New case of Chinese virus infection in Tyumen

The second case of infection with the new Chinese virus COVID-19 was detected in Tyumen. The carrier of the infection was a middle-aged man who returned to Tyumen from Switzerland. To date, this is the second recorded case of coronavirus infection in the Tyumen region.

Are there infected and dead from coronavirus in Tyumen

According to the operational headquarters, as of March 16, 2020, a second case of coronavirus infection was recorded in Tyumen. The carrier of the new Chinese virus was a middle-aged man who visited Switzerland and the Caribbean, where an epidemic has now been declared.

Upon returning to Tyumen, the man was tested for coronavirus infection, and the results of the analysis were positive. The diagnosis was confirmed in the scientific center "Vector", located in Novosibirsk. The patient was immediately placed in an isolated box of the regional hospital, where he is now. The patient's condition is currently satisfactory. All family members of the sick man were tested for COVID-19, none of them had the virus.

We remind you that the first case of coronavirus infection in Tyumen was also imported - on January 28, doctors recorded COVID-19 infection in a student from China, who successfully overcame the infection.

How the discovered coronavirus changed life in Tyumen

In Tyumen, measures have been taken to prevent the spread of the new Chinese virus, as well as influenza and SARS. To this end, from March 17, students of higher educational institutions are transferred to distance learning. At Tyumen State University, the order on the "remote control" was issued on March 16.

Due to the spread of COVID-19, the First Urban Planning Forum scheduled for March 17 is cancelled. It will be rescheduled for another date after the situation with the virus becomes clearer.

Among other changes related to the epidemiological situation, the introduction of temporary restrictions on the Russian-Kazakh border should be noted. To date, the pass on internal passports and birth certificates has been suspended here.

According to additional measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the Tyumen region, all arriving from China, Iran, Italy and other epidemiologically unsafe countries will undergo a mandatory laboratory examination. In addition, people returning from these countries will be placed in a two-week quarantine. All institutions and organizations where there is a mass stay of people were instructed to strengthen control over the disinfection of premises.

What is now with the infected girl

January 28, 2020 is the date when the Chinese virus first appeared in Tyumen. The infection was brought by a student from China, in whom doctors found fever and signs of acute respiratory infections. The girl was urgently hospitalized and placed in a separate box of the infectious diseases hospital.

The patient received appropriate treatment and after some time, when the test result for coronavirus was negative, she was discharged from the hospital with flowers and balloons. It is known that the student suffered the disease in a mild clinical form. To date, she feels great, she does not have any consequences of the infection.

How to protect yourself from coronavirus in Tyumen

To date, two cases of infection with a new Chinese virus are known in the Tyumen region. The first patient was cured in early February, the second infected is currently in the hospital in a completely isolated box.

Residents of the region are being urged not to panic, as the situation with the coronavirus in Tyumen is under control. However, this does not mean that Tyumen residents can ignore measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus, influenza and other infectious diseases. Among the necessary preventive measures should be noted:

  • Compliance with personal hygiene, in particular - thorough washing of hands with soap for 20 seconds. Hands should be washed every time after returning from the street, before preparing and eating food, after contact with money and papers that other people may have touched, etc.
  • If it is not possible to wash your hands, they must be wiped with a disinfectant gel or wipes.
  • It is necessary to get rid of the habit of touching the face. You can only touch the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth with washed or disinfected hands.
  • After visiting the street, it is advisable to rinse the nose with an isotonic saline solution or special nasal drops from a pharmacy.
  • It is necessary to avoid contact with people who have signs of colds: sneezing, runny nose, fever.
  • In crowded places, disposable medical masks should be worn, changing them every 2-4 hours. It is advisable to wear glasses.
  • All rooms should be ventilated as often as possible.
  • The use of shared towels and other items in public areas is highly discouraged.
  • If possible, avoid traveling on public transport and visiting crowded places. it is better to buy food and things through delivery services, and pay bills through Internet banking.
  • If you find a fever and other signs of a cold in yourself, your relatives or friends, you should call an ambulance and report the symptoms, and then follow the recommendations of the doctors.

According to statistics as of March 16, 2020, the following were detected in the world:

— 153,963 cases of infection with the COVID-19 virus;

- 5793 people died;

– 72305 people have recovered.

Coronavirus hotline in Tyumen

You can get advice in a difficult situation for you over the phone, for this a coronavirus hotline has been created in Tyumen:

  • For people who come from another country: 8-800-234-35-22
  • For pensioners, disabled people, single mothers: 8-800-201-41-41 Helpline works without interruption around the clock. By calling for the phone number, you will find out the necessary information, for example, how the coronavirus is transmitted, what methods of protection, precautions for citizens who arrived from another country.

In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic of a dangerous virus. Despite all precautionary measures, the health of the inhabitants of almost the entire planet is under threat. Citizens are urged to be responsible, stay at home, wash hands thoroughly, disinfect. For a quick response and assistance to the vulnerable population, it is recommended to contact the numbers below.

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