local infectious diseases hospital. But not everyone can take the test.

People with a referral from a doctor can get tested. As a rule, the following are sent for analysis:

  1. Residents with symptoms of coronavirus.
  2. Citizens with suspected coronavirus, which they could have contracted as a result of contacts.
  3. Tourists returning from overseas trips.

Important! The result obtained is considered preliminary. If the test turned out to be positive, a more thorough examination is carried out, and biomaterial samples are sent to the Vector hygiene and virology center.

Not so long ago, a decree was issued allowing testing for the detection of infection in private laboratories and clinics. But institutions must have an agreement with the Vector center. There are currently no such organizations in the city.

Coronavirus hotline in Astrakhan

Telephone hotlines are open throughout the country. You can call here if you have questions about a new disease.

The authorities also order citizens who have traveled abroad to contact the indicated numbers.

Specialists answer questions and give recommendations to residents who apply for each specific case. You can call by phone:

  • +7 (8512) 33-18-18;
  • +7 (8512) 33-07-81;
  • +7 (8512) 33-64-66.

 Also, the city has set up an operational headquarters to combat the infection. You can contact here by number: 8 (800) 200-01-12.

We remind you that the Unified Counseling Center for Coronavirus (Rospotrebnadzor) is working. You can also contact the specialists by calling the number: 8 (800) 555-49-43. Be vigilant and observe the quarantine regime. This is the only way to stop the spread of infection.

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